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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Close, thorpe - just a minor change to the package name. emerge -pv php shows me this: $ emerge -pv php These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] dev-lang/php-5.2.6-r2 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cjk cli crypt exif ftp gd gdbm iconv imap ipv6 json mysql ncurses nls pcre posix postgres readline reflection session simplexml soap spl sqlite ssl truetype unicode xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib -adabas -bcmath -birdstep -calendar -cdb -cgi -concurrentmodphp -ctype -curl -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase -dbmaker -debug -discard-path -doc -empress -empress-bcs -esoob -fastbuild -fdftk -filter -firebird -flatfile -force-cgi-redirect -frontbase -gd-external -gmp -hash -inifile -interbase -iodbc (-java-external) -kerberos -kolab -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -mcve -mhash -msql -mssql -mysqli -oci8 -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -pdo -pic -qdbm -recode -sapdb -sharedext -sharedmem -snmp -sockets -solid -spell -suhosin -sybase -sybase-ct -sysvipc -threads -tidy -tokenizer -wddx -xmlrpc -xpm -xsl -yaz -zip-external" 0 kB The "gd" flag is indeed the one you want, but I'm not sure if you need it. I think that just adds support for external GD, and disables PHP's bundled GD.
  2. ToonMariner: mencoder is similar in purpose to ffmpeg, but by no means is it a replacement.
  3. http://jsext.sourceforge.net/
  4. Jamendo.com
  5. I've made several observations that indicate that this is normal behavior for the Media Direct button - my recommendation to the owner of the laptop was to pry the cover off and remove the actual button on the circuitry. A teeny flat-head screwdriver later, the Media Direct button was absolutely useless. The owner reports no negative side effects, and is thrilled with not having to reinstall the OS every time she misses and presses the wrong button.
  6. If you're having Gentoo problems and you used the automated installer to install it, it is safe to say that the problem is not in Gentoo, rather it is in the installer. I honestly don't know why they even bother to publish the automated installer.
  7. One Dell Inspiron 600m, a few years old but still running and serving my needs nicely. For mobility, there's not much better than the XXXm series. One home-made workstation with one dual-core proc. I play an occasional game of UT 2004 or Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, so it's got sorta-basic gaming equipment. One headless Frankenstein's Monster built from computers that I got in a neat little scam - I spread the word that I take old computers that people don't need, and they give me free hardware! This little beauty sits on a shelf and serves as a file, print, mail, subversion and database server, and serves copies of all of my DVD videos to my aforementioned day-to-day computers. The laptop and workstation run Gentoo linux (my favorite), and the server runs Debian unstable. (Not one of my better decisions. They call it "unstable" for a reason, and going from unstable to stable is a gigantic pain. Also, YMMV - it just plain didn't Work For Me .) These three machines are connected with a gigabit network, and I'm finally getting the hang of centralizing my processes, so I rarely have to synchronize data between my two production computers.
  8. While this is mostly accurate from a practical standpoint, it is far from accurate from a technical point of view. (I am only commenting on the "mac is linux" statement - I have difficulty reading sentence structures that look as though they've been assembled by a canary.) Mac OS X uses a Darwin subsystem for core operating system operations. While BSD (Darwin is a flavor of BSD) and linux have many similarities, they also have many differences, both in the technical and practical arenas. For example, BSD watch and GNU watch are very different programs for very different purposes, and binaries built for one system will fail horribly when executed on the other system.
  9. neylitalo


    I'm not sure what you're planning on doing with this information - the three middle polls are, I'm sure, going to be deemed sufficiently useless for moderation, the bottom one has already been done (and stickied), and the top one is pretty vague. I guess I'll let things develop and see what happens.
  10. I live in a remote area of the northern US, and some time last year, a beaver chewed through an optic cable and brought the whole place down.
  11. If that PHPExcel lib works, I'll be thrilled. I don't plan on using it, though, as I try to stay away from Excel whenever possible.
