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Everything posted by ober

  1. You don't read very well, do you?
  2. The only reason AJAX would not be search engine friendly is because you're updating content without updating the link.  With what you're trying to achieve, there's not really a good way around it.  Most sites that work how you want yours to work use flash or some other manner for navigation.  None of these are search-engine friendly.
  3. I don't think AJAX is going to help you with this... you're going to have to use another way to update the content area, like using an iframe or something.  I guess you could use AJAX to update the content area, but it all depends on how you have your data organized. Have you looked at the tutorials on ajaxfreaks.com?
  4. [url=http://www.buy.com/retail/searchresults.asp?ra=p01%2Cfi01%2Cre01%2Czc01%2Cem01%7Ems01%2Cmp01%2Cmd01%2Cmy01%2Cmc01%2Cml01%2Crs01%2Ccp01%2C&alpha2=&alpha=&csel=&mfgid=0&orderby=0&pagereq=2&pas=p01%2Cfi01%2Czc01%2Cem01%2Czc02%2C&qu=headphones&querytype=home&search_store=8&nt=&cscat=1&showcats=&als=-2&loc=111&display=col&sku=&p01=&fi01=&zc01=3021&zc02=3156&em01=]Buy.com search results[/url] That's not really gonna help you, but I just saw Buy.com's new interface.... wicked (mouse over a product).
  5. Umm... you're naming the object 2 different things. [code]if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { XMLHttpRequestObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }[/code] Try that.  That would be why IE isn't working, because you're never doing anything with IE's object.
  6. *puts down the Mountain Dew* I should deal with sugar more often to even out the lows and highs.
  7. Pssh... I'm here for the money.  Admins make $32.75/hr + bonuses and benefits.  And we're given flying pigs for transportation to and from work.  Booya. ;) EDIT: On a side note, there has been some new code added to the site that states that if you don't donate within the next 3.5 days, your account will be terminated and we'll request back-pay for the bandwidth you've eaten up on this site.  And you probably also missed the fact in the TOS that said we constantly download and upload large files in the background while you surf the forums.  So... that's gonna be a hefty bill. EDIT2: Can anyone else tell I'm on a sugar high?
  8. I'd say obsidian's guess is probably accurate for here too.  ;)
  9. I use ace-host.net.  My only bitch is that the mail servers have taken a crap from time to time (~1/month).  I've only lost mail once though and that might have been my fault.  Best price is for 2+ years in one shot.
  10. Oh... have a look down Holland Place.  It's on the left between the haberdashery and a wee cafe.  ;)
  11. The donation button existed in the old boards.  We haven't added it back in to SMF.  I guess I should work on that. And don't be sorry for starting the discussion.  It's not a horrible idea, there are just things we would like to try and avoid.
  12. obsidian... you're playing with my words.  I didn't say "no other browser comes close to standards compliance".  I said Opera is standards compliant, and no other browser comes close to it's level.  Take the acid test for example.  No other browser even comes close to rendering it properly.  Unfortunately, they're sooo standards compliant it's almost to a fault.  Often pages that are coded poorly that would display properly in other browsers render poorly in Opera.  They actually have specific JS files that run on sites like my.yahoo.com that correct some of the errors. If more browsers rendered things in accordance with the standard, maybe people would actually fix their sites. I also don't trust the Yahoo news... most of it is sketchy and I mainly posted it on here to get a reaction.  I do still think FF is superior and I completely dislike the new IE interface.  I also won't be holding my breath for MS to comply to CSS standards.
  13. I would try to find some partitioning software and see what that finds.  Heck, fire up windows Disk Manager (administrative tools, computer management in XP Pro) and see what that reports.  Maybe there's another partition that just needs to be formatted.
  14. Yeah... but how many people will read that entire article.  The first half of the article does nothing but bash FF for failing to raise the bar from 1.5 to 2.0.
  15. *snicker* http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20061019/tc_pcworld/127309 FF, according to this article, is not even outpacing IE anymore.  Disgusting.
  16. Cep, if you're seeing errors on the main page, try logging out and then logging back in.  We've made some changes on the main site and for whatever reason, your SESSION needs to be refreshed. I personally haven't seen as many issues lately with the connection problems.  I think we've worked some of that out.
  17. So let me get this straight: You want a board where the questions answered in that board will benefit the community in terms of money.... but not the person answering the questions?  Who in their right mind is going to do that?  No offense, but if you're not giving the helper any incentive to do the work, you're not going to gain much in terms of getting things done.  The only way I can see this working is if the developer gets a cut as well. And I can pretty much tell you that this isn't going to happen.  All of these things end up in some kind of legal battle where someone doesn't pay or someone doesn't get the exact answer that they want or IF the developers are getting a cut and more than one developer responds... who gets the money?  Besides, that's not what the "PHPFreaks Recommended" group was created for.  There are plenty of other well deserving members of that title on these boards, but they either don't post enough or haven't been around long enough to be recognized. As someone else said, I'm not about to turn this place into Experts Exchange.  I suggest if you have an issue like that, post it in freelancing or go to rentacoder.
  18. HAHAHAHA... I love sarcasm.
  19. Actually... I've been using AJAX techniques for quite some time and I have YET to use XML with it.
  20. :)  Excellent!  Another convert.  And yeah, I can't speak for Opera on Linux.
  21. For validation: Right-click->Validate... couldn't be easier. For 2 and 3, try the "plugin" I noted before in the Resources thread in Website Critique.  It opens up a TON of information on webpages. For the last one... I don't know of something in Opera that will do that.
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