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Everything posted by ober

  1. I think there is a way to make the quick reply box a little smarter, but I can't seem to find the option.  I'll keep looking. The RESOLVED feature as well as a new mod feature are under development, I think. You can use the "Jump To" menu to get back to the board you're on or go to another board.  It's at the bottom.
  2. @ The Little Guy... we're quite aware of the themes that are available.  But with a few of the mods that are planned, it would be nice to just have one skin to upgrade when the time comes.
  3. Maybe it's the way you're calculating it.  I mean really... you're just doing a simple calculation with 2 coordinates, right?  You're not calculating the distance between every single zip code in between them.... are you?
  4. I would suggest just downloading the zip file from the other link and then loading that into a database and creating your own calculations.  It would be faster and custom to your needs.  Plus it has the state in it.
  5. I wasn't referring to PHP, but the same principle applies.  I actually use it in Java statements.  But it's just the idea of switching things between ORs and ANDs with the use of a negation operator.  Sometimes it's much more powerful to write it one way rather than the other.
  6. I use it on a fairly regular basis.  DeMorgan's Theorem?  Yeah.  Good stuff.  I evaluate how to write my logic statements in our client software based off of the needs of the output.  That's just one example.  I didn't have much use for the proofs and such, but then again what am I going to do with a semester of art appreciation?
  7. No one is attacking you.  We just get a lot of requests for mundane things that don't add value to the community and only make our jobs harder in the end.
  8. There is a sticky in this board that shows you how to set it up.  Try that first.
  9. You could just nail thesaurus.com with a bunch of requests and grab the response and parse it for the info you're looking for ;)
  10. There is no PHP function to detect such a thing.  What I suggest is to grab x amount of records, update your display, then grab x more amount of records and then update the display and just continue on until you've processed all of them. Can you take a hack at it and post your code?
  11. Can you show us a live version?  And maybe you should look at what is taking so long on the rest of the page to refresh. Did you even try to make it work?  Post the code you started with.  No one is going to write it for you.
  12. You might get more help in the right board! EDIT: Please use more descriptive titles in the future.  Thanks!
  13. Yes. (you didn't ask how) ;)  I suggest you check out www.ajaxfreaks.com for a few examples and try to hack something together and then post it so we can help you.
  14. That's..... a little broad. I suggest you read through the tutorials on www.ajaxfreaks.com to get an idea of how it works.  Then post the code you have and we can help you through it.
  15. welcome back... hope the time away was good for you.
  16. Do you have a live version we can view?
  17. Sorry, but please do not advertise on these boards.
  18. I write my own, so I can't really suggest one.
  19. So you're trying to update the div from 2 seperate functions, right?  So the return value of the second function is going to update as it sees fit.  That's how you have set it up. If that's not how you want it to work, I suggest the following: 1) use 2 different xmlhttprequest objects. 2) use 2 different <div>s to update status. If I understand you correctly, that's what needs to happen.
  20. ober


    Did you read the readme that comes with the CURL library?  It's pretty easy to understand. You might try reading this as well: http://www.php.net/curl
  21. Well, I'll be honest, I have never worked with JSON and I don't know what the backend for that would look like.  However, I'm not sure what "bells and whistles" you're referring to, but it doesn't take much to throw up an animated gif to show progress or whatever you were thinking of. Honestly, I don't have a framework to recommend because I write my own for everything I do.  It's cleaner, I understand it, and I can modify it at will.
  22. Good post alpine. I'll also reiterate the point that people should visit ajaxfreaks.com. STICKIED!
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