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Everything posted by ober

  1. AFAIK, Karma on SMF is a pretty "dumb" system... not that it's "bad"... but it's not tied to any actions like effigy suggests.
  2. We're getting there... just a few more changes and things should start to shape up :)
  3. Do me a favor and PM steelmanronald06.  He's one of the other admins here and has access to some of the features on the main site.  I should have access to that stuff soon... but not yet.  He should be able to help you out.
  4. Group mod and ignore boards doesn't seem like something we'd use here.  And how is the global annoucement different from the annoucement under the user info?  I assume it just posts a sticky in every board?
  5. Are you talking about the main site (not the forums?)
  6. Solving the same problem over and over is one thing.  Doing it once myself so I understand exactly what is going and then re-using my own code is another.  Being able to modify and change and understand those changes to my own code is [i]priceless[/i].
  7. 1) "safe" is a tentative word at best.  Hackers are always more apt to attack products with a bigger user base.  Pear might be one of these, but I haven't heard of many people having problems with the Pear package.  I personally use my own code to connect to MySQL, but I'm picky about my code and I don't like to use other people's stuff. 2) http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95867.0.html
  8. Whoa... you lost me. Can you post up a page of code where you're trying to implement this?  It might be easier for all of us.
  9. Please do not post polls in this board.  This thread has no reason for having a poll and even if it did, we have a whole seperate board for polls.  I have locked voting on the poll. As far as the question, unless you are administering the webserver and you know for a fact that you have a SMTP server running correctly, I suggest you contact your host about the mail issues. Also, this is a border-line 3rd party question... this board is only for scripts you have written yourself.  I'll leave it for now, but just be careful in the future.
  10. [code]<?php // not sure how you're getting the $amount number... probably a filesystem call of some sort for($i=0;$i<$amount;$i++) {     echo "<img src=\"images/$image_name\" alt="whatever">" } ?>[/code] Now... you could do a variety of things to spice this up as well: 1) Get the imagesize() and throw that in the img tag 2) Store all the image information (minus the image itself) in a database so you can just throw all that out each time the page is called without calculating it on the fly (this would be faster and easier than using an array too). 3) Add in a divide/3 or whatever to display your images nicely. I assume this is for some sort of gallery or something?!
  11. You can call me "Quikfingers McGee".  ;)
  12. [code]<?php if(($counter % 3) == 0)   echo "</tr>"; ?>[/code]
  13. Depends on where everyone is.  I've seen issues where some people will have access to something in a town over that I won't get access until a day or two later.  It's weird like that.  Also make sure you don't have a local DNS table setup to redirect you automatically.
  14. [me]goes off to try[/me] EDIT: apparently  I can't even download it until it's approved?
  15. When I get FTP Access to this board, I'll probably add that.  Thanks :)
  16. I believe it probably fails because we're using a RC2 (release candidate) version.  Hence, things aren't perfect and don't always validate.
  17. Thanks Jay... that did the trick... and it changed something else I was trying to fix too :)
  18. Thanks for the kind words bilis_money.  Things are still under construction here, so please be patient.  If you still see something out of whack in a few weeks, please post again.
  19. I'm not going to disable quick reply... I actually meant to turn it on in the rest of the forums on IPB.  I just never got around to it.  I will also increase the topic count when I get a chance.
  20. Thanks go to phpfreak.  Awesome job!  I'm just trying to get it all under wraps now ;)
  21. I'm the guilty party.  It was on after the transfer, but I turned it off.  Karma and/or any kind of rewards system is normally a bad thing in a community like this.  You end up getting n00bie helper's saying stuff like "... did I help you?  Can you add some Karma to me"?  And crap like that.  And then you get the people that think it's funny to just sit there and smite you all day just to make you look bad. It turns into a big joke and then it eventually gets turned off.  I was trying to head it off at the pass.  I guess someone else wanted it bad enough.
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