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Everything posted by trq

  1. You must have missed this sticky?
  2. if(validation fails); Is not valid php.
  3. 5.5.0 was released in June, 5.5 is certainly stable and is currently at 5.5.5
  4. Really?
  5. Just laziness or forgetfulness I should imagine. The difference between using var and not using var in this context is very subtle and not likely intended. In simple terms. In the above example, it really doesn't matter / make a difference.
  6. Move them somewhere they cannot be accessed.
  7. We're not here to write code for people. Where exactly are you stuck?
  8. I wouldn't bother with cron. You can easily setup a github web hook to make a request to your server (via http) whenever a commit is made. When that request is received, you can then download the updated zip. See here.
  9. You could make your query() method check the $sql it is processing to see if it is a SELECT, DELETE or UPDATE query. When its a DELETE or UPDATE return the number of rows affected else, if a SELECT, return the result set.
  10. Why are you using a regex to remove a fixed string? Just use str_replace.
  11. Do you have a question?
  12. You forgot to ask a question / tell us what the problem is.
  13. Sessions rely on either cookies (most commonly), or parameters passed along with each request. How else do you propose you identify a particular client? Your question is redundant.
  14. You might want to mention the errors. You might also want to find some beginner books on using databases with PHP. Placing user inputted data like that directly into your sql is a major security concern that will get your script easily hacked.
  15. Do you have a question?
  16. There is also facebook's xhprof. https://github.com/facebook/xhprof I've used it in the past and while the code sux, it works quite well and does pretty much what you have described.
  17. Along the same lines as vinney42's post. A User is not of type "Database" do why would a user extend a database? You seem to be getting confused between inheritance and dependencies.
  18. On a side note. Forget the global keyword exists, it breaks all the encapsulation that functions and objects provide.
  19. What is your time worth?
  20. Wordpress is just PHP, you could do this as a Wordpress specific plugin on a Wordpress controlled page, or just as a standalone script.
  21. If you are worried about getting banned, your are obviously doing something you shouldn't be doing.
  22. If you had guestimated 150 to 200 euros what exactly was your hourly rate? Shit, I won't get out of bed for less than $60/hr + start fee for these kinds of projects.
  23. Except that it is a php extension. So it makes it far less portable. Any framework is better than CI to be honest. It was terribly designed. Out of those mentioned Laravel is my favourite. The only other I would rate is Symfony.
  24. The global keyword is a terrible idea. You need to actually pass your connection in through the construct if it supports it, or some other method.
  25. What makes you think that? Do you think when someone makes a new post on this forum a new php script is created? Of course not. I think your missing the point of "dynamic content".
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