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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. IMO using extract is lazy, makes the code hard to read and it can make it difficult to know where your variables came from. The very same issues that we had with register_globals which has rightfully been removed from php. Just dont use it.
  2. SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for lot_type -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lot_type`; CREATE TABLE `lot_type` ( `lot_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `lot_type_description` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`lot_type_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of lot_type -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `lot_type` VALUES ('1', 'Lot'); INSERT INTO `lot_type` VALUES ('2', 'Slab'); INSERT INTO `lot_type` VALUES ('3', 'Dried In'); INSERT INTO `lot_type` VALUES ('4', 'Frame'); INSERT INTO `lot_type` VALUES ('5', 'Drywall');
  3. As you wrote it, no, as I put the missing FROM, no. SQL dump attached to previous message.
  4. LOL @Barand, so true.! I am working on it. It is a very big and complex DB with keys to everything. Difficult to break it apart for just what is needed for this query. Edit* SQL Attached data.txt
  5. I have the following query used for a google line chart. The query works and does four different monthly counts for the past 12 months to current date. I need to modify it so it does the same exact thing but weekly for the past 6 month to current date. Week starts Sunday, ends Saturday. No brain food left after this one. Getting weak... * Any improvements to current query are also encouraged. Output Image attached. <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['floor']) || !isset($_REQUEST['specialty'])) { $contract_type_id = 3; $active_column = 'active'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['specialty'])) { $contract_type_id = 2; $active_column = 'active_specialty'; } $sql="SELECT C.month, sum(slab) as slab, sum(dried_in) as dried_in, sum(drywall) as drywall, sum(frame) as frame, C.year_month_number FROM ( (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.frame_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.frame_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null as slab, null as drywall, COUNT(IF(l.frame_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.frame_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.frame_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.frame_date is not null and (frame_date <= CURDATE() and frame_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.frame_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.frame_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.drywall_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.drywall_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null as slab, COUNT(IF(l.drywall_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS drywall, null as frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.drywall_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.drywall_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.drywall_date is not null and (drywall_date <= CURDATE() and drywall_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.drywall_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.drywall_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.slab_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan','-',Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar','-',Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.slab_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', COUNT(IF(l.slab_date is not null, 1, 0)) AS slab, null as drywall, null as frame, null AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.slab_date),LPAD(MONTH (l.slab_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and l.slab_date is not null and (slab_date <= CURDATE() and slab_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.slab_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.slab_date) ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE MONTH (l.dried_in_date) WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('Jan', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT('Feb', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 3 THEN CONCAT('Mar', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 4 THEN CONCAT('Apr', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 5 THEN CONCAT('May', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 6 THEN CONCAT('Jun', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 7 THEN CONCAT('Jul', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 8 THEN CONCAT('Aug', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 9 THEN CONCAT('Sep', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 10 THEN CONCAT('Oct', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 11 THEN CONCAT('Nov', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Dec', '-', Year (l.dried_in_date)) ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'month', null AS slab, null as drywall, null as frame, Count(IF(l.dried_in_date is not null, 1 , 0)) AS dried_in, CONCAT(Year (l.dried_in_date), LPAD(MONTH (l.dried_in_date),2,0)) year_month_number FROM lot as l INNER JOIN lot_type AS lt ON l.lot_type_id = lt.lot_type_id INNER JOIN block as b ON b.block_id=l.block_id INNER JOIN community as c ON c.community_id=b.community_id WHERE ( c.contract_type_id = 1 OR c.contract_type_id = $contract_type_id ) AND l.