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Everything posted by ober

  1. That's how I say it in my head, but sorry... no dice.
  2. Agreed... moved to misc. 1) htaccess should be easy to find info on. php.ini is pretty well documented... download and install PHP and just read through the document. httpd.conf is part of Apache. Repeat previous process. 2) yeah... already answered that. 3) don't know... don't care to dig into it right now. 4) I've bought a few books, but most of my learning has come from practice and online materials. I can't really give you a good book recommendation, but there are a few in a pinned topic in this board. 5/6) don't feel like getting into 7) I use classes for things that functions cannot handle. If you're ever going to create a page that uses a function for a lot of things, that's where a class is going to come in handy. Think of classes as very complicated functions and I think you'll start to come up with ideas. I use a class for my database functions, for a very detailed page that I use that does a lot of computation on the same thing over and over... etc. I got to the point of using classes when I was trying to create a function and I was sick of passing variables back and forth constantly. 8) Form validation can be a complete nightmare and there are plenty of ways to do it. None of them are fun to my knowledge. 9) As long as you or your server admin are keeping PHP up to date, you shouldn't really worry about this. You should definately take care to implement your own security measures in your code, however. 10) See the book listing in the pinned topic. 11) It's not removed because of backward-compatibility. I don't use eval and I don't recommend anyone using it. STFW if you want a better explanation of why it's bad. 12) Again, backwards-compatibility. You can't force the world to upgrade, especially when software has been produced by people that may not even support it anymore. 13) They were written before the switch (aka they're old). 14) empty() is also another function I avoid. There are better and more secure ways to check your data. 15) I think I probably told you that. Using isset and checking for empty variables are completely different. 16) No, PHP5 is still in it's infancy... I'm not aware of another version in the works. 17) yes. 18) You must have the Pear library installed and working. See the PEAR thread in misc if you have any questions.
  3. [a href=\"http://www.whproductions.com/images/btc.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.whproductions.com/images/btc.jpg[/a] zero contrast means there is no distinction between what is and what is not the content area. It just sort of blends into the background of the entire page.
  4. phpPrincess, Just for future reference, please use a descriptive thread title and do NOT use all CAPS. Also, whining and complaining and pushing people to do your work immediately are not ways to get your question answered. Many people here will ignore you for less than that. Take a deep breath and chill out. I'm also renaming your thread.
  5. I may have to play with this on my home server. I'm goofing around with this on a server at work right now but I'm leaving this company in 1 week so I don't want to screw up anything before I head out ;-)
  6. Honestly... it looks like a giant mess. 1) White text on a black background is extremely dark and depressing. It also adds zero contrast to the content. 2) That entire header area is a mess and looks VERY poorly designed. 3) I don't get the little "pop-out" news thing at the top. Not only is it annoying to roll over, but there's no need for something like that. You have so little content on the main page so why don't you just put it there?? And it's a complete wreck in Opera.
  7. It's very simplistic. I assume that's what you're going for. I did notice that in Opera 9 Beta 2 when you go to the "articles" page, the main frame of the site appears to be fixed and hence the content flows down over the bottom of the page (on top of the bottom border and other content further down).
  8. I like it. And I understand the front page... I don't see any harm in it. And I think it looks really good. She should be happy with it... it's well done.
  9. Ok, thanks. I'm just not sure if the webserver I'm using has internet access (it's an internal server). Although when I went through the process of installing it the other day (the included package), it did appear to download some stuff... sooo... ? I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
  10. You're reusing the same label in your new defines... try something other than "TEXT_INFORMATION".
  11. It's as simple as adding in an HTML link to whatever page you want them to click on, but remember that they must click on it or you have to run some JavaScript that will make a call to your site. But most mail clients block JavaScript so you're stuck with making them click a link, and experience tells me that most people will ignore it. And xyph is correct... you need to use headers to set the email to HTML output to have the hyperlink work. (Read the mail() entry in the manual to find out how to set that up).
  12. Pardon me because I'm probably missing something very simple... but is it going to find the quickform package on the harddrive by default... or do I have to put it in a specific place? And do I leave it zipped up or do I extract it down to the folder + package.xml file?
  13. It would help if you posted the code for the drop-down. It sounds like you're not putting any values in the options... you're just echoing the selections between the option tags. You should have: <option value="male">male</option> It sounds like you have: <option>male</option> or just <option>male
  14. Well, here's a snippet from one of my upload files... I'm running Win 2000 on IIS 5 (I WISH I had Apache): [code] $uploaddir = 'C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\Durb\\upload\\';     if(substr(basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']),-4) != '.csv')     {         echo "<p class=\"warn\">Only CSV files will be accepted as input.</p><br/>";         $showform = 1;         if(isset($_REQUEST['oil']))             $_REQUEST['uload'] = 1;     }     else     {         $tempfilename = substr(basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']),0,-4) . "-" . date("njYhis") . ".csv";         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $tempfilename;         echo "<p class=\"other\">Filename:  " . $_FILES['userfile']['name'] . "</p>";         echo "<p class=\"other\">Temporary Filename:  " . $tempfilename . "</p>";         echo "<p class=\"other\">File size:  " . $_FILES['userfile']['size'] . "</p>";         echo "<p class=\"other\">File type:  " . $_FILES['userfile']['type'] . "</p>";              if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile))         {             echo "<br/><p class=\"norm2\" style=\"color:green\">File is valid, and was successfully uploaded and relocated.</p><br/>"; [/code]
  15. Try this: [code]$success=move_uploaded_file($_FILES["imgfile"]['tmp_name'], 'C:\\Apache2\\htdocs\\GP2\\imageEditing\\'.$_FILES["imgfile"]['name']);[/code]
  16. [code]echo date("n/j/Y h:i:s A", strototime($row['column_name']));[/code]
  17. Ok... stupid question, I went about enabling PEAR on my company server and I want to install the QuickForm package, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with the files. Where do I put them?
  18. Bah... they didn't ask about days... and I'm results oriented... EFFICIENCY IS KEY! ;-)
  19. No function I know of... you'll just have to do a little math. [code]$hours = floor($total_secs / 3600); $min = floor(($total_secs % 3600) / 60); $sec = floor(($total_secs % 3600) % 60);[/code] Heh... I just came up with that... I might have to use that somewhere.
  20. The foreach it taking your array and splitting it into key/value pairs. It loops through the array and each time you go through the guts of the foreach, you'll have the key => value pair in the $k and $v variables. I normally use $key and $val instead of $k and $v.
  21. ouch... I think I sprained my eye. :(
  22. Can you describe what ITX is and how you use phpDocumentor??
  23. The only part of PEAR I've even come close to using is an Excel spreadsheet class. What do you use from PEAR?
  24. You'd have to be able to insert PHP or Javascript on myspace... and I'm not sure whether you're allowed to do either, to be honest. Doesn't myspace provide hit-counters?
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