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Everything posted by trq

  1. Three things. 1) Does the color you have chosen to post your code in really seem helpful? No. 2) The topic of your question is not related to PHP. 3) Your post seems completely unrelated to your subject. Try again.
  2. Sorry, you've provided us with way too much information for us to be able to help.
  3. No, you need two network interfaces for that.
  4. I don't think the installer is the recommended approach to use on Windows. I would follow this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.manual.php Having said that, is there a particular reason your setting this up on Windows? Will you be deploying to a Windows environment? I would always recommend developing in the same environment you are planning on deploying too. Vagrant is an great option for building a decent Linux based development environment.
  5. Your issue has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the iPad. It also has nothing at all to do with MySQL. I would suggest you post your actual question with a decent description of your issues in the appropriate board.
  6. Google and Gmail are two different sites. Most successful websites have moved entirely to https. Looks at facebook, twitter and github. As kicken said, "SSL is not going to significantly slow down your site" & "End users like seeing that SSL is enabled and their traffic is encrypted. Enabling it always is going to make users feel safer on your site."
  7. Sorry, but I don't see how the ffmpeg clin program is at all PHP related.
  8. Why would you want some content served with https and some with http? Just serve everything via https.
  9. Do you understand that PHP is NOT running on your ipad?
  10. Google returned 444000 results for me searching the term "apache redirect all traffic to https". Are none of these useful?
  11. What gives you the impression it is returning false?
  12. PHP executes on the server. Is the server installed on the iPad?
  13. Bash variables do not have the $ prepended when they are being set. eg; read $to should be read to
  14. trq

    Admin User

    It's pretty simple logic. When you log your users in, save their 'status' in the $_SESSION array. Then, just check that to see if they are an admin or not. if (isset($_SESSION['status']) && $_SESSION['status'] == 1) { // you have an admin } else { // you have a normal user }
  15. trq

    Admin User

    Where exactly are you stuck? This is pretty simple checking for specific conditions.
  16. The explanation of your problem lakes clarity. What exactly is your issue?
  17. You are missing the $ off the variable $loop_count You really should have error reporting enabled when developing.
  18. Where exactly are you stuck? There is no PHP in that mess of markup. Is your question even on topic?
  19. Thats what console.log() is for.
  20. ps: document.write is so 1995.
  21. No. You need to use php. <script> <?php for ($i=0; $i < 61; $i++) { echo "var h[{$i}] = '{$array[$i]['h']}';"; echo "var h1[{$i}] = '{$array[$i]['h1']}';"; echo "var hs[{$i}] = '{$array[$i]['hs']}';"; } ?> </script>
  22. PHP is evaluated on the server before your JavaScript even exists on the browser.
  23. I'm not sure where you are getting your information from. Something like 80% of the webs top 20% of websites are powered by Wordpress. Having said that, Wordpress's code base is no reflection on its usage. It's yuk at best.
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