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Everything posted by trq

  1. Have you got a mail server configured?
  2. trololololah...
  3. You should get a syntax error, you are missing the 'i' in 'if'.
  4. You haven't told us what the issue is.
  5. Nope, not at all. Where are these "scripts" the your users must write? I assume they are on some remote http server otherwise why would you be accessing them via curl. But then there is the execution of node? Why does that get executed from php? Still, your issue makes little sense.
  6. You might be best to describe what (overall) you are actually trying to do. Sounds like you are going through a bunch of hoops, some of which might not even be required.
  7. I suggest you Google for "Dynamic Ajax Dropdown" or similar. There should be literally thousands of examples.
  8. What is the problem?
  9. I'm not sure where you got the idea that css's url attribute would parse a php file, but it won't.
  10. And who owns myfolder ? It is restricted to being read only by its owner.
  11. <?php echo $names['ryze']['id']; ?>
  12. In where? You have given us zero in the way of code.
  13. Variables are not interpolated within single quotes.
  14. What have you tried?
  15. A string cannot span multiple lines in bash (not as you have done anyway). Just put it all on one line.
  16. Post your problematic code then.
  17. Besides your file not found issue, I don't see the point of the call to glob and then the subsequent foreach. Passing glob the path to a single file will only return a single result.
  18. Any ideas? We're going to need a better description of the problem your having. Maybe even see some code. We're good, but not miracle workers.
  19. json_decode
  20. Where did I say php wouldn't work? I didn't. I simply asked why you where using php when all you where doing was executing a couple of simple sql queries.
  21. No, its a bash script now not a php script. See the first line? Thats called a shebang and it tells your shell what interpreter to use to execute your script.
  22. None of these things ever have the functionality that vim provides.
  23. $projectXML isn't what you think it is. I would say your call to simplexml_load_string() is failing.
  24. You should be using a JOIN rather than a sub query. It's a bit hard to post a good example given the (lack of) information you have provided but something like: SELECT * FROM topics t LEFT JOIN users u ON (t.user_id = u.id) WHERE (t.Subject LIKE '%New%' OR t.content LIKE '%New%') AND u.Author = 'EffakT'
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