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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. not used it (tend to use my own) but perhaps http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php
  2. edit the javascript so that the alter is replaced by the ajax call to the php script that needs to do the work for you. you will need to prevent the browser actually going back until teh php script has reported a successful completion of the tasks it runs.
  3. if this is on a live server try putting ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); at the vrey top of your script.
  4. you could tell us what errors you are getting (if any) or what the result of the script is (like is any email sent at all or email sent but no attachement - that kind of thing really helps. Otherwise we have to trawl through you code which we can't be bothered to do most of the time...
  5. teh web is NOT a hard and fast place when it comes to 'display'. People have differnt screen resolutions, browsers, operating systems etc. I hate the idea of restricting content to these parameters. My advice would be to let the page do its thing - especially with regard to height. If you don't want people scrolling for half a mile don't put much content in.
  6. text-align is for aligining text NOT for controlling layout! as the others show - margin is the bunny for this job..
  7. Google are thinking of removing syndication links from there algorithm.... There are all manner of things that can help... title tags, meta (not so much these days) and page content shoudl be relevant to one another. URL's - if you can use friendly urls that can help too (friendly urls). Link text and the page it links too also - pages with a title that matches the text in a link to that page are good. Landing pages - if you have a page called 'sport' then everytime the word 'sport' appears in the content of a page have it link to the sport page itself. Wikipedia is the most SEO'd site I can think of - it seems to have a decent ranking for LOADS of search terms in google. these links may prove helpful. http://www.phoenixrealm.com/category/search-engine-optimisation/on-page-seo/ http://www.twotreesdesign.co.uk/news.php?nID=2
  8. carefree... have a look at these http://www.maxdesign.com.au/presentation/page_layouts/ its an ok starting point... once you get the jist you can get back on here and learn some hardcore stuff...
  9. $result = mysql_query($q1); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { $outdata[]= "Record Updated Successfully "; } else { echo mysql_error(); }
  10. have you tried the manual? loops arrays
  11. right that's it... you are all banned!!!
  12. too much html soup!!!! without going through it all I suspect you have missed a cell or 2 out somewhere or done something stupid with a col or row span... if only you didn't do the table layout - it would make your life SOOOO much easy - and help you produce a better, faster downloading site....
  13. use a cookie - just perform some cleanup every now and then - like delete all from over a month ago - that should help keep the cookie size down a bit. if you notice on this forum if you clear your cookies all those post you have read show up as new....
  14. either cookies or storing the views a user makes in a database table - the latter will take up A LOT of space on your server unless you do some good periodic cleanups - most places do it with a cookie for this very reason.
  15. css is indeed the method you shoudl use to change the STYLE of a button - BUT beware - some MAC based browsers will still display a glass button.... Make sure you test it before going live.
  16. you will need to encode the special characters in the processing script before ading them to a database... reme,ber to decode them on the way out too;)
  17. OMG what are you all doing???????? leading the poor lad astray switch is the order of the day when haveing MANY possible values - far better than lots of if statements!!! OK I was thinking your would not actually use the scriptname but a url var in my first post but as you made no mention I decided to leave to what you posted... Try this. <?php $dept = isset($_GET['department']) ? $_GET['department'] : NULL; switch($dept) { case 44: echo '<img src="imgs/inc/1000mile.gif" alt="1000 mile">'; break; case 45: echo '<img src="imgs/inc/muller.gif" alt="Muller">'; break; case 46: echo '<img src="imgs/inc/noene.gif" alt="Noene">'; break; default: echo '<img src="imgs/inc/default.gif" alt="blah">'; break; } ?>
  18. the only reason that ie 6 is still around is becaue there are so many hooky copies of XPstill running. If MS want to decent thing they shoudl let ie7 be installed on these machines - the posibility that these people ill actually pay for a valid lisence is 0 so why not just cut the losses, make ie7 an essential update and consign ie6 to where it belongs. If vista were actually any good I'd consider switching over - fact is it isn't that good an to get the best out of it you neede A LOT of good hardware..
  19. you need to put index.php in the list for DirectoryIndex in you apache config file.
  20. <?php switch($url) { case 'page1.php': echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">'; break; case 'page2.php': echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">'; break; case 'page3.php': echo '<img src="image1.gif" alt="image1">'; break; default: echo '<img src="imagedefault.gif" alt="image1">'; break; } ?>
  21. well you could after each query increment a counter... not sure of any way to detect the numerber of queries run without doing such but someone will correct me I am sure.
  22. look - there is the code to go through a directory - the second example shows youhow to ignore . and .. the rest is up to you - you find the first file and do your stuff with it then exit the loop. how hard can that be? I don't know what your file names are and (I may be guessing here but) files in a file system tend to have different names and paths - the beauty if using those examples and modifying them for your needs is that you might learn something from itthat will help you in thr future.
  23. since you have declared the connection INSIDE A FUNCTION the resource WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE INSIDE THAT FUNCTION.
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