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Everything posted by trq

  1. w3schools is a terrible site to attempt to learn anything from. http://w3fools.com/
  2. The path your are supplying fopen doesn't exist. Are you sure it should be /page ? / Indicates the root of the filesystem.
  3. You haven't exactly explained your issue.
  4. TinyMCE has it's own plugin system so I'm not real sure where your going with that. Well designed libraries should be flexible enough to allow customizations without modifying the code in the library itself. You also speak about open source code is though jQuery plugins are not/can not be open source. I think you'll find most jQuery plugins are indeed open source. Either way, I'm not sure what that has to do with it, that is a licensing issue. One advantage to making your library a jQuery plugin is that it will help organise your code in a more consistant manner. Having said that however, if you know Javascript (and in particular OOP in Javascript) well enough you should be able to do this well enough yourself. I guess a big question to ask is, does your code need jQuery? If your code doesn't depend on jQuery then I see now reason to tie it to jQuery just for the sake of it.
  5. There is no such thing as virtual directory support in php. What exactly are you referring to? Apache's mod_rewrite maybe?
  6. That is its definition. Where are you calling it? The error suggests that you are not.
  7. I would think Javascript would be a better solution to this problem.
  8. Have you tried searching somewhere like Github ?
  9. jQuery and jQuery UI are both very well documented.
  10. A better option would be to use a database, but if you must use text files, just edit the array as you normally would, then write it back to the file. eg; users.php <?php return array( 'user' => 'whatever', 'user2' => 'whatever2' ); process.php <?php $users = include 'users.php'; $users['newuser'] = 'newuserwhatever'; file_put_contents('users.php', '<?php return = ' . var_export($users)); The only real caveat as making sure that only one user is writing to the file at a time.
  11. Doing so means you are relying on a broken implementation. Most browsers implement it incorrectly.
  12. This will be the third time I have mentioned this, but the Location header requires a url.
  13. Your link, paulinetaylor85, is completely off topic.
  14. Client side validation always needs to be backed up by server side validation.
  15. You could use a regular expression to see if the string is in a valid email address format. It doesn't however guarantee it is an actual email address. That is why sites use email verification. If you want force your users into supplying an email address that works, you need to verify it up front.
  16. Why are you using error suppression if not to hide errors? In fact why are you suppressing errors at all? Fix them instead.
  17. The location header requires a url according to the http spec, so it's always best to provide a complete url.
  18. Your first example is incorrect in the first place. A location header should always be set to a url. To get your second example working: header('Location: http://example.com');
  19. I can't say it ever gets referred to, but if it did, it would be referred to as gridiron.
  20. Your query is failing for some reason and you are not checking that $result is a resource before using it. What does mysql_error have to say?
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