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Everything posted by ober

  1. Look at the sticky thread in this board.  Or better yet, read through the tutorials on www.ajaxfreaks.com.  Or search this board for examples that I created.
  2. and.... where did you get your example from?  Because you're not doing anything with the response, you don't have an area in your Body that you have set for updating (unless you're not showing the entire thing), and you're not handling the response correctly. Honestly, it looks like there's a bunch of custom 3rd party code/functions that you're calling and we can't really help you with that.  If you want to scrap it and start over from scratch, we can help you.
  3. Do you realize what it replaces though?  Let's say you don't have a DVD player ($150 for a half decent one).  Then you have the basic gaming system ($400+ for an xbox 360, just for comparison).  Now, throw in the fact that it has Blu-ray to play HD movies (most Blu-ray players start at $1000 USD), plus the home networking capability to play music or whatever through your stereo... and you quickly find that it's actually a really good deal.  You do realize that they're losing a TON of money on each one that they sell, right?
  4. If you have JS script tags in the code, remove them... then you should be able to post it.
  5. .... how would you sell tutorials?  Unless you actually had them published in some way?  I suppose we could sell books as well... no reason we can't.  The owner of the site has written his own book, so we could definately sell that one :)
  6. Ok... well ask specific questions about the examples then.  I would really suggest taking the code, copying it into your own pages and playing with it.  The best way to learn is to copy something that is working and change it until you break it.  Then if you can't fix it yourself, come and ask us.  Reading something and trying to comprehend it without actually using it isn't going to help anyone.
  7. And you're replying to a thread that's almost a month old because.... ? And actually, please DO NOT use the "Report to Moderator" link to ask for a thread to be deleted.  That is not its intended use.
  9. This is not a poll.  Moved to misc.
  10. You could also leave it on cable select, and most often if the jumper is removed completely, that's the state it will be in.
  11. Definately, and everyone else can feel free to do the same :)
  12. ober


    FYI, I will remove any large banners, so keep that in mind.  You might also want to post a thread in the freelancing board in a "for-hire" fashion.
  13. Did you even look at the examples?  The whole point is to update a < div > with a specific id.  That div can be any size you want or anywhere on the page you want.  It doesn't have to be surrounded by JS... JS can sit in the header where JS normally sits.  You just make calls to it. I suggest you go back through one of the tutorials and actually look at the code.
  14. We've been having some connection issues lately.  It's being looked into.
  15. Yeah, I looked around for a little while and didn't see that option, so it must have been removed.
  16. I.... just don't get it.  None of that stuff really provides any real value to anyone other than a programming testing ground for yourself.
  17. KingPhillip, can you tell me what other SMF boards you've seen this on?
  18. I'm not sure what you mean by "partial page refresh".  That's the whole point of using AJAX.  To refresh part of a page instead of the whole thing.
  19. Please don't use all caps in your thread titles.
  20. DNS changes can take up to 3 days to take effect.  Cool your jets and just sit back for a bit.
  21. And do us all a favor and don't use caps in the thread title next time... it's against the board rules and will result in some kind of repercussions. Oh, and you might try the FAQ board the next time you have an issue like this.
  22. Well... the only way to do that is to pass something in the JS... but we all know that anyone can read the JS file, so you're best off including that file within your "backend.php" file or whatever the JS calls.  And you'd be better off grabbing something from a session that you put there and then verifying that in the backend call before running your special little script.
  23. Sorry, never worked with something quite like that.
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