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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. For what you are doing - Frames is the best, and are making a come back IMO. The only bad thing about frames - is that web crawlers have a hard time following them - I think anyways. -steve
  2. Looks very well. 1 thing however, your Citrus page - There is a PERFECT crisp image of a citrus in the top image on the left. This is a perfect quality image. When comparing the quality of this image to that on the index page - of the orange, the orange isn't of similar quality. I think you need a better orange image for the index page for the top image. It is VERY sweet apart from that - a HUGE improvement on their current website ,-) Oh - http://www.a1acitrus-racing.com/new/landscape.php?id='858 http://www.a1acitrus-racing.com/new/citrus.php?id='14 Be careful!! -steve
  3. Not to sound bad or anything - but it just looks like you cut up a large picture and made it into a webpage. Get some mouse hover effects. Also the quality of the pictures, expecially of the curved quadrants is poor. Your marquee - I dont care for it - and yours has a very jerky movement. Not great. Now it does show good thought and imagination. Just your implementation of that into effective xhtml and css needs works. -steve
  4. [quote]You have no validation on your internal forms -> 0000-00-00 "asdfsfd $0.00 Yes Not user friendly.[/quote] What can I say. When a user fills out a form for a credit card etc. and puts in a Quote or wrong character or too long of a character!!! - you simply slap it into the db without validation. See the above date!! If the user didnt put in a correct date - they should be informed of such! rather than allowing the db to spit out 0000-00-00 I hope you are not too keen on this site making business. Its a good site to learn stuff - but as mentioned previously, Im not sure if it will work in "real life". -steve
  5. Ya - looks good. Implementation could be better. There are NO a:hover effects for the navigation. It needs some xhtml and css effects IMO. -steve
  6. Anywhere where i see -> http://www.webstats4u.com/stats?AD6b7Q77GySlO8GOXlkSx/de8suw a DIY/hobby site springs to mind. The site looks ok, your Nav menu is innovative - however the mouse MUST hover over the text rather than the green bar. The latter is better. You have no validation on your internal forms -> 0000-00-00 "asdfsfd $0.00 Yes Not user friendly. The this is cleared button - is there an Undo?? ------------- Ah - u've bugs already. Register -> you rely on magic quotes. Note some email addresses can and do have a single quote in them. !!! You dont enforce strong passwords. The Welcome usernamem at the top right is too inconspicious. It should be down where I can see that I am logged in as who I am. Also REMOVE the nav menu with all its options for people who are not logged in. It is only showing an open door. -steve
  7. Im not sure how your implementation is but I got -> Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/smallurl/public_html/create.php on line 48 Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(//index.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/smallurl/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/smallurl/public_html/create.php on line 49 Warning: fopen(//index.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/smallurl/public_html/create.php on line 49 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/smallurl/public_html/create.php on line 50 Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/smallurl/public_html/create.php on line 51 Also - this service is simply done via tardis. Also - the graphical appeal of the website is poor. -steve
  8. [quote]One 'word': sans-serif.[/quote] - I agree. Change the font. As for the a:hover -> yes it looks better in firefox. You can get it working on IE - its just that your doing the implementation incorrectly. The following is an example of how I got it working: [code]<a href='index.php?id=3' class='links'><img name='bullets' src='bulletg.gif' alt='-' border='0' /> Contacts</a>[/code] Its on http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es if you want to take a look. -steve
  9. [quote]steview, did you happen to notice this is just one large image right now? [/quote] Obviously Jeff. I agree with the subtle points noted by 448191. As for the image of that woman - well if the client is happy with it... 1 question - Is this mockup all done as one big image in Photoshop?? And then you take that image, slice it up and put it into a html page? Im just wondering on an "ideal" approach to slick webdesign. Cheers, Steve
  10. Ya - looks good. The images are a little better. The old ones were fine too. As regards what I was on about -> The "COLOR Scans" piece. The letters COLOR have different colours - yes!? Well I think the colours used for the individual letter are the wrong shade. if you step back and take a whole look at that page - the most that stands out is the letters COLOR. I think you should use a different TONE of Colour for those letters. Thats all. Is there a:hovers on the horizontal nav menu? It would be nice - I hope so. Is that Nav menu graphics based? - Probably. Anyways - nice job. P.S. Can the user increase the font size? Its a tad on the small side. -steve
  11. businessman - I actually quite like using dreamweaver! the latest version does a good job with css. Carter - you will have to get out of the habit of using tables. The are slower to load and require more maintainance. The layout is good - the implementation needs work. Keep the images to a higher quality - That top image could easily be done with 2 images and css using float properties. If you do some looking - you will get some css layouts to suit. -steve
