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Everything posted by trq

  1. echo it. var = '<?php echo $signature; ?>';
  2. You are seriously lacking enough information to make your post remotely useful.
  3. This is where your misunderstanding lies. You grant your "application" access to your database. It then controls all data entered into and pulled out of the database. For instance, this forum, it uses a single database server account to access the database on behalf of all of the forums users. The programming logic within the forums application itself polices who can write, edit / access what. You can (and often will) create multiple account for the application to use (some being more restrictive than others) however, there is rarely any need to grant a user themselves there own account on the database server.
  4. Really? Missed this did you? http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service#toc_forum_rules
  5. How are you planning on letting your "members" access data? You don't normally create accounts on the database server itself and hand them out. You write an application which makes use of a single (or sometimes 2-3) database server accounts then have the application take care of who has what permission. If you really do want people to access mysql directly your in for a hell of a time. Especially if your here asking how to add simple permissions.
  6. This has always been the case, nothing new in php5.4. Whatever you where running before must have simply been hiding errors. That sounds like a bug that has been fixed.
  7. Web servers are designed to handle multiple request at a time. They are not processed one at a time, but concurrently. The data is stored in memory until the script no longer needs it.
  8. It is a design pattern. Not sure where your going with this blueprint idea.
  9. Really? What is it then?
  10. Nothing in that code is different between php4 and php5, I would like to see where this function is actually called.
  11. denno20, the ops INSERT statement us perfectly valid syntax. To the op, you cannot (with the mysql extension) execute multiple queries in one call.
  12. The problem with "youtube tutorials" is that there is not one single respected php developer making them. They are made by hacks that have learnt some basics by watching "youtube tutorials". Learning to program (like most things in life) is not really something that can be done by trying to take shortcuts. If by nature you need things spoon fed to you, it is highly likely that you don't have the aptitude to be a software developer and if you ever do get there, the real world is going to be a really tough place.
  13. You can't put an expression in an array. Your if statement needs to go where you actually use this array, not where you create it.
  14. I'm not signing up to some random site. If you want help you need to provide the means.
  15. Let me get my crystal ball out and take a look.....
  16. Did you click on the copy link ?
  17. One advantage is that returning raw data as json allows your data to be consumed by other types of clients. This is how API's work. Another, is that your not mixing your client side concerns with your server side concerns. Why should your server side code need to create table rows and divs?
  18. PHP comes with a server built in (since 5.4). There is no need to install a server for development these days. Having said that however, what your wanting to do is nothing new. All your doing is setting up a server, that you can upload php files to and have them processed. Where exactly are you stuck?
  19. trq

    json api

    file_get_contents json_decode.
  20. Sorry, I'm seriously not trying to be sarcastic.
  21. trq

    method help

    Probably easiest to display the data via JavaScript. Just load the data you want in a hidden div, and display it when the correct option is selected.
  22. Your not sure what a url is? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Url So, passing [nobbc]http://foo.com/script.php[/nobcc] should work from any location. If your url doesn't work, there is some other issue.
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