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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. No it isn't! Well it depends on what level of security you want - sessions are 'higher' than cookies as (clientside) cookies are stored on the users machine and the user can go in and alter values - they can't do that with sessions.
  2. You need to set a good set of headers in order to get the spam filter to not junk your emails... lots of examples here http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php
  3. oh sorry you need to give the connection resource in the ()
  4. don't panic mr manwairing!!!!! I am sure you could perhaps use the ascii for n n in your urls???
  5. Alerady have done in your other thread! all you need is session_unset(); session_destroy(); put that code in side an if statement that checks if they clicked 'log out' or not..
  6. yes switch(true) { case document.body.clientWidth < 1000: // pick 1000 css. break; case document.body.clientWidth < 1300: // pick 1300 css. break; ...and so on.... }
  7. http://forums.devarticles.com/php-development-48/can-php-write-or-read-microsoft-word-files-12011.html
  8. yep. cookies still need to be enabled for sessions to work but they are more secure than client side cookies - values can only be altered server side.
  9. try if (mssql_rows_affected() == 0) {
  10. this bit - FONT-FAMILY: ''Times New Roman'' note you have TWO single quotes! either escape the one set of quotes like so FONT-FAMILY: \'Times New Roman\' OR use doube quotes for that like so FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" You could help your self and remove all those pointless font tags and style it properly!
  11. you said in your fisrst post you wanted to keep the full stops!!!!! try... $title2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/", "", $title);
  12. is there a reason why you are not using the same file??? - there are two file pointers in that script.
  13. your right this is not the right place - this should be on an asp forum. but <% response.write ("I need to read about which forum is for what"); %> may help you in more ways than one.
  14. hmmm maybe you should try an asp forum. in php this may help (assumes you really want to do the 6000 throws)... $throw = rand(1,6); echo $throw; $throwarr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 6000; $i++) { $throwarr[] = rand(1,6); } $numbers = array_unique($throwarr); $tally = array(); foreach ($numbers as $val) { $tally[$val] = count(array_keys($throwarr,$val)); } print_r($tally);
  15. if there are a lot of values 'action' can take then a switch would be better switch(trim($_GET['action'])) { case 'members': $thispage="Members"; break; case 'freaks': $thispage="Cook Book"; break; case 'noodles': $thispage="Cannibalism for Beginners"; break; default: $thispage="Soft Porn Extravaganza!"; }
  16. Glad it works but you still use millionsof divs. I can't see one <p> tag, your profile could be a definition list, friend table shoudl be an unordered list.... Mate Semantic markup - use the correct tag for the job. It will save you months of work in the future. Sorry but you are still using twince as much html as you need to make that page.
  17. alternatively just have 2 tds have the table 100% width and give the cost td align right.
  18. If it doesn't work then yes... try SELECT ItemID, avg(rating) from dd_rating WHERE rating <= $Item_Rating group by ItemID ORDER by rating DESC LIMIT 1
  19. nope.. perhaps try referencing the fileupload fieldname if (!empty($_FILES['upfile']['name'])) ... where upfile is the name or id of the file input you used.
  20. you can use the table:hover but it won't work in older versions of IE.
  21. No problem buddy... Keep at it with well constructed html and your probelms will be significantly reduced.
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