  12. Its ok. The text -> Posted By... should be smaller and less noticeable. I would like a taller header image, and perhaps a logo of some sort. More padding on the left is needed. The navigation meny could do with some work. Have the a:hover go the full width - rather than just the text background to change. -steve
  13. Good Job - I like it. As Andy mentioned - the 3 images - the one on the left - The gardner and House image is a tad tall. The Letters COLOUR -> choose better colours for the lettering I think. The colours used in the lettering need better blending in. Overall - nice. Im wondering how the html version will work - what will be in the 2nd div from the top on each page? Rgds, Steve
  14. Seems ok. You dont allow ' or + or & in the email address - yet these are valid characters in email addresses. see http://www.remote.org/jochen/mail/info/chars.html make your top logo a link to the index page of your site. Once logged in - when updating profile - why put back their password, and hashed at that. I think it will only confuse them - I entered a 6 digit pass - now it seems to be 20 long! There is no need to read out any password. Just leave the 2 boxes empty there if they want to enter a new one. Seems ok apart from those few things. Oh - ya - it looks bad and really hurts my eyes too. -steve
  15. If a person types in and/or then I would expect that slash to remain in the text and not to be striped. I think he uses html entities which are fine IMO as long as the charset is checked for. -steve
  16. This page doesnt look great! http://www.moondancedesign.com/gallery1info.htm
  17. no probs.
  18. go to submit. choose type - complaint type in a a title and some text below. type in the security code submit It goes to a page where it says "Success! Your message was entered. You're being taken back to the index. " but it just refreshes the same message and I never see the index. -steve
  19. Well its all in flash, and there are people out there who can do anything with flash. Id like to see a html version!
  20. A few things: 1. Containment - it currently seems fragmented. The navigation is way up in the top right. The logo is on its own on the left. Try putting a border around the website and nav. 2. Your Nav menu is too subtle - and it doesnt look like html links. The nav and on the left also - just looks like ordinary text. Change the <a href to a nice colour. 3. You may have potential sql attacks with urls such as http://www.calgaryads.ca/main.php?catsort=g' -steve
  21. Tis ok. The text is a little small. It could do with some colour - even just the <a hrefs The navigation bar is ok - could be improved. Your xhtml doesnt validate. Your php code seems good tho. I added a complaint in - and it would not bring me to the post page - it just kept going back to itself. -steve
  22. Its a good idea nice. You need to get a better "plan" view of a book - you will see pages on the left and right. Open a book yourself and look down. Also I think the curves you have are too extreme. Are you going to have a scrollable small div if the text exceeds the limit on the graphic background? or have a NEXT >> button? You will also have hassle trying to make the content look appealing. Everyone will be looking at the book and the image of it. Maybe taking away from the content a little. Just dont have too nice/flashy a design for the book IMO. Your going to be limited to a very small layout which can restrict graphics and text sizes. -steve
  23. You need to 'pretty' up your website a bit more. You need some images to show what the website is about. A picture paints a thousand words... Its nice - it works - it seems solid. It just needs to be 'fleshed out' with graphics. Yes - it will only take a few minutes to remove them background-color warnings from your css. They are there for a reason too! Its to allow people to change your css themselves to make reading it easier. -steve
  24. je - photoshop is not that intuitive! I normally use fireworks - which does all I ever needed. Anyways - I took a look at photoshop and here is how to do a rounded corner/box properly Choose black for the foreground and as the background colour. Choose the Brush Tool and start drawing. In order to get a smooth line -> Click the BRUSHES tab on the main horizontal toolbar. (Its beside the FILE BROWSER tab on the right) Scroll down the list and choose a nice smooth line. You can make the radius smaller - so pick a smooth line. Using the Brush Tool - draw a line and see if it is nice and smooth. When you are happy with the current brush -> This is the tricky bit -> you need to choose the "Paths" icon on the above toolbar. Its on the left of this toolbar. Its like a fountain pen icon with a dotted box. Click the Draw "Rounded Rectangle" tool. Draw the rounded rectangle. Right click and go "Stroke Path". Choose a "brush" and click ok. You should have a nice anti-aliased rounded border. Hope that does it. If you have a green background on your webpage - you will have to put green as the colour of the canvas before you begin the drawing. Then draw on the green canvas as described above. -steve
  25. [quote]display: block; display: inline;[/quote] That will produce a warning when validating css code. I suggest you find a different solution.
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