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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. There's quite a bit of difference between installing your favorite games on your workstation and installing, securing, and maintaining an HTTP server module in a mission-critical production environment. Admittedly, the IT Security team in this situation sounds like they just want to avoid doing the work, but there is a bit of sensibility there.
  2. My guess is this: It's not included in the list of officially supported software to run on their Microsoft server.
  3. http://www.jamendo.com
  4. ServerPowered is owned by the same organization that runs PHP Freaks, and is most certainly not free.
  5. "I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet, there'd only be one website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn." - Dr. Cox, from the American television show Scrubs.
  6. I have blink and marquee disabled - woo! for firefox's userContent.css.
  7. No, and I hope I never have to - but I've heard plenty of stories. (For the most part, those are the people in whose direction I'm laughing.) It's fantastic. I have two 19" 4:3 screens for work, and I'm going to add a 22" widescreen for widescreen movies. I absolutely love it. Once you get into the habit of using multiple displays, it's uncomfortable (understatement?) to revert to one display. I've used compiz, and as cool as it is visually, it's just not the same. I think it's safe to say that your computing experience will improve drastically by using multiple displays. (I still have compiz installed, although I haven't tested it recently, so it may have broken with the updates I've applied to my system. I really only have it to show skeptics that linux is actually capable of some really cool stuff.)
  8. I have all of the applications I'll ever need running right now: Firefox, mpd + ncmpc, gvim, urxvt + screen, claws-mail, and sunbird. Grand total memory usage? 510 MB. I have never seen it go above ~700 MB. I laugh in the general direction of anybody who needs more than 1024 MB of memory.
  9. Haiku are easy But some of them don't make sense Refrigerators
  10. When it comes to "down" and "up" aisles, hallways, etc., I've always considered the terms interchangeable. In this situation, though, I'd probably say "up", since you're heading towards the point of reference. Ultimately though, I'd say a debate on this subject is probably an exercise in futility. There is a lot of room for liberal interpretation. (I like arguments with room for liberal interpretation. Especially something like this - it's fun, interesting, and you don't lose friends over it.)
  11. nrg_alpha: see this thread.
  12. I use abiword and gnumeric. They're very lightweight (unlike OpenOffice) and provide me all the functionality I need. And while abiword is a good WYSIWYG editor, I'm getting really tired of using .doc files, so I'm starting to use lyx and alternate publication schemes. (HTML publishing, for example.)
  13. Disclaimer: I am biased and have a political agenda as well as aesthetical. I always put the appropriate Liberation font first in my font lists, and then the appropriate Microsoft font. The Liberation fontset are Free fonts intended to take the place of Microsoft's core font set. As much as I'd like it to be otherwise, the majority of my users are going to be using Microsoft products, so I can't leave them out in the cold. But when I can, I like to let my freedom-loving users take advantage of the free fonts they may have installed.
  14. Use the php binary. Should be somewhere in your PHP installation directory.
  15. neylitalo

    grep for words

    grep treasure.com urls | sed -r -e "s/.*?(www.*treasure.com).*/\1/g" This is buggy, though. It only works if there is no http(s):// prefixing the URL, and only if there is a www in front of it. If someone can find a way to fix it, please do - I have trouble with multiple zero-or-one expressions.
  16. I didn't push the Lock Topic button on accident. Leave it alone.
  17. Okely dokely. I can see that we're not actually getting anywhere constructive, so let's just leave it be, mmkay? Thaaanks.
  18. If you're going to be picky about the sources of your answers, you should probably do your own research.
  19. The problem may not be entirely their fault, although odds are good that they are contributing. You should first make sure that the problem isn't something on your end. Make sure that your client doesn't have any settings to disconnect after a certain period of time, and also make sure that the slow upload rate isn't because your upload pipe is full. To make a long story short: Test with a different FTP server. If you see different (different = better) behavior, then you know the problem is in GoDaddy, and you should then decide if it's worth your time and effort to push for a hosting change. If you see the same behavior, then you know the problem is on your end, and you should try to track the problem down and get it fixed.
  20. You have to teach firefox how to handle the irc:// protocol. Opera already knows how, because it has a built-in IRC client, but firefox doesn't have anything like that. I believe the ChatZilla extension will fix that. These odd protocols are very rarely used in links, and with good reason - very few people have the means to use them.
  21. Strictly speaking, speed is distance/time and velocity is speed plus a direction. Relative velocity is an object's velocity with relation to another object, and relative speed is an object's speed with relation to another object. Object A has a velocity of 10 m/s East, and Object B has a velocity of 5 m/s East. With relation to Object A, Object B's velocity is 5 m/s West.
  22. Come on......now your being extreme. Php and Mysql go together much of time and you know it. The times when they are obviously related, leave them alone. This is the last we will say on the subject. If the problem is in the PHP code, either in semantics or syntax, we will leave it in the most appropriate PHP section. If the problem is in the SQL query, regardless of the language used to send the signal to the MySQL server to execute the query, then it will be moved to the MySQL board. If there is a logical argument that the problem at hand is possibly related to PHP, then the moderator will have seen it, and he will have accounted for it. Contrary to popular belief, we are actually intelligent people with many years of experience in analyzing code, identifying problems, and eliminating non-issues. I look at it this way: If I could re-implement the PHP code you've written, but in perl, and still get the same problem, then it is not a PHP problem. If it is not a PHP problem, it does not belong in the PHP section.
  23. The PHP Freelancing board is where something like that would go.
  24. CV, I think he means a section of the forums. willpower, CV is right. Tutorials are probably the best way to go. If we were to add a Security board, I would envision it going something like this: "What can I do to make Apache secure?" and "How can I design my application to prevent SQL and code injection?" We can't do much with that. (Except point the poster to a tutorial.)
  25. I don't think it makes much of a difference.
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