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Everything posted by ober

  1. I removed the comment lines, I played with the width of the container... I'm not sure what else to do. Anyone have any other bright ideas?
  2. Yeah... just hadn't gotten around to the style stuff yet. That should all be fixed now. I played with attachments and stuff... i think it was just coincidence that it hit on the same day we had the upgrade. I dumped all attachments older than 300 days and increased the space available too. We should have room to grow for a while.
  3. We've upgraded to 1.1.4 (finally).
  4. comment lines... I don't see how that could affect it but I'll give anything a shot at this point.
  5. Hmm... well that's not too helpful, but thanks for confirming the insanity. Anyone have any clue?
  6. That's quite possibly the worst idea I've ever heard. This is all I should have to do: <div id="logotest" style="background-image: url('../images/header/header<?=rand(1,6)?>.jpg');"></div>
  7. www.americanbeautytools.com/site The header image is picked from 6 images randomly. The paths are always correct and it always appears in Opera/FF/IE7. In IE6, the image just doesn't appear some of the time. Anyone have any clue what I might be doing wrong or is it just IE?
  8. Must be the mod Ron installed. Yikes.
  9. It's now set to 10 minutes. I'm not sure how it got set to 60 seconds.
  10. Opera and FF are the most W3C compliant and they render it correctly. Hell... even IE6 and 7 render it properly! I can't help it Safari doesn't work correctly. Use a better browser.
  11. FF3 is a beta. Sorry, but I'm not about to hack the code for a beta browser. If it works in FF2 and IE6 (and I don't even see the ads in Opera)... then I don't think we have a problem.
  12. Umm.... no. Where is it blocking posts? If you give me an example I can try to find a workaround.
  13. He's talking about a browser-based editor... something you'd plug into a CMS or similar. I use this one: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ I'm fairly happy with it.
  14. Nope. Sorry. We're not here to promote other websites. This is a learning board.
  15. If you know where the post is, use the "report to moderator" link in the post and we'll take care of it.
  16. ober

    New Wesbite

    Obviously we're going to vote SMF because that's what we use here. And please read the board descriptions before posting in one.
  17. That option you're talking about either is in place or is in a patch we haven't applied yet (I need to get around to that). And yes, I'm aware that the user agreement needs some work.
  18. We don't enforce it (I'd love to), but we might as well give you the option if someone wants to use it.
  19. Understood. Thanks for the info. I'll tackle that in the next version of this site.
  20. Ok, I made the changes you suggested in #1, but I don't have IE6 to test on at the moment. What would you recommend for font-size declarations? I've always used pt. What's the harm? The original CSS file I based this one off of is not mine so some of the CSS is borrowed (hence some of the bugs). I'll probably eventually clean some of that up.
  21. No, I haven't had time to look into the other issue yet. I'll do that tonight. And that appears to have fixed the issue. My copyright footer was 100% plus 7px padding on all sides... which is stupid because I only meant to put padding on the top edge. Thanks! You rock!
  22. www.americanbeautytools.com/v2 There is a horizontal scroll bar in Opera and Firefox... I don't know about IE (haven't looked). Can anyone tell me why that might be happening? And it doesn't happen on every page. The homepage doesn't have it... but like this page: http://www.americanbeautytools.com/v2/index.php?req=support&sub=test does. Help?
  23. PFMaBiSmAd, you rock. I don't know how long it took you to come up with that, but I owe you! That worked like a charm!
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