$active_column=1 AND l.lot_type_id <> 1 and dried_in_date is not null and (dried_in_date <= CURDATE() and dried_in_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month), interval -(day(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL -11 month)) - 1) day)) GROUP by MONTH (l.dried_in_date) ORDER BY MONTH (l.dried_in_date) asc) ) as C GROUP BY C.month ORDER BY C.year_month_number asc"; echo $sql; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $data[] = array( 'month', 'slab', 'dried_in', 'frame', 'drywall' ); foreach ($result as $row) { $data[] = array( $row['month'], (int) $row['slab'], (int) $row['dried_in'], (int) $row['frame'], (int) $row['drywall'] ); } $encoded_data= json_encode($data); ?> <!-- Load Google JSAPI --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("visualization", "1", { packages: ["corechart"] }); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); // draw chart fucntion function drawChart() { /* var jsonData = $.ajax({ url: "./includes/chart_12month_comparison_data.php", dataType: "json", async: false }).responseText; var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonData); */ var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(<?php echo $encoded_data;?>); var currentYear = new Date(); var options = { //title: 'Demo Google LineChart : ' + (new Date(currentYear.setDate(currentYear.getDate() - 365))).yyyymmdd() + ' - ' + (new Date()).yyyymmdd() title: '12 Month Comparison ' + (new Date(currentYear.getFullYear()-1,currentYear.getMonth()+1)).yyyymmdd() + ' - ' + (new Date()).yyyymmdd(), //legend: 'none', hAxis: { minValue: 0, maxValue: 9 }, pointSize: 10, pointShape: 'square' }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); } // format date function Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() { var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString(); var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based var dd = this.getDate().toString(); return yyyy + "/" + (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]) + "/" + (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]); // padding }; </script> <?php $floor = isset($_GET['floor']) || !isset($_GET['specialty']) ? "style=\"color:#FF0000\"" : ''; $specialty = isset($_GET['specialty']) ? "style=\"color:#FF0000\"" : ''; ?> FILTER: <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?p=<?php echo $_GET['p'];?>&floor" title="Flooring" <?php echo $floor;?>>Flooring</a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?p=<?php echo $_GET['p'];?>&specialty" title="Specialty" <?php echo $specialty;?>>Specialty</a><br><br> <div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"> </div>
  6. @Jacques1, How would you send parallel requests for this particular instance? curl_multi_init? I think this would be good to have in my tool box.
  7. Ok, I should have said "strings" can be accessed "like" an array. Of course you know @Jacques1. It was meant for noobs. Glad I can count on you guys to keep a brutha on his toes.
  8. A bit tidier IMO die(header("Location: somepage.php"));
  9. Did you know that Php variables are Arrays? Bet you didn't. $var="Hello"; echo $var[1];// =e echo $var[4];// =0
  10. Well how about that! That is what I do and didn't even know it had a name.
  11. @Barand has made a good suggestion here. It is actually what I was going to tell you but since you already had data I just gave you what you needed. If you implement what @Barand said you can easily do an update query to set all the 000-00-00 to NULL which is really the "right" way to do this.
  12. @Barand, That is not going to work for what the OP wants. He is still going to return records he doesnt want. They will just have null for data_prevista instead of the 000-00-00 He is asking for records only WHERE data_prevista <= CURDATE() (Plus the other where conditions)
  13. Add this to your query AND t1.`data_prevista` <> '0000-00-00' SELECT t1.`id_plano`, t1.`atividade`, t1.`data_prevista` FROM `new_pae` AS t1 WHERE t1.`id_user` = '$idUser' AND t1.`data_prevista` <= Curdate() AND t1.`data_prevista` <> '0000-00-00' AND ( t1.`realizado` IS NULL OR Length(t1.`realizado`) = 0 )
  14. Yes at the top, but you dont need it to be a function. <?php if ($_POST) { //# do things .... } ?> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> Page stuff </body> </html>
  15. What your not getting is that search engines are looking at your page content and not your keywords. Your really just wasting your time. Not saying keywords don't matter at all. There are more important things a good search engine is looking at. Page content, How many people link to you (This is a big one). You need to do lots of research in the ever changing world of SEO and always keep researching. If you really want to know what keywords work, set up an adwords account.
  16. He is referring to the whole file functions.php which includes the states function. I did mention the file was not included.
  17. You will get better quicker answers if you post an SQL dump of your DB.
  18. Your Php logic would need to be under the form wrapped in an if if($_POST){ //Do Stuff here }
  19. Dont ever do this: @mysqli_fetch_array Errors are your friend, don't hide them. I have never seen this but it doesnt seem right. Anyone have anything to say about this? My other question is, OP, Why are you doing dynamic keyword stuffing? It is not going to help your SEO and may even get you penalized.
  20. How do you expect to use anything in functions.php when you have not included it?
  21. The Manual is a good place to start. (Bootstrap IS Css) * OP typed "date" but I think he meant data. There is no date in his code.
  22. Search your code for a header location to index.php header('Location: Also look in .htaccess for an existing redirect If you dont find anything there, the other place would be in the server conf file if you have access it it. You first need to find out where and what your current redirect method is.
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