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Everything posted by trq

  1. Note that the option is called url, pass it a url.
  2. Post your current code.
  3. Two questions: Where is your code? Where exactly are you stuck?
  4. All content must be served via https on a https request or your browser will popup a warning and likely block the non https content.
  5. mysql_query returns a result resource on success or false on failure. You cannot echo a resource.
  6. I understand what it is you are trying to do. I want you to explain to me what you think your current implementation actually does.
  7. Can you explain to me exactly how you expect your arrays to work as they are currently? This will help you think your problem through. As it stands, your arrays make little sense.
  8. You already have a query: $data = mysql_query(SELECT Vals FORM vals2 WHERE ValsN = 'archers'); Your actual error is cause by the fact that your syntax is incorrect. Queries are strings. $data = mysql_query("SELECT Vals FORM vals2 WHERE ValsN = 'archers'"); If your question is about that fact that you don't understand how to create a query, your in the wrong board. That is a MySQL question.
  9. How do you think the rest of us learnt this stuff? PHP's manuals are some of the best around. It is an example query, replace it with your own and forget about it. The part you really need to look at is the usage of mysql_fetch_assoc. Note that you need to pass the resource returned from mysql_query() to mysql_fetch_assoc() in order to be able to actually use the results.
  10. $artworkSize2 = !empty($artworkSize2)? "'$artworkSize2'" : 'NULL'; You then need to remove all the quotes surrounding your variables within your query.
  11. Your switch statement makes little sense. The first case will always be true because your are comparing $id with $id. Besides that, your really need to ensure users inputted data is sanitised. At the very least look at bound parameters. See http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.bindparam.php
  12. I would suggest you have a better look.
  13. If you want the site to be any good, you probably need a programmer then. Anyway.. my questions above still stand.
  14. Then do some research. You don't learn by asking questions alone. I'd start by asking your host. If its some cheap hosting, it's not likely they are going to support running multiple sites.
  15. Not at all. Your issue is not likely even cron related. What steps have you taken to debug your code? Any? Have you tried breaking the code down into parts to try and locate where the issue occurs? These are all basic programming skills. Learn them, or find a new hobby.
  16. You need to do this yourself programatically. Foreign keys constraints have nothing to do with actually populating data, they just enforce rules in regards to what data can be stored and how its relationships might be declared. On a side note... why the ridiculous colors? Don't like our color scheme?
  17. This is not how you get help on a help forum. I suggest your read this: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and come back when you understand how to formulate a question in such a way that people will want / be able to help you.
  18. That will cause an error if $_GET['del_id'] isn't set though. Do you actually know how to program php or are you just here putting peoples code through various linters and code checkers?
  19. trq


    Very easy. A few lines of code in fact. <?php $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $server = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $server->on('connection', function ($conn) { $conn->on('data', function ($data) use ($conn) { echo "received $data\n"; }); }); $server->listen('', 9999); $loop->run();
  20. trq


    Creating a socket server inside of another server (apache) is not a good idea. You would create this as a stand alone command line script. You should probably save yourself some pain too and use a decent framework like ReactPHP.
  21. You have to be kidding. See http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
  22. It will hang until the process has completed.
  23. I understand that. Where exactly are you stuck?
  24. mysqli_fetch_array() return one row at a time in an array consisting of the data from each column. You will need to create an array of all rows first, then loop through that. eg; $options = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($status_results)) { $options[] = $row; }
  25. Audio files don't contain images and your question has nothing at all to do with HTML.
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