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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Post what you tried. I don't know, I've never hired someone through it. You asked if there was somewhere you could pay for help. There is.
  2. Change <input name="comoditis" to <input name="comoditis[]". Change the value to 1, not a string. On your processing page, do a print_r($_POST); and you can see what's been posted. $_POST['comoditis'] will be an array of all the checked boxes.
  3. Do an INNER join on materials.
  4. Click the lightswitch in the top left. Does that change it? Are you selecting the text and then clicking the icon? What browser are you using? etc. Also, you can just type [ code ] and [ /code] without the spaces.
  5. Use code tags next time.
  6. Oh my god. What is it with this today? I have never seen this so many times in one day. I know there's more than just these ones too. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/269357-making-sure-usernames-are-not-duplicated/page__st__20#entry1384854 http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/269398-passing-custom-field-into-wordpress-query-posts-array/#entry1384849 http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/269391-adding-radio-buttons-to-a-mysql-database-list/#entry1384783
  7. We have a freelance forum. Why don't you try what I said though?
  8. I'm moving this to third party apps. Did you write the get_posts function? I assume not, that sounds like a basic WP function. You probably just want to pass it the array, not a string of php code trying to echo an array. Which wouldn't even be valid PHP anyway.
  9. $to = '$_POST'; I feel like a broken record. Single Quoted Strings do not parse!!!
  10. I don't think Lily was doing that, she just really did not know why you were doing it.
  11. You are literally telling it to use the string 'echo $listids;'. Single quoted strings do not parse. You shouldn't be storing PHP commands inside a string, anyway. Post the code for get_posts.
  12. I also never wear a helmet when I ride my bike. Someday if I get hit by a car, I'm going to wish I'd listened to my mom.
  13. You should always follow a header('Location: ...') with a die() or exit().
  14. You need to move ALL of your processing BEFORE any output.
  15. Even if every field is blank, if a form was submitted at all, $_POST will exist. It always contains the submit field at least, and the input fields will contain null/blank values.
  16. Post the code you're having trouble with.
  17. I wish I could like that 1000 times.
  18. Please use code tags. You already know how to access data in an array, you've done it before. $_POST is an array.
  19. Yes. Errors. You need to put EVERYTHING you want to be printed to the screen AFTER any possibility of a header call.
  20. NEEDS MORE RAGE. Seriously. Is there a site somewhere you can just read ragequits? I haven't seen a good one in a while. These last few are whineyquits.
  21. The first thing you should do is run a case-insensitive find and replace and change all of your lable to label. /Get Data From SQL statement $query=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $record[]=$row['received_id']; $part_number[]=$row['part_number']; $location[]=$row['location']; $qty[]=$row['qty_requested']; } Rather than making all these arrays, just stick with a multi-dimensional assoc array, then do a foreach on it, not a for.
  22. *headdesk*. I did tell you why. Your query was never going to work. What is different about yours and mine? Did you read the link in my signature I directed you to?
  23. //display success message echo "<center>You have successfully logged out!</center>"; //redirect them to the usersonline page header('Location: login.php'); What are you thinking will happen here? You cannot echo ANYTHING to the screen before using header(). You have printed a ton of stuff to the screen. It's not just whitespace, it's ANY text. Including <html> <head> <title>Login with Users Online Tutorial</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> And your echo.
  24. YA THINK.
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