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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Well, then TinyMCE is a good choice. I only commented because you keep saying Wordpress, and no one has said anything about Wordpress but you. Try TinyMCE. It's easy.
  2. A. STOP USING DREAMWEAVER. B. Read the PHP manual on PDO/mysqli and switch to one of those. C. Yes, it is possible. Do A&B first.
  3. Okay so that is your code, what is the problem? You really need to switch to using a while loop, not a do-while, and remove your extra fetch() call, like I said to do in my very first second post.
  4. ... You said you want a text editor. Do you really mean a CMS? Because it SOUNDS like what you want is a WYSIWYG editor, which is what TinyMCE is. It has nothing to do with Wordpress. If you want a full CMS/blogging platform like Wordpress, that is completely different. That software would USE a WYSIWYG but that's not all it is.
  5. You must call session_start() on any page where you want to use the session. If you don't see your variable in the session, then either you unset it or you did not set it.
  6. Why do you keep talking about Wordpress? Wordpress is a blogging/CMS platform.
  7. You'll have to use Ajax. JQuery is good.
  8. Hey Nerbie, Your if condition is: $totalRows_rsOsprey > 0 You say the li still prints? Then $totalRows_rsOsprey must be greater than 0. Your code literally makes no sense though. You could put all of that within the same loop. But really you should probably look into normalizing your data and using loops.
  9. Registered member, echo the variable and see what's actually in it. var_dump
  10. *smh* what is the value? What makes you think the code isn't working?
  11. What is $totalRows_rsOsprey set to?
  12. Hence my suggestion to map them to something useful.
  13. Honestly it'd probably be easier to just get a regular keyboard and map the windows key to something else. There is that keyboard with nothing on the keys
  14. Does it work? Are you really asking us to help with code and you don't even know if there's a problem?
  15. That's if you're using the MySQL console or a tool like MySQL Workbench or phpMyAdmin. See how you called some functions to connect and select your database? You need the appropriate functions to run your query. (You'll want to switch to using PDO/mysqli)
  16. You're the one who replied to someone talking about features... Whatever. This thread is kind of pointless. The OP was merely trying to spam their site.
  17. How on earth will your solution work? It doesn't even make any sense. What will happen when two users are logged in?
  18. All you've done is just write out two strings, and try to subtract one from the other. You'll need to actually execute the queries and then fetch the data. If you don't know how to do that, try googling for a basic MySQL/PHP tutorial. Look for one that uses PDO or mysqli_, not mysql_ functions. Also read the manual, the basic examples in there are really all you'll need.
  19. Probably because you're subtracting one string from another string. You've never run the queries, or fetched the data.
  20. Moving this to the right forum. (based on OP's post, this is an application design issue IMO) You should post the relevant code only, in code tags. (The <> button).
  21. Try capturing errors. Check my signature where it says Debugging your SQL. You're not checking for any MySQL errors. Edit: The post describes using mysqli, but you'll do the same thing with the appropriate PDO functions. Check the PHP manual for those.
  22. No, you called something stupid because you're not smart enough to understand it's value. You also called it crap. Don't try to act like you're not being a moron. Don't spout off opinions on how crappy something is when you can't even comprehend it. It makes you look even almost stupider than you did the time you told us about spraying bleach in your dying cat's face.
  23. $fetch is a variable, not a "command". There's nothing in this code that indicates AJAX. Please create your own thread, post your code, and describe your problem.
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