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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Unrelated but relevant - don't surround numeric values in quotes for SQL.
  2. You can things, but they don't. Luke how old are you?
  3. You didn't answer his question. Are you able to?
  4. Implode needs an array. You set the Argument you give it to a string. ...
  5. Try like this SELECT jos_blah_comments.fields FROM jos_blah_comments LEFT JOIN jos_community_users ON jos_community_users.userid = jos_blah_comments.userid WHERE jos_blah_comments.userid IS NULL If that doesn't work, you'll have to do a subquery to find all the userids and do NOT IN.
  6. " mind elaborating why 'goto' is added in PHP 5.3 when its been argued as a misfeature by many experienced coders? You've gotta give people choices, let them make their own decision on how to write their scripts." Good job answering your own question!
  7. Your PHP page that outputs HTML can simply echo the $_GET array on the end of the Ajax call. Wherever you print the URL to request via Ajax, add a loop that cycles through $_GET, or even just serialized it.
  8. 1. If player id is numeric don't surround it in quotes. 2. Don't use the session variable without escaping it. 3. Check for errors as Barand said or see the link in my signature.
  9. Well since there's nothing in the code to append the username....
  10. Probably the same place.
  11. It's better to use a Dom parser.
  12. You have some errors in there that you should be getting errors reported on. How does it not work? Fix the errors like the missing ; at the end of line, etc. Seriously, read the links in my signature, before replying.
  13. function myfunc(){ // do code return $arr; } myfunc(); If you want help, post your function and loop. Otherwise you're asking someone to do it for you.
  14. There's still not a question. If you are unable to attempt the code, then SocialCloud is correct in suggesting the freelance section. If you have code you have tried to use and are stuck, post that and we can help debug. I suggest reading the links in my signature as well.
  15. What have you done so far? IE, where are you stuck?
  16. Exactly, the print_r($_POST); is showing you that $_POST is empty. Where do you expect the posted data to be coming from?
  17. What error did you get? Your original error was that tenantID is not a column. If it's not, either create it or figure out what column you wanted.
  18. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); print '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); if (isset($_POST['rig'], $_POST['medication'])) { $rig = $_POST['rig']; $medication = $_POST['medication']; $sql = "INSERT INTO tabletest (rig,medication) VALUES ('{$rig}','{$medication}')"); $result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: {$sql} - Error: ".mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } ?> What do you get when running this?
  19. Either the query works, or you get an error. What is the error? What makes you think it's NOT working?
  20. A lot easier to read like this: mysql_query("INSERT INTO tabletest (rig,medication) VALUES ('{$rig}','{$medication}')") or die(mysql_error()); OP, you need to check for errors. Read the link in my signature about debugging SQL.
  21. I love CakePHP, it's easy, great MVC, good docs.
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