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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. It worked fine for me, using Chrome.
  2. I'm not your guy, pal.
  3. Maybe it needs to be mysq2_query. Isn't that the next version up?
  4. See the link in my signature for the SQL error. There's a lot of other stuff wrong, which Dan mentioned. The loop (I assume) he's referring to is for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ because $count is a string.
  5. Ah, you need to uninstall Dreamweaver. http://google.com/search?q=PHP+IDE
  6. You have to check if the $_POST array exists before trying to use it. Please fix your original post.
  7. It means your head is unbalanced, and you can usually fix it by doing a handstand, putting the computer on the floor upside down, and then very quickly drop your head onto the computer real hard.
  8. So, write some logic that does that. count.
  9. Yes. That makes perfect sense. What is the problem?
  10. Maybe if you actually wanted answers, you should have provided the relevant information in your first post? Perhaps the size you've set it to isn't optimal for that font. Photoshop usually adds aliasing to the fonts, something I personally think makes them LESS attractive.
  11. $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");//Queries the database $num = mysql_num_rows($query);//Collects the rows (if any) $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);//a variable to grab rows with //checks if there are any registered members if($num == 0){ $msg .= "There are no members in the database, register first."; }else{ Are you (a) actually suggesting querying for every column of every row of a table just to find out if any rows exist and ( b ) suggesting this is necessary to tell the end user whether or not ANY rows exist in the users table? Also, your code will only ever let the very first user login, and assumes passwords stored plain text. Please don't hand out code like this for newbies to use, this is just making things worse.
  12. If the font is installed on your computer, the browser can use it. This is the reason you're supposed to use a list, IE: font-family: Georgia, Garamond, Times New Roman, serif; So the computer can use the most likely font. If your computer has Georgia, it's used. If not, it tries Garamond, then TNR, then just a generic serif. So if you're downloading wacky fonts online, and your visitors don't have them, you need to specify other similar fonts they are likely to have. There are lots of solutions out there for using specific fonts without images. I specifically see them in Wordpress sites a lot. TLDR: the problem is not the web browser, the problem is using fonts the visitors don't have.
  13. I wasn't aware you could add to an array like that. (+=) That actually works? I've always used array_merge. Or is that new? $symbols = array(); //WHITELIST OF SYMBOLS $symbols += range('a', 'z'); // Lowercase A to Z $symbols += range('A', 'Z'); // Uppercase A to Z $symbols += range('0', '9'); // Numbers 0 to 9 $symbols[] = '>'; // Greater Than or Open Angle Bracket $symbols[] = '<'; // Less Than or Close Angle Bracket print_r($symbols); When I run that code, I get: Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c [3] => d [4] => e [5] => f [6] => g [7] => h [8] => i [9] => j [10] => k [11] => l [12] => m [13] => n [14] => o [15] => p [16] => q [17] => r [18] => s [19] => t [20] => u [21] => v [22] => w [23] => x [24] => y [25] => z [26] => > [27] => < )
  14. Use code tags please. The code you have sends the user to a specific page based on their access level. What you'll want to do is (assuming this is a base/header type file) have a list of what pages are global OR a list of what are "special", then if on the "special" page (or not a global page), check if the user's access is one of the allowed types, and if not redirect them home.
  15. We have a board for hiring freelancers.
  16. If you look at the manual you will see examples of looping through result sets. You would select all the data you need at once
  17. Why would you select each slot separately?
  18. WHY are you doing so many queries!!!?!?!? Also, use a SUM().
  19. And how many of them are from the new testament?
  20. Now you've got the damn comma back in there. It's like you just bang on the keyboard and hope it works, right? The words ARE IN ENGLISH. What does the word "type" mean? What does the word "casting" mean? Is google somehow broken on your computer? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_conversion
  21. No, it's not reading it from the database, it's getting the POSTed value. "country = '".$_POST['country']."'; WHERE id=$int"; 1. Why do you have a ; after the country? 2. What is $int? You need to read about type casting in PHP if you don't understand what that line of code does. And SQL injection/data santizing
  22. echo $parsedarray['-state'];
  23. Put related functions in one file. Then start looking into classes/objects.
  24. Why do you want two fields with unique incrementing ids in the same table? Just use one of them....
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