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Everything posted by trq

  1. The description of your issue is severely lacking. Be specific.
  2. mysqli_query returns a mysqli_result object on success. This object will need to be iterated through in order to display any resulting data. There are examples on the man page. http://php.net/mysqli_query
  3. It is possible to do with php, but it would be much better done client side using JavaScript.
  4. A simpler approach would be to keep all your files outside of your web root, and then have a php script serve them up to your users based on whatever rules you like. There is a simple example of serving up a file (all be it, this one forces a download) here.
  5. How exactly would you work that out in the real world?
  6. Do you have a particular question? Where exactly are you stuck?
  7. It is. I use it on a daily basis with a few large Symfony2 based applications. It's a great tool. http://thorpesystems.com/blog/debugging-php-in-vim I'm pretty interested in taking a look at http://phpdbg.com one of these days too as it ships with PHP5.6.
  8. Have you heard of Google?
  9. Have you included facility.php ?
  10. What exactly is the question?
  11. Iv'e been a vim user for years and love it, but that is indeed because I know it well. There are other devs on my team that freak out when they do any work on my machine. I do the same on there machines when I have to use phpStorm. I hate it. Everything feels slow and it mostly just gets in my way. Probably not so important where I work now (in a web dev environment), but one awesome thing about vim is that you learn it once and can use it everywhere. Remote machines, servers, your local terminal (I used to have amore devops focused role). My vim setup has integration with git, linters for various languages, syntax highlighting, php & python debugging, plus the shell is right there. You should check out the Unix as and IDE series.
  12. Oh and besides. Controllers should be pretty dumb. What you describe as a solution is likely the side effect of some other poor design decision.
  13. Have another look at the documentation on services. If your stuck, post some actual code.
  14. Post some relevant code.
  15. That is indeed what is making me sad. The op is learning from code that is not using "current best practice".
  16. So do so. What is the actual problem?
  17. Your using it. But, I'm not having a go about the licensing stuff, thats fine. It's how it was installed. PHP has moved on from copy and paste.
  18. It makes me sad that the code within ircmaxell's password_compat library was literally copied and pasted into this "login script" project. PHP has moved beyond that kind of approach these days. As described in the instructions here, they (and you) should be using composer to manage there (your) dependencies. That would have also avoided the issue of having to include different files as everything autoloads via composer.
  19. Your talking about a pretty simple SQL query. SELECT email FROM tbl WHERE sent = 0;
  20. As I also previously pointed out, that is not a problem. https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat
  21. Phalcon is a framework written as a PHP extension. Smarty is a templating component, there is a massive difference. As for this: Version control is useful in all stages of development. Once a project is under version control (and it should be from the start), it should always stay under version control. It is an extremely useful tool. At this point in time its pretty hard to see what your actually asking here.
  22. Or just use: http://php.net/password (or https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat if your not using 5.5 yet)
  23. Neither of your examples are valid html. You might want to specify what exactly your working with here.
  24. PHP is still the most widespread used of the back end web languages and it's popularity is yet to wain. In fact, I would say that the language, community and job prospects (for quality devs) are still very much on the rise. The reason you don't hear that much about it, is because it has been on top for a long, long time. There is plenty of exciting stuff happening outside of the world of PHP, but there are also plenty happening within it. No harm (at all) in learning a new language/technology though.
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