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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. mod_asp will handle ASP just fine.
  2. On April Fool's Day, Youtube rickrolls you: http://www.youtube.com (Click any of the Featured Videos) Which one does not belong?: http://www.thinkgeek.com Our big brother gets bigger every day: http://www.google.com.au/intl/en/gday/index.html Never having to admit that you forgot: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html I thought my cache was really, really messed up: http://questionablecontent.net, http://qwantz.com, and http://xkcd.com
  3. That's the kind of innovative thinking we need these days.
  4. I do plenty of hacking, but I'm not a hacker. I just wanted to "wear the badge", so to speak, to show that I sympathize with the hacker culture.
  5. www.vixy.net looks like it might work as well.
  6. A combination of a few applications will help you with this: $ youtube-dl $ mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file=filename.wav filename.flv And then Audacity to cut it up.
  7. iptables -I input 2 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT iptables -I input 2 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
  8. GCC is an excellent choice. And free, too!
  9. I have a pretty sizable collection of Mountain Dew empties next to my desk, and a rather monumental pile of pizza boxes. (Time to do some office-cleaning, I think.) But when I'm off the clock, I even it out with some of my healthier favorites - chicken salad sandwiches, taco salad, and various soups - I love cream of broccoli, tomato, and ham & pea. I've also been known to make a mean sandwich. My favorite recipe: roast beef, swiss cheese, onions, tomato, and mayo, grilled on honey oat or jalapeno bread. It helps to grill the onions a bit first, so they lose the bitterness and take on an almost sweet flavor. This may or may not have been inspired by the fact that I haven't eaten anything for a few hours.
  10. My thoughts exactly.
  11. Well, if you need the outgoing port to be 24800, then you need -L, but I really don't think you need any particular port. If you want to follow the synergy instructions and use -L, I only have one suggestion: ssh -L 24800:hostname:24800 hostname I'm guessing that it's dying because you haven't given it the (mandatory) hostname argument at the very end.
  12. the "bindaddress" part of the command isn't a port number, but the local IP address that you want to use for the connection. And the -L switch is way more than what you want. Just do this: $ ssh -p 24800 remotehost
  13. Removing them without authorization would qualify as vandalism or destruction of property - so I would suggest that you leave them be. If you're worried about someone taking credit for your work, all you can really do is wait for them to violate the copyright (under US law, a work is copyrighted as soon as it is created) and then tell them to stop the violation or file suit.
  14. Unfortunately, this is a side effect of any publicity. If enough people know about your site, you are going to get some attackers. As you've just discovered, the best route is to just implement as much security as you can, and take it as it comes along. Thank you for not placing blame on PHP Freaks, as I've seen happen in similar situations elsewhere, and it's good to know that you were able to solve the problem quickly.
  15. When I write simple test scripts, it's really a waste of time, but with any respectable project, there's no other way to do it. SA: If you do it properly, it's very easy to implement a system that will save you a lot of time in development. Put the right directories in include_path, put the right code in the right directories, and fill in the __autoload function, and then all you have to do is make the new classname() call. __autoload takes care of the include or require call, and voila, you have your classes.
  16. I listen to some experimental jazz and ska from time to time.
  17. "Transcribe", I think. Also, the world's fastest typist. I'd like to see any of you speed demons hit 212.
  18. rel="nofollow" may be of interest to you.
  19. You guys are really fast - any of you using a keyboard layout other than QWERTY, perhaps? I started using Dvorak about two weeks ago, so I'm still getting up to speed - only 45 wpm for me.
  20. Most popular databases don't conform to ANSI/ISO SQL by default, so it can be tricky, if not impossible, to write SQL that will work in multiple DBMSs. However, a database abstraction library like ADOdb might help you write code for database-independent systems.
  21. neylitalo


    I believe I've seen it in use, and the only conclusion that I've come to is that it's too client-intensive for me. And I'd rather not use Flash, in general - I'm of the opinion that it's better to not burden your users with the responsibility of making your website work properly. What happens if there are multiple places where the flash applet is used? Article titles for a blog, for example.
  22. Except in IE. Point conceded. I grow weary of IE 6. (Any IE, for that matter.)
  23. Although all "non-Free" patents on technology in use in GIF and JPEG have expired in the major areas of the world (USA, Canada, Japan, EU, and possibly others), I have continued to use PNG for all of my images. It works quite well for high-quality images as well as small file sizes.
  24. Your survey has numerous problems. In question 2, when you select "Female", it toggles the state of the "Male" option. In question 3, when you click any option but "Work", it toggles the state of the "Work" option. In questions 4, 7, and 8, when you select "No", it toggles the state of the "Yes" option. All mutually exclusive answers can be enabled simultaneously. Radio buttons are the sensible method. It requires that you input a name and an email address. You should not require your subjects to provide that information. (You shouldn't even ask for it.)
  25. No, it doesn't provide valuable, must-read information - just-for-fun threads usually stay up near the top of their own free will anyway.
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