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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Yeah, I know... you can fill in the blanks on the other seven.
  2. My 12-step program: 1. Google for "Dell XPS M1730" 2. Click the first link, find a useless flash animation 3. Go back, click the second link 4. This looks promising - "Tech Specs"? 5. Scroll down to the "Weight & Dimensions" section - odds are good.
  3. Haikus are easy But some of them don't make sense Refrigerators
  4. Check /etc/conf.d/net and /etc/conf.d/net.example.
  5. I have not configured a xen system, but I've used one, and I love it. I don't have a need for that level of virtualization in my systems, so I just use qemu and the Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine.
  6. Pre-existing websites would still be able to use whatever version of MySQL happens to be installed on their server, but yes, people would have to start to change their code to work with whatever database software their host decides to switch to. (Database abstraction layers would help with that - something that I recommend you all look into, regardless of the MySQL situation. ADOdb is an excellent choice.) I believe them when they say that they won't be abandoning Linux operating systems any time soon, though. I suspect their entire development process revolves around Linux, and it would require a lot of work to change that.
  7. I would like to add myself to the list of those who have never had this happen. I also block the Google Analytics urchin.js - a very handy item to block.
  8. http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/04/16/2337224&from=rss Either fork over the cash or live without some of it.
  9. My first thought is that it's probably an SMF problem, and should be reported to them. My second thought is that any competent web browser (Opera, Firefox) will let you set a minimum font size, so you don't have that problem.
  10. When I worked in IT, we discovered that the patches caused more administrative problems than the ones they solved. We had an organization-wide policy to not install updates except when it became necessary - and our computers worked like charms.
  11. Walmart sells bicycles, shoes, and home theater equipment. None of them are any good compared to what you might find at a store for bicycles, shoes, or home theater equipment. I think we would really rather not turn PHP Freaks into Walmart.
  12. iD and Epic have always been pretty good about publishing Linux clients for their games. Quake, Doom, and Unreal Tournament are some of the most popular FPS's, and the only commercial games that I know of that run under Linux. I frankly don't understand why more companies don't follow their lead.
  13. As have I - I think you're just a bit behind the times, unsider. Subscribe to slashdot, I guess.
  14. My initial knee-jerk reaction is, as usual, as follows: It's proprietary. That means I will have to pay to use it - maybe more than once, even. Deployment will be limited to a handful of platforms, and only the ones with the right software installed. A proprietary system usually has one advantage: There is a team of people getting paid to develop the software. This insures constant development. (For the most part. No need to split hairs, though.) However, this may also be a disadvantage. This means that if you have requests, bug reports, or anything else, there is a small group of people that have the authority (and ability) to fix it. A proprietary system also has the distinct pleasure of being difficult to write third-party extensions for. Unless the developers write and publish an API (which may very well be the case, but I don't know), third-party developers are out in the cold. That means that you're stuck with whatever the original developers choose to give you - you don't even have a chance at using somebody else's new and awesome functionality. And I realize that Adobe may have broken the mold; they may have ignored all of their previously established business practices. All of my arguments may have been nullified by a decision on Adobe's part to solve all of these problems - but I doubt it.
  15. I've been taking advantage of this for a few years. I absolutely love Google's cache. edit: After poking around, it seems that it's available to the general public, too. Even outside of Google's cache. Wow.
  16. From the sounds of it, Calculus AB sounds like an FST class I took - Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry. I don't actually remember much of the functions/statistics part (I remember a lot of graphs), but the trigonometry, I definitely remember. cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, sec, csc, etc. All those fun triangle things. (I think I need a refresher, though.) My guess is that Calculus BC is actual Calculus. Derivation and integration, most probably with single variables. Assuming that my previous assumptions are accurate, I've taken both of them. I've taken Calc BC twice, actually - once in my final year of high school, and once in my freshman year of university. And I think I'm going to see if I can find a class to sit in on when I go back, to give myself a refresher. (Shh, I'm sure the university doesn't like that.)
  17. I always misread "bytes" as "bits" for some reason. Thanks, Daniel.
  18. 50Mb * 1024 Kb/Mb = 51200 Kb 51200 Kb * 1024 b/Kb = 52428800 b
  19. This has been asked so many times I feel it deserves a sticky.
  20. Grub lets you run any (almost) command you want to, without setting it in the configuration file. I don't want to reboot right now, so I'm just going to guess - try hitting e in grub.
  21. Well, that's a new one on me. At my university, there's a medium sized parking lot for snowmobiles, though - lines of guardrails for the more adventurous students to chain their machines to. Quebec?
  22. You're kidding, right? A handful of people can't talk politics without yelling, imagine what this would turn into. Thread locked.
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