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Everything posted by ober

  1. Well, I just changed jobs, so I guess the old thread about this is out of date anyways. I work full time for a company that deals with clinical trials.  Our main design tool is an Excel work book, since it's honestly the fastest way to get things done.  We pass that off to a compiler that throws in custom Java and exports XML files that are used within our website for clients to enter data.  So I also use Java from time to time and I've done some custom VBA/VB stuff around here for little efficiency apps. I've only been here a month, so I'm not sure what else I'll get into.  I will probably be involved with the databases eventually (that's pretty much all I did at my last job). On the side, I freelance with PHP and web design as well as computer consulting like yourself.
  2. I "know" a few different variations of Assembly, my latest project using Intel 8085 Assembly.  I used mainly Motorola processors in college. At my old job (left a month ago), they were still using and I was still modifying an app that was completely in Assembly.  I hated it.  I tried my best to ignore change requests to that platform since it was being phased out anyways. I don't currently use it for anything.
  3. And this is exactly why I turned it off in the first place.  Thanks to whoever turned it back on!   ::)
  4. Right.... that's how HTML works as well.  Open tag, attributes, close tag.  The syntax is slightly different, but it's the same principle.
  5. Thanks for the comment.  We'll look into it in the future when we have some time.
  6. Yes, I've been getting the error too.  It's being looked into.
  7. I assume it's either Google's engine putting search results together with data pulled from the site, or those companies are using Adwords and Google is tying those two together. Just a guess, though.
  8. (didn't read entire thread)... There's a poll in "Polls" that lists what people use for editors.
  9. Databases are much more efficient and faster than text files.  Databases are also much more easily managed from a search/ordering manner.  There is no SQL-like syntax for text files... you end up playing with arrays and doing all kinds of sorts and such to get orders right. 
  10. Here's how it works: [code]<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {       // process form variables, show thank you, etc. } else { ?>   <form name="myform" method="post" action="thispage.php">   <!-- inputs and rest of form -->     <input type="submit" value="Submit" />   </form> <?php } ?>[/code] Does that make sense?
  11. So... I thought I'd throw in my story: I used to work for a company that bought another company.  I took over the design of the sub-company's website (they remained seperate entities).  I did this throughout my internship with the main company.  When my internship ended and I moved on, I retained the sub-company as a client and did a complete redesign of the website from the ground up, adding in a lot of cool features. The redesign was done and up in a seperate folder on their server.  I got paid fairly quickly after submitting time (I normally work on "hourly" rates for projects like this one). The problem came with the content, like your problem, obsidian.  I did 2 or 3 main templates for them and they still didn't have any content for me.  I was eventually "let go" from the project because the new website wasn't online soon enough for the CEO, even though I was working for the marketing department.  The marketing guys said it was there fault for not getting me content. The funny thing is, I got paid for nearly all the work that should have been done on the site.  The person they hired to finish the site is the daughter of the CEO.  It's been almost 8 months since I left the project and they STILL don't have a new website up. There's just some clients that drag their feet endlessly.  That's one reason I wasn't sad to see that client drop off my list.
  12. If we had meant to work that into this site, we would have.  I think the idea is that as AJAX grows as a technology, more people will find the need for a website like ajaxfreaks.com.  What if phpfreaks had started out on an HTML site as a sub-board??
  13. I wonder if anyone from the SMF team is reading this......
  14. bah... get out of here with your CS crap. That's a bunch of damn kids yelling at each other.
  15. Yes.  Right under the board title on the main index, there is a small description about what each board is for.
  16. Guests cannot post anymore.  This was an issue early on and for a very short period after our conversion to SMF, but that problem has been corrected unless I am mistaken (which I'm fairly sure I'm not).  We will never be able to stop the wave of idiots that can't post in the correct boards.  If we could do that, we'd probably also have figured out how to stop spammers, and we wouldn't need mods or admins. Each board in that PHP Discussions area has a description saying where they are synchronized from.
  17. I think you're missing the fact that 99% of the posts in "PHP Discussions" are not from our members.  Those questions are syncronized from another forum.  I believe most of our members post in PHP Help.  It was even worse when we had PHP Newbie Help as well. And as for "admins and mods doing their job"... I apologize that not all the topics are moved instantly.  We have tried to keep a wide array of mods in different parts of the world and varying time zones, with both the maturity and knowledge required of the position.  However, some posts still slip through the cracks, and you must keep in mind that it is of the discretion of the moderator whether a post should be moved or not. One way you can help us is using the "Report to moderator" link found in each post if you think a thread is in the wrong area.  That emails the entire moderator team and posts will be moved within minutes 95% of the time.  If you make a valuable contribution to this community over time, we may consider you for a mod someday.  Just keep that in mind.  I was in your position at one point as well, complaining about mis-placed posts.  Now I'm an admin. 
  18. *sigh*... not [i]another[/i] email address :(
  19. ober


    *high-five*  ;)  And cute kid too! I assume the bloke in the black shirt is you.  Funny how some of us developers don't fit the mold. 
  20. Same with all of the above. 1) Lose the marquees... they're outdated and provide no value to the site. 2) The layout is distracting and disjointed.  Go with a lighter shade of blue for your background areas and be consistent with it... the black behind the nav doesn't go well with blue and the color contrast is very boring.  Try using a real color scheme generator (you can find one in the Resources thread at the top of this board). 3) TOO MANY GRAPHICS!  Your initial page load is > 600kb!  Even on a T1 that's far too much!  drop some of the images or at least reduce their size (disk size, not width/height).
  21. ober


    The site looks fantastic... I like the opaque part on the contact page and it probably wouldn't hurt to throw that effect around on other parts of the site. My only real bitch is that your "snapshots" of the 2 sites on the main page are kinda fuzzy... either sharpen them up or make them smaller.  You might be fine just showing the site's logs... instead of a full screenshot of the top of the page. As a side note, who's the hottie with the kid?  ;)
  22. Thanks for the suggestion... that's a good idea and I'll see if I can implement it.  :)
  23. Umm... that's Ron's personal email addy... if we had phpfreaks email addresses, it would be different ;)
  24. Both, but I chose sessions.
  25. Depends on the mood I'm in.  I prefer web develoment mainly because of deployment issues.  Software development can be fun and interesting, but it's such a hassle to compile, deploy, and debug. I've never done any game development, but I do enjoy the work produced by those who do it :)
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