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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. One thing the manual suggests is that the from address match the domain from which this script is sending it. Also - try including a space in your header following 'from: ' PS - Since mail() and many other functions return a result value (Boolean in this case) you REALLY should be checking that result before simply echoing out a success message.
  2. Has this topic been hijacked by Frank_b or are things transpiring that the rest of the forum are not privy to?
  3. Huh? What was that you said? Oh, never mind. We obviously think differently.
  4. You don't have to change any names - just continue to use the aliases you assigned to the tables in the from clause (p,i).
  5. I find your statement "I know a lot about database designs" hard to believe. One who knows such things would never use it this way. You have DATA that is now unusable except in this one circumstance. What good is that DATA to any other purpose you may in the future? It's like creating a telephone book with the phone numbers in Cyrillic characters and the names in English ones. It's only good for people who can read both and so is your highly constricted data storage plan. IMO - You don't have much of a future as a db administrator.
  6. LeJack - re-read the OP opening statement. It's pretty clear on what is taboo. As for my suggestion to use a 'text' file - a text file is just that - text. Whether it has commas, pipes, tabs or whatever in it doesn't change what it is - a poor-man's db and should only be used as a last resort.
  7. Your first reply was most accurate. That message constantly appears for every new user of this technology. Show us the code from your query statement, your query execution and your handling of the response/results. As suggested, you should (during development!!) show the results of mysqlI_error when checking if the query runs ok (you do do that ?). And of course you should NOT be using any function starting with MySQL only - that interface is deprecated which you should have noticed in the manual.
  8. Some things wrong with your code I think 1 - you can't group a query unless you have some kind of summarization going on. Perhaps you meant to 'order by'. 2 - you have the guts of your next query - you just want to figure out how to build the where clause. Why not start slow and build the input/selection form first and grab the values and validate them. That's a big part of this process - to be sure you are able to get the values and to be sure that you either scrub them properly or build prepared queries to use them in. Then you can start to work on the code to examine each input value and decide how to build the "where" clause. Keep us posted!
  9. Your first time coding php and your professor wants you to do this kind of thing with those restrictions? Interesting. What was the topic of the day when he made that assignment? In order to have a login your app has to have some 'continuity' to it and we know that the web doesn't provide that kind of conversational activity without using one of the 3 things you have been instructed not to use. Sounds like an impossible assignment to me. I suppose you could use a text file stored in a folder outside the web tree, but that is just silly from a teaching standpoint. Maybe he is teaching in 'baby steps' ? The only way I see to accomplish this lesson is to use a text file which you write a function to open it, read thru it, and look for the user-supplied credentials from your form. If found then they are logged in; if not then no. And for new registrations, you have to add the ability to add a line at the end of the file.
  10. People usually post the RELEVANT code here on the forum instead of making us read thru entire scripts. Try it!
  11. As Barand said - this is very confusing and makes no sense to an outsider. That said let me ask. How did you get the first array? Seems to be very organized and makes sense, but then you have that crazy code trying to manipulate it (I think) and you ask how to morph it into a second array structure. Why do you wish to do this? IMHO - people rely on arrays way too much. And structures this deep are just begging to be re-analyzed and avoided. Again - IMHO.
  12. This would be a terribly poor use of a database. Number 1 rule of db design is you create fields for specific and singular (?) data items, not make fields that contain "data structures' which is what you want to do. Data is simply that - data. DBs do not hold 'presentation' - they only hold values. You are trying to store data in a specific format and that makes your data virtually unusable for any other purpose. If you really need to use that data regularly in this array format, write yourself a class for it that contains the logic needed to transport your data to and from the db and the array. Of simply write a function that you can include in whatever scripts that need to access this data. Think about your array and how it is built and then design your table so that you can easily break down your array and store it and vice versa.
  13. Just guessing but here goes. Is the email sent with the proper headers for 'html email'? Does the mail client handle html emails?
  14. Turn on error checking - you have it off. Then setup your environment (if nec.) so that you can run this script manually and see those error messages on screen. They look like simple syntax/typing errors so you really need to clean them up.
  15. 1 - make sure you have php error checking on - see my signature 2 - echo out the complete query statement so you/we can see the actual query you have built.
  16. I'm guessing that you have an sql error. Date is probably a reserved word. Enclose it in back-ticks.
  17. while ($rows = $query_result->fetch_assoc()) { $v = $rows['aquaticCenterName']; $result_tb .= "<a href='reviewResults.php?aquaticCenterName=$v>$v</a><br>"; }
  18. Add the lines from my signature to the beginning of your php code and see what errors you are getting.
  19. Well QOC - if the OP had any original ideas he sure didn't convey them in his post now, did he? All he said was can somebody here help him make a site like that. My comment was meant to goad him into revealing some of his reasons for wanting to re-design the wheel.
  20. Looks way too complicated for such a simple thing. Save the value of the selected radio button. When re-building the html code for the radio button, you are using a loop, no? On each pass check what value you are building and if it matches the saved value add the 'checked=' attribute to that output; if not, don't add it it. PS - Why do you have multiple elements with the same id= setting? That is worthless.
  21. Why do YOU need to make a site like this? What's wrong with what is working already?
  22. Why did you show us two simple one dimensional arrays and ask for help with them? Your latest post shows you are using two multi-dimensional arrays so OF COURSE the solution presented didn't work. Rather silly of you to waste people's time, isn't it?
  23. Your question is the whole reason for writing scripts - to process and respond to incoming requests, whether they are Gets or Posts. This is how html and php work together and therefore you need to do a little reading on how to design an html form and tie it to a php script and how a php script reads that form (or simply grabs a get parm) and goes about doing what is required. You are at the very beginning of your learning process - time to start educating yourself.
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