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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. My current playlist has: Justice Bjork Nine Inch Nails (the new Ghosts album - not quite what I was expecting, but well worth the $5.) Pantera Static-X Depeche Mode Fireball Ministry Radiohead And I've been known to binge on pieces by Johann Pachelbel and Edvard Grieg, as well as instrumentals from an amazing guitarist, Carlos Saura and French composer and artist Ehma. Rob Costlow is an amazing pianist, I highly recommend his work as well.
  2. I took the author's numbers for granted, but the ideas are the same. How does nCr not fulfill those requirements? It allows all elements to repeat themselves...? Combinations do not allow for repeating elements. If you have four letters a, b, c, and d, the possible three-letter combinations are abc, abd, acd, and bcd. One fundamental rule of combinations and permutations is that once an element is chosen, it is removed from the set of available elements.
  3. Barand: Those look correct, but they only apply if each item can only appear once in the set. This situation requires that you allow repeating elements in the list, so a factorial isn't quite what we're looking for here. Probability theory is tied directly to this. Two independent events A and B have a probability of co-occurrence of P(A)*P(B). (Two mutually exclusive events A or B have a probability of occurring of P(A) + P(B), which is similar to what a factorial is describing. P(A) + P(B) + P© + P(D) ...) The number of possible outcomes is very easy to determine, from the probability - remember, a probability is just the odds of one particular outcome happening, out of all possible outcomes. When you flip a coin, it can land one of two ways, so the probability is 1/2. When you roll a die, it can land one of six ways, so the probability is 1/6. This number is the probability that one specific event (roll a 6) will happen out of all possible outcomes. And since there is not more than one option per slot (we can't pick "ab" as a character - only one at a time), we can come to the conclusion that the number of possible outcomes is simple the inverse of the probability. (If it were something like "the odds of rolling a six or a three", the probability would be 2/6, or 1/3, so the inverse of the probability is not accurate here.) So we can rewrite our problem like this: There are 64 possible elements, A-Z, a-z, 0-9. A) What is the probability of choosing an "A"? 1/64 B)What is the probability of choosing an "A" and then a "B"? (1/64)^2 C) How many possible outcomes are there if you are going to randomly fill a list n characters long? 64^n
  4. "E" or "e", in a number like this, can be replaced with "* 10^". So in this case, 8.04857523954E+28 is 8.04857523954 * 10^28. This comes out to, approximately: 80 485 752 395 400 000 000 000 000 000 But if you need the exact answer, use the number_format function when you echo the final result. number_format($sets);
  5. This is solved by a bit of very simple math: <?php $sets = 0; $chars = 26; $min = 3; $max = 4; $current_length = $min; while($current_length <= $max) { $sets += pow($chars, $current_length); $current_length++; } echo "Current string length: " . ($current_length - 1) . "\n"; echo "Number of combinations: " . $sets . "\n"; ?> And it's fast, too. Be prepared for some very large numbers, though.
  6. I use the Liberation fonts everywhere.
  7. Notepad++ doesn't support non-Windows operating systems from the looks of it. @jordanwb: I love vim, as do countless others, but its learning curve is too much for many people. Based on the countless stories I've heard of users who can't live without vim, I suggest you give it a try. (Go through vimtutor.) If you find that it's not quite what you wanted, I've heard that gphpedit and quanta are good choices.
  8. That's something that happens when you have the Real Player installed on the client, I don't believe it's anything to do with the server.
  9. Whenever I'm having weird problems with the Gimp, it usually stems from the fact that I'm using a color mode that, for whatever reason, it doesn't like. Setting it to a different one usually fixes it. (I find that RGB is usually the most likely candidate to work) Note that this is only for the Gimp, and may very well have no effect in Photoshop. (I also have no idea how to do it it Photoshop, sorry.)
  10. No, we don't delete accounts.
  11. I always like to see a proper amount of skepticism, but skepticism should also include a certain amount of research, and it appears that the article in question is using perfectly reliable information. That Wikipedia article happened to link to a document hosted on the Philips website that seems to indicate that the specifications for a DVD+RW DL media were written in December 2006, and I dare say that the Philips website is a reliable source. ober: Wherever you may happen to find them, prepare to pay a pretty penny. (I like alliteration... "prepare to pay a pretty penny".) The last time I checked, DL discs were up to $10 apiece, and I'm sure that the RW feature adds considerably to that.
  12. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned, but I'll say it again. Your request is not the problem, the precedent we set by granting the request is the problem. We are not denying your request because it lacks merit, or because we have something against you. We are denying your request because we deny all such requests, and to approve one request would only open the floodgates. There is nothing that you can say (within the realm of reason) that will make us change our minds. We don't change names.
  13. In the mean time, feel free to paste your file to pastebin.ca, phpfi.com, or other similar pastebin service. I recommend not using rafb.net, as your paste will expire after 24 hours' time.
  14. I would guess that the highest possible level would be a PhD in Everything? You'll have to clarify a bit.
  15. Check into ssmtp, it's probably in your distro's package manager.
  16. Daniel, are you sure you replied to the right thread?
  17. The old 'let-the-butterfly-do-the-work' technique?
  18. A proper data modeling reference won't have anything to do with MySQL, I'm afraid.
  19. Absolutely. On an entirely unrelated note, this is my first post to PHP Freaks using a Dvorak keyboard layout. It's interesting.
  20. Personally, I'm of the opinion that MySQL will rapidly go down the tubes from here on out, although they'll maintain the dual-licensing scheme that they've got going on right now. Sun has a nasty habit of exerting too much control over their "open source" projects (see this story), and that makes developers difficult to retain. In any good open-source project, the decision-making usually goes like this: He who writes the code controls the code. But in the case of OpenOffice, Sun ultimately controls the code. I have a feeling that MySQL will go down much the same path. But on the other hand, MySQL was already a corporate entity (MySQL AB) - maybe not much will change? I don't know for sure. All I do know is that I'm sticking with PostgreSQL. It's still Free, and it's still developed by the community - and that has value to me.
  21. I've heard people say that e*trade is good, but I've never used their service or any other, so I can't say for sure.
  22. There were two options: Shut down the site, and leave the site up. In this situation, shutting it down happened to be the best move possible. We're working on it, but everybody is going to have to be patient - we'll let you know as the situation changes.
  23. And other people don't really understand how much the finished product is really worth, or they seriously misunderestimate the amount of work that will be required.
  24. This is where a revision control software comes in handy. (CVS, SVN, Darcs) I haven't had any real doozies in a while, but a few years ago, I wiped out an entire directory of user-managed photos when I tried to move them with a script that didn't allow for the possibility of bad permissions. :-\
  25. That's odd, the image isn't actually there. drisate, this is relatively low on the admins' lists of priorities. It will get fixed, but when, I can't say.
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