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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. not all browsers support the :focus pseudo class... Javascript is the tool for this job as it is truely a document effect.
  2. in your css put td { empty-cells: show; } That should do the trick.
  3. google suckerfish - the articel on a list apart will show you.. alternatively have a look at dynamicdrive.com loads of stuff on there - especially if you don't care about accessibility and standards
  4. Sorry guys. The page to post to is on a different server so sessions won't help and I can't pass the data via the url. It has to appear as though the data had been posted via a form to the other site. I could redirect to a script on my site that auto submits a form but that requires javascript to be enabled and that is not always the case for some of the potential users...
  5. Hi guys, Sure this should be simple but I can't find any info on it. I need to use a set of header functions to emulate the submitting of a form using the post method. can't use url data in the header('Location: ....'); so I was someone could enlighten me as to how I could acheive sending 3 or 4 variable - value pairs to a specified url simply using a set of header() functions... thanks in advance..
  6. I think it relies more on your phones capabilities.... perhaps a direct link for handheld devices is what you need.
  7. ToonMariner

    CSS FAQ?

    Charlie - some people are beyond help....
  8. ONLY IE allows you style scroll bars with css. here is the css code to do that (change your colours to match) body { scrollbar-face-color: #F00; scrollbar-shadow-color: #00F; scrollbar-highlight-color: #0F0; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #F0F; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #0FF; scrollbar-track-color: #FF0; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000; } Other browser will NOT apply any of these - they will have their own scrol bars. IF you honestly believe that having scroll bars styled will be the difference between your site being a boring page and an engaging page then I suspect the page is already too boring to want to view for more than 3 seconds...
  9. ToonMariner

    IE and FF

    Azu??? Whats going on??? are you confusing a html file coded with teh xhtml dtd or are you creating files with the xhtml extension? if you are doing the latter then you are doing it wrong. I have yet to be asked by ANY piece of software (bar an ftp client) whether I want to download a web page simply because it has an xhtml doctype. I don't know what you are doing to get this result but I would LOVE to see it in action.
  10. use a browser that has the most fantastic scroll bar design that you can find... and live with it.
  11. height="4"> That is VERY naughty!!!!! no height attributes for select boxs thank you...
  12. unordered lists are the order of the day on that one! How you create them is up to you - there are a million and one ways to do it so get coding...
  13. Hey people. I isolated the portion of code that was causing the problem.... <?php if ( file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strcmp($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) != 0 && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != "/" ) { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit(); } ?> I am using friendly urls and the index.php page is handling all requests - this snippet is near the top of the page and directs to files that actually exist on the site (like cached files etc). Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on why that code would cause the error.. Many thanks...
  14. I have had this error before - can't remember how I fixed it. I have some kind of memory leakage somewhere. The scrits in question send an email; run on my local machine no problems what so ever - run on the server and I get the Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11520 bytes) in /home/sites/site.com/public_html/index.php on line 48 all this is doing is sending an email... There is a fair bit of code to look through so I'll post it only if someone wants me too. Increasing the memory is not really practicle - the script should never use that much in the first place. I am using ob_start() / ob_end_flush() if that helps Really stuck on this one guys any help would be VERY much appreciated.
  15. <?php if (!$_REQUEST['n']) { include("search.php"); echo"No search term given."; exit(); } $name=str_replace(' ','%', $_REQUEST['n']); $namelen=count($name); if ($namelen > 0) { include("connectdb.php"); $query = "SELECT * FROM Searching WHERE tags LIKE '%".$name."%'"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //while (list($fieldname, $fieldvalue) = each ($record)) { // echo $fieldname.": <strong>".$fieldvalue."</strong><br />"; //} echo "<br />"; } } else {} ?> I have commented out the the while loop as that part is a little confusing... list() only works on numerical arrays and mysql_fetch_assoc returns associative arrays (fieldnames as keys instead of numbers). it also relys on there being the correct fields in the correct order from the mysql_fetch_assoc. Now as I said mysql_fetch_assoc returns an associative array and we need a numerical one so that must change to mysql_fetch_row and the select query should select only the fields you want in the correct order...
  16. if your file is named.php and the server is configured correctly this should not be happening. test your server by placing a file up with just <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it and put the pages address in the address bar. If the server has php enabled for your site then it spit out the installation details - if not then get your server dudes to sort it...
  17. First off you should NOT use singleton tags in xml - each tag should be opened AND closed. xsl(t) is how the information is 'looped' and formated for display on a page. now out of interest are these forms going to be html forms? if so you should NOT nest html forms. If that is indeed what you intended I suggest you alter you approach.
  18. no you can't BUT you can have multiple file input boxes - if you name them all sometihng like upload[] (its the [] that is important) then you can use the array created by html in your processing scripts...
  19. the doctype can help you greatlt... If you use a strict doctype html4.01 strict, xhtml 1.0 strict or xhtml 1,1 then you will get much better cross browser results. browsers use teh dtd to chose which rendering model to use. A strict dtd makes IE6 use the standards mode instead of quirks mode....
  20. absolute positioning is teh key here - you can just set the 'top' to be the height of the header element then it will appear below it... this may be useful http://www.barelyfitz.com/screencast/html-training/css/positioning/[/ul]
  21. you should protect your code if you think others can gain any commercial benefit from it with out your permission - problem therein is a suitably robuts encryption tool. IMO only those commercial ones like zend guard and ioncube are worth it the other ones could be reverse engineered if someone was determined enough...
  22. http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/
  23. put one background on the html element and one on the body...
  24. well seeing the other code would help but at the end of the day all you will be using is move_uploaded_file(). anything else is useful for validation and what ever other checks/mods you wish to perform but other wise that is it. make sure your form where you are uploading the file enctype="multipart/formdata" in the attributes.
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