  12. When I have to, I use the PEAR library. I really don't like it, though, because it can only generate Excel 97 files.
  13. The GIMP. And so begins the age-old debate.
  14. The following IP addresses are reserved for internal network use only, and will not work from networks external to your own: - - - - (Note that if your computer has an IP in this range, there's probably something wrong. Computers self-assign addresses in this range when they can't contact a DHCP server or can't assign themselves a valid IP.) Since is in one of these ranges ( -, it must be internal. Unless you suspect you have an attacker in your local network, you are safe.
  15. In the standard unix-like operating system, name resolution goes through two steps. It first checks /etc/hosts for name assignments in the form of: an.ip.addr.ess some_hostname [other_hostname] [another_one] Note that underscores may not actually be valid as hostnames (I don't know) - check the host naming RFC if you're interested. If the name is not resolved then, it performs a DNS lookup using the nameserver directives in /etc/resolv.conf. /etc/network/interfaces is the Debian (maybe Red Hat, too?) way of describing network connections. This is the place to enable or disable network interfaces and define connection parameters (set hostnames, for example). /etc/apache2/sites-{available,enabled} is the Debian (again, maybe Red Hat too) way of making Apache admins' lives easier. VirtualHosts are defined in files in sites-available, symlinked to in sites-enabled, and Include'd in /etc/apache/apache2.conf. Note that you should not create the files in sites-enabled[tt], or [tt]cp the files from sites-available. I suppose a hardlink would be acceptable, but a symlink is preferable. If TLDP (one of my favorite resources) doesn't help, these man pages may be able to. Note that similar commands should work for most system configuration files. man hosts man resolv.conf man interfaces
  16. This should be a non-issue. HTML email is an abomination and should never be used.
  17. Sounds like the page you're redirecting to is redirecting back to the other page. Page 2 redirects to Page 1 Page 1 redirects to Page 2 Page 2 redirects to Page 1 And so on and so forth. You just need to find the redirect on Page 1 and fix the conditional logic around it.
  18. 10001 10027 10044 10116 10150 All zip codes in New York City, New York. I'm not sure what you're doing, but http://www.zip-codes.com/ may be of some assistance - it's kinda clunky, but it works. (The free version works fine. Don't bother paying for the software.)
  19. If you want to spend the thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of dollars (pounds, dollars - it's still a lot of money), then I'm sure you can get anything that they'll approve.
  20. keeB, you might like yafc - it's got the simplicity of the netkit ftp, and it has some few extra features like tab-completion, bookmarks, and directory listing caches. (The caches can bite you if you're using another method of modifying the files at the same time, but the command `cache -c` will clear them out.)
  21. The standard file browsing in vim is much different than in any IDE - you type the filenames and use tab-completion to open the files you want. For example, to open ~/projects/sticklinks/trunk/index.php, I do: :e ~/pro<tab>/sti<tab>/tr<tab>/ind<tab> Each time I press tab, it automatically fills it out to the correct name. It then opens the file I want. If all of the files I'm going to edit are in ~/projects/sticklinks, then I do :cd ~/projects/sticklinks And then I can just do this to edit the same file: :e trunk/index.php I use the buftabs and bufpos plugins from vim.org, to maintain a list of files at the bottom of my window. (See the attached screenshot.) [attachment deleted by admin]
  22. If "Cambridge AFC" is a widely known organization, and you make a website "www.cambridgeafc.net", you may be in violation of copyright and/or trademark laws. It's not difficult at all to imagine consumer confusion between your website and the actual "Cambridge AFC" website, and the plausibility of "consumer confusion" is usually what determines these things. However, since you are referencing the actual "Cambridge AFC" and not a completely different organization with the same name, I suspect that copyright laws may (may - I am no lawyer) be less applicable than trademark law. I think this would certainly qualify as an unlawful use of a trademark. But in either case, I would advise using a different name - one that doesn't promote such uncertainty.
  23. Look into setting up postfix.
  24. If you're using anything less than 0.14, you could try updating to the latest. (0.14) I've never put much time into Geany, so I don't know if this will fix it, but it's something to try. (As soon as I determined that there was no way to use vim keybindings, I was uninterested.)
  25. Subdomain? Your host's control panel probably has a section for managing subdomains.
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