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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. If you can't figure out how to do the rest of what you're saying based on the query I gave you, then you need to go back to the basics.
  2. echo '<input name=$db type=radio value=$db>'; Variables within single quotes are not parsed. You are literally creating an input with the name '$db' and a value of '$db'. do a print_r($_POST) and you'll see. Or view the rendered source.
  3. I don't see any attempt to actually display the graph.
  4. 1. You should be using a user id, rather than a name, as a unique identifier for each row. 2. You haven't specified what tables to select from. A better way to do it is: SELECT messages.datesent, users.logoutdate FROM users LEFT JOIN messages ON users.user_id = messages.user_id WHERE users.user_id = $user_id ORDER by ASC datesent 3. You are not capturing mysql errors, see my signature. 4. Your entire intent seems flawed, however. You realize this will get you every datesent in the messages table for that user, with the ONE single user's log out time? Why would you want that?
  5. You may have done this already, but ask the customer to go to youtube and make sure he can hear audio from the videos there, or find another site that just plays audio without flash like yours is doing and see if he can hear that. Edit: I re-read the OP and see you ARE using flash. So, find a site that uses flash and have him test it. Also direct him to the latest version of flash.
  6. Are you sure you're connected to mysql?
  7. A test is not programming an entire app. Interview test questions will cover small issues and usually be things like fixing a bug, not writing an entire app.
  8. What is it with the entitled whiny children tonight?
  9. Dude, take the language down a notch. If you don't like the answers you get, leave. Don't be a whiny child.
  10. Why are you doing ratings = increment + 1 is the question? What is increment supposed to be? A column or a variable?
  11. Why would you store data that won't be used again? If you don't know how to use google, that's your problem. Too bad your project manager can't see this and all the other places where apparently you've been told its a bad idea. If you don't have the balls to tell them, we can.
  12. No, because then when you have trouble actually using the data, you'll be asking for help again and you'll get the same response. There's a reason everyone keeps telling you to do it that way. However, imploding an array into a delimited string is so simple that if you insist on doing it, you should have been able to find an example by now...
  13. *shrug*. Glad someone could help you
  14. Also, you need to learn HOW TO LEARN. Learning to bake is very similar to learning to program. Would you read a recipe and see "tbs" and throw your hands in the air and say you don't get it? What would you do when you are instructed to temper chocolate? Or sift flour? This is the SAME process. These are mostly English words that you simply don't understand and rather than throwing flour into the oven and picking a random temperature, then complaining that your cupcakes taste bad, you need to learn what the terms are and how the processes work. Then you can learn that when your cupcakes rise and fall, it means your baking soda ia too old, and when they never rose at all, you probably forgot the baking soda entirely. You don't just throw random things together without knowing WHY. The computer is no more magic than my mixer, you have to do things in the right order, and be specific. The good thing is that with a computer, you're not likely to poison anyone if you mess up, so you can try things until you get it right. If you want to update a specific user, you need to know what user to update. It's up to you to decide how that information gets from one place to another, there are several ways.
  15. The first line tells you to assign the value of $_POST['id'] to $id, while casting it to an integer. Since it's an ID, it should be a number. The second line tells you to put a WHERE clause on your query, which you did. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU STUCK??? You have a half dozen versions of this code that just show you putting random bits of code in, if you don't understand what ANY OF IT DOES you will continue to come back and be confused. If another forum is happy to do it for you, GO BACK THERE.
  16. So where is the if that goes with that else?? That's bugging me.
  17. Then it's time to find a new hobby.
  18. LOL. That was a great response.
  19. It tells you in plain english. There is no such function as mysql_nums_rows.
  20. Well someone else might come along and figure it out, I'm just saying it looks like there is a section of the file missing. And the Dev should be able to debug the code you've posted if it's his code, without going on your server. But he says he didn't even write it. If you can find the author of it on http://www.oscommerce.com you might get some help from them.
  21. To be fair, that doesn't fix the problem. And the OP already noted that he realized he needs to echo the string...
  22. Yeah, don't give that guy access to your server. I would try to find another script, if you're not able to fix this one. The crappy indenting makes it hard to follow to even identify the problem.
  23. As far as I can see, it goes from an opening for(){ to an }else{ without ever closing the for(){ construct. Talk to the developer who made it?
  24. How do you seriously not see what's wrong with that code? Do you really not know the difference between a word and a number?
  25. There is no part of that description that has to do with storing PHP in your database.
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