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Everything posted by ober

  1. ober


    If your wysiwyg includes script tags or form tags, it's not going to load it.  Are you getting any JS errors?
  2. I'd go with 2Gb of RAM... no doubt.
  3. I think we're talking any kind of editor.... hell, TopStyle Lite is a stand-alone CSS editor.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something, but that info is auto-filled into the applet for me.
  5. Could be an issue with the parser in 5.2.  Have you submitted a bug and can you downgrade to 5.1.3?
  6. Thanks... and no, I haven't worked with them.  I write my own from scratch.  I think most of those libraries are bloated and overwhelming and don't always do exactly what you want anyways. And if there is a JS utitilty to grab all dynamic fields, I'm unaware of it.
  7. The only way to do that would be to use a script that runs through all the elements on the form and grabs their value, building an array of the inputs.  I don't have an example of that code because I normally just do it manually.  One thing I would recommend however, is breaking that out a little bit (create variables before the actual sending piece and then just stick those variables in the actual send. That helps with 2 things.  If you ever need to debug it, you can just alert() the variable.  Secondly, it makes the actual send process a little more readable. Something like this may help with getting all the elements: [code]function dostuff() {     if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; }     var allfields = document.getElementsByTagName("input");     // loop through all input tags and add events     for (var i=0; i<allfields.length; i++){         var field = allfields[i];         if ((field.getAttribute("type") == "text") || (field.getAttribute("type") == "password") ) {             // stuff         }     } }[/code] You can either modify that or probably find something else similar to do the work if you search the web for 5 minutes.
  8. So go the cheaper route and get XP Home instead.  I mean, if you're happy with it on your wife's PC, then by all means go for it... but I've just heard bad things about it.  (unstable, no drivers, etc, etc).
  9. Alienware has come down in the past year/6 mo.  They're actually pretty reasonable now.  And believe me when I say you'll notice the difference between the WXGA and UXGA.  I didn't think much of it when I got my laptop, but my brother got the UXGA and I got the WXGA and when you put them side by side, the difference is striking.
  10. The source of an AJAX-filled portion of the page will never be visible unless you use FF and the "view selection source" option. You can submit using the regular submit... the JS should be able to read whatever is on the page no matter when it was put there.
  11. Informative is one thing... a flood of text is another.  I'd say one way around it is to put your nav on the left or right.
  12. Do you have a live version that we can see so we can do JS debugging?  Have you processed the backend stuff seperately to make sure it's working correctly?
  13. .... this is pretty much awful.  There's no logical color scheme, there's no reason or rhyme to the layout, the text is all kinds of different sizes, there's no normal padding on the actual content, there's no styling of any kind being done... and the only decent part of the site is something you didn't even write! Boo, I say, boo.
  14. Eh... I rated it "not great". Reasons: 1) Half of your navigation links to other sites.  What's the point in that? 2) The other half of your navigation links to areas of the site that don't look anything like the site. 3) You have zero content in some areas. 4) I was on the site for at least 5 minutes and I still don't understand what it's about or what the name has to do with anything? 5) On a submit of a blank contact form, it just goes back to the index. 6) No maxlength on the input fields of the form.  That's not good security. 7) Table Layouts. 8 ) For whatever reason while viewing your site with Opera, the hour-glass continues to be visible on several pages.  It's like you have a JS script stuck in a loop or something and I'd be willing to bet it's your menu. Need I go on?
  15. Well... and that's part of the issue with such a wide layout.  You end up coming up with "filler content".  You don't want to flood the user with too much text, but you don't want to get too heavy on graphics either.  I'd say you're borderline in both directions now.
  16. Pretty good, but a few points: 1) The hover color on the menus is blue... yet there's not another drop of blue in the rest of the design.  It doesn't look right. 2) I agree with the others about the text and the default "blue" links.  Again I'd stick to the color scheme you have going and at least reduce the font size just a bit.  I'm all about readability, but the bigger font just makes it look cheap and cheesy. 3) The red graphic in the upper right corner is a little pixelated... maybe you reduced it too much? 4) Always show errors for input with the form under it again.  Nothing annoys users more than finding out that they screwed up and then they have to push the back button or figure out how to get back to the form. 5) The "captcha"-ish thing you have is very weak and can be read by bots.  You're not really fooling anyone.  If you want to use some kind of verification, go full out and use an actual image-based captcha script.
  17. My only complaint would be the size of the "categories" at the top.  Unless you plan to fill those in a little more, they take up more space than they absolutely need to, IMO.
  18. You're using libraries and 3rd party stuff.  We only help write your own custom AJAX functions.  Besides... if you hadn't noticed, this is PHPFreaks/AJAXFreaks... not ASPFreaks.  You might have better luck at another forum.
  19. Have you looked at Alienware yet?  I'd lose the "XP Media Center" as well.  And I think WXGA might be better than UXGA... not sure.  Any idea what the CAS latency on the RAM is?  And why are laptop HDs always 5400RPM?  If you can get a faster one, go for it.
  20. I've noticed an issue when you use the AJAX "quick edit" option... it does stuff like that too.  Hopefully when we upgrade to 1.1 Final, some of these issues will be fixed.
  21. CSS3 (from what I've heard) will have a way to round corners.
  22. Umm... no.  You'll have to fight like the rest of the users with spaces.  People are too used to tabbing around the interface to include a feature like that. I don't know how FF would handle it.
  23. I'd just like to say DAMN that's a lot of HTML output.  I can't wait for CSS3 to hit the market.
  24. Wildteen... I just updated the attachments quota.  It was only allowing us 10MB... and it was hitting the limit on anything new. It should work fine now, and apparently does as Daniel noted.
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