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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Liam - anyone can change their ip address in seconds - all you need to do is surf via a proxy and your are done. Even 'noobs' can do this it takes seconds to implement it and a couple of minutes to find out how with a google search. There is no real solution to banning people - all you can do is make it as hard as possible for them - I have implemented a quite laboureous system in the past that uses cookies and ipaddresses that was still fairly easy to get round. Forcing someone to logon means they will have to go through the registration process over and over and ultimately you could reference a list of proxy servers too and disable access for them. Bottom line is all you can do is make it harder for them to circum vent.
  2. bit of javascript... in your body tag put onload="document.getElementById('input1').focus();"
  3. if (!empty($_FILES))...
  4. try <?php preg_match_all('#<img(?!>)*?>#i', $matches[0], $images); foreach($images[1] as $image) { $ider = 'id="blocker"'; $pos = strpos($image, $ider); if ($pos !== false) { echo "document.getElementById('randompic".$h."').src=\"".$image."\";"; echo "document.getElementById(\"picaddress".$h."\").value = \"".$image."\";"; echo "document.getElementById('randompic".$h."').style.visibility = \"visible\";"; echo "document.getElementById(\"randomcheck".$h."\").checked = \"true\";"; echo "document.getElementById('randompreview".$h."').src=\"".$image."\";"; $h++;} } ?>
  5. IP banning is pretty pointless... there are ways around it if they really want to.. However in this sitiation if you are going to store lots of ipp addresses or url's I would suggest simply having a table with just one field (a varchar) then in that table store all the ips and urls that are banned. simply query that table when ever you need to check if the ip address or url is banned. if the ipa/url is in the table you will get more than 0 results so use that to decide if the action is allowed or not.
  6. sorry didn't etst it out first!!!! try this... $str = '<a href="somelink"><img src="imgsrc" height="y" width="x">Some nonstatic text, courtesy of Flickr</a>'; $str = preg_replace('/(<a(.)*?><img(.)*?>)(.)*?<\/a>/','$1</a>',$str); echo $str;
  7. regular expression is the answer. $str = <a href="somelink"><img src="imgsrc" height="y" width="x">Some nonstatic text, courtesy of Flickr</a>'; $str = preg_replace('/(<a(.)*?>)<img(.)*?>(.)*?<\/a>/','$1$3</a>',$str); try that..
  8. the problem is that your cut down version should work fine - the problem lies in the hml of the original. Sort that first with good semantic html and then get on here...
  9. I think you have contracted a VERY SERIOUS CASE of divitis... Semantic markup (use <p> for a paragraph, use <h1,2,3,4,5,6> for headings etc etc.) will help people like me make out what you are doing on the page.
  10. then there is nothing you can do really. there is an app that can decompile flash files but you would need it installed on your server - have acess to the command line to execute it AND have the ability to search through the resulting file and find urls the point away from your site... In short its a bit of a job - not even sure how dooable that is... There may be some javascript that could help but as I no javascript guru sadly I can only suggest you visit the flash forums on adobes site - they have a few good people on there and they are well up on flash/javascript interaction so that may be a good place for you to try. The alternatiove is to ban those who abuse yoru site somehow. But that is far from parmanent.
  11. do you mean they upload flash files with links in that flash file taken users away from your site?
  12. why are you using a left join? It owuld be nice to see some of your code/query but from you are sayong a straight forward cross (or .) join is what is needed and just equate the key from table and teh foreign key in table 2.
  13. LIMIT 0,2 means limit the query results to 2 rows starting from row 0. You canot LIMIT on a specific table - it applys to the whole dataset.
  14. OOPS left for coffee and just hit post again! sorry...
  15. place folders you don't mind being searched into a dir of its own. in your script hardcode that folder as the first part of the path and remove any '../' from the path passed in the url.
  16. you need the javascript window.print(); how ever users will know how to print a page out if the want so I doubt you really NEED it.
  17. is your spam filter catching it?
  18. only practcal method is force any posting to login. When they post store the user id and time of post. Next post search for the last occurence of that user name in the file string and you should be able to grab the whole record - extract the time of post and compare it to the present then allow/deny based on time between...
  19. Um firefox will NOT download any font that is defined by the @font-face rule (certainly since I last tried which was And the WEFT tool is for creating an .eot file that you place on your server for a browser to download and embed the font. IT IS NOT AN APP THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO VIEW SUCH FONTS. I get the impression you are not as fully aware of the strengths/limitations of browsers and how they implement technologies like css as you think you are... Sorry but your responses imply fact - when in fact they don't. This forum is to give people a good round knowledge in web development (with the focus on php of course). Some of that knowledge is based on the idiosyncracies of browsers. Perhaps in the future if someone posts something you disagree with but have provided some links on the issue you might go and read them before you reply (that way you will have more knowledge to your armour!).
  20. not all css works on all browsers!!! ie6 only supports :hover on the a tag! So in this situation the method that should be adopted to provide the desired DOCUMENT EFFECT is to use javascript. Javascript should initially collapse all elements that you want to hide and then toggel their display on click. That way clients with js off / not supported will simple show all the elments. Only when javascript is available will the toggle be available. CSS IS NOT THE ANSWER IN THIS CASE!!!!
  21. ??? never heard of such requirements in css - css doesn't care where you put things - the browser will simply apply the last rule that would apply to the current element.
  22. without seeing the 'worst' markup ever seen.. afterall yourfloated divs but inside the containing div place something like <div class="clear"></div> andin your css put div.clear { clear: both; }
  23. there is a method using the WEFT(http://www.microsoft.com/typography/web/embedding/weft3/) tool from MS. Unfortunatley some browsers (namely firefox) will not do anything with css, The WEFT toll gove you the css you ned to use but if you need i,anexample canbefound here - http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/72348
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