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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. Looks to me like your just selling. P.S. you have major cross site scripting flaws: [url=http://www.website-developer-service.com/view-templates.php?msg=<iframe%20src="http://www.google.com"%20height=1024%20width=1280%20style="position:absolute;left:0px;"></iframe>]http://www.website-developer-service.com[/url]
  2. Obsidian: True the Navigation did look nice - and yes the white text didnt match in with anything else. But the plain and simple of it techiefreak05 -> your Navigation Menu aint work in Internet Explorer 6. -steve
  3. Looks very plain to me. The main body text seems pushed over to the right also. Needs some content - and a frame/border for your main content text. -steve
  4. Ya - its pretty bad In my opinion. First thing to do -> Put what you have in a DIV container with 90% width - this will put a border around your segmented website - and also provide some much needed padding to the left and right sides. Your Nav Bar is broken in my IE6 - it just takes ages and ages to load. Also for that Nav bar - you need the text black in colour - because you dont use white text anywhere else - keep it the same. White text is also hard to see. Your intext a:hover is strange. Id put it something more normal. Your Register button is way too colourfull IMO - and with a bad grey a:hover background. You have a nice logo - which is a v. good start. -steve
  5. Apart from it going to be a bit too wide for 800 x 600, there still is something at fault. The blue corners are still a little jagged, especially top right and top left. Like if its a picture currently - and it is aliased - well Im just worried it will still be jagged. Andy is right about the blue. The top of the Nav bar - Its too white. You need a different look I think. Now it is nice - and it is a definate improvement - a marraige of what you had and nice. Also - whats with the Bottom footer Nav? I think Having credits or a Disclaimer and Copyright would be FAR better. Also - a different text font is called for. Try Tahoma or Verdana. -steve
  6. Re. Ads - Good. I hope you can change the css code about the a:hovers for the navigation as Ober pointed out. Look through the css code for a a:hover and change some of the stuff. Dreamweaver is excellent if you dont know any css. -steve
  7. As ever - excellent words from Ober. I think the google ads looks bad there at the top. It messes up the white and top of the website. Do you really need google ads? Echo Ober on all his points - fix up the a:hover on the navigation. -steve
  8. moberemk is exactly right. Put an image of a football on the left or somewhere. Also - I would put the text in the top into an image - this will let you pick a different font and style it up a bit. The column on the left is way too wide - and the middle one is too narrow. Looks ok tho. -steve
  9. yes - looks better IMO The Navigation headings - Documents, Sections, Tools - in Dark blue are too tall. The navigarion and its line spacing is a little too much. Try and put one graphic back into the site - perhaps in the top right etc. -steve
  10. Its a bit lacking in colour. The header top area needs some background colour - the same with the navigation. Your email function needs validation. Other than that - its ok. -steve
  11. I would take the horizontal images out of there - and push the content further up. You should try and put images inside the content instead of around the content. The letter/text spacing is a bit much IMO. I like the gradient background. --steve
  12. I didnt have to any investigating to realise its done by creative cogs. - The flash header, and aliased (jagged text). Some small improvements would greatly increase the look and feel of this website -> Redo the top banner. The Lever Arch folders image is jagged. The text is jagged - the skyscraper is jagged. I would also slow down the movement of the clouds. Change the font to verdana or some other nice font, and also increase it a shade - also maybe a small bit of line spacing. Style the links in the left area. Nice idea as Ober said. -steve
  13. In IE6 - your icons in the footer are seperated. The 508 is at the very bottom on its own. -steve
  14. First off - it looks nice IMO. The scripts look really nice too. I might use a few. The problem is at different resolutions. At 1024 x 768 - I dont immediately see the footer - and it looks nice when I scroll down to the bottom of the page. However as mentioned earlier - I dont see the 3 options - Demo, Documentation, Download. I completely missed them only for they were mentioned here! At larger resolutions - one immediately sees the 3 options - docu, demo, download. - but the gradient is too apparent and is always there. Also you navigation could grow a lot if you add in more projects. You might want to rethink the navigation menu if you are going to have a lot of packages. Tis nice tho. -steve
  15. echo Ober. The background is boring. Your Quick job search div has a load of space in the middle. You have too many different font sizes. I dont see why the login tab should be coloured differently. It takes away from the other tabs. -steve
  16. [quote]yes...what you see here its ONE HUGE IOMAGE>>COZ BEFORE I CREATE WEB I HAVE TO DRAW IT IN PHOTOSHOP !! LOL  Am I stupid or he is NOOB ??[/quote] What I was saying -> I hope you dont plan on having it as one big picture in a webpage. It looks ok in photoshop - but getting that left border to work properly in html will be tough. Rgds, Steve
  17. I hope its not all one big huge image. Rgds, Steve
  18. [quote]I said I wasn't actually going to use those colors, I was just using some fun colored pens.[/quote] I dont know how well it will look if its all brown.
  19. Layout looks ok. Be careful of colours. Test it out with colours before you begin development. -steve
  20. I think its pretty good. On the main page - try looking at your site in 1024 x 768. The heading images Band and Fan Registration are pushing the content way down the page causing me to scroll lots, and not see any other info in the beginning. -steve
  21. It is fine. Perhaps a bit much text on the front page and in the menus on the right. -steve
  22. Lovely. If I had a few gripes: There is a link in your footer which has no a:hover -> the middle link. Although the a:hover for the navigation is MUCH better and nearly perfect - I think the colours are kinda still a bit wrong. Try experimenting. You dont want to change too much on a:hover. The Find a Tutor box is nice. I REALLY like the Way you have it arranged - the Find a Tutor on the Right. MUCH MUCH better. -> Whats the title of your Business. Like in your Top banner -> you dont have a Company or Main Name to go by. I think you should decide on a Name - and put that at the Top of your Banner instead of "Order a Tutor to your Home". You should have "Successful Academic Tutors Ltd." or something like that. Maybe not with teh Ltd ;) And whats with teh Maths~Academic? Just put Maths - Academic or something simple. And just 1 final thing - I would like 130% line spacing in all of your site. Rgds, Steve
  23. Ya - the layout is ok. You shouldnt underline text - it makes it look like a hyperlink. That cream sub-nav will do fine so. Your Comments page needs integrating. Rgds, Steve
  24. not if you allow html tags and the like to deface your site.
  25. Ya. - http://ie.php.net/strip_tags Well my account wasnt approved - yet I could post a New Forum. Rgds, Steve
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