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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Span is probably best, but you can always use display: inline; to make a block element (div, p) look like a span does.
  2. If it uses any short tags, either fix them to be long <?php or enable short tags in PHP ini.
  3. Jessica

    Hash Key?

    Or if you're saying you want to get the actual hash, then use a Dom parser.
  4. Jessica

    Hash Key?

    Hashes are one way. Sooooo... Too bad.
  5. I'm not good at regex but it would seem there's a problem with yours.
  6. Is "ass" in your bad words list? *eyeroll*
  7. You need to fix the undefined variable notice first - that will probably solve the header error.
  8. Also n is going to be undefined. You probably mean $n.
  9. You're already in PHP, you can't open another PHP tag. Use concatenation or make those 3 separate lines of code.
  10. Edit: header location call.
  11. You were told many times before to always use die() after a header, and you keep arguing against using it. I hope you finally realize you can actually change your practices for the better.
  12. If you actually paid attention to what people were saying instead of worrying about a number, you might actually learn something.
  13. Stop being a whiny child.
  14. For one thing you should be using a unique ID for each person, and using that instead of a name. Secondly, the error is with your string concatenation.
  15. You're not currently echo'ing anything. If you have the key just echo it.
  16. Would give a syntax error.
  17. Then find a Romanian forum. Don't come to a forum where you can't communicate and ask us to write code for you. That is rude. The rules of this forum is we help you debug and fix your code. Not write it for you. If you need very detailed explanations and can't speak English, maybe don't go to a forum that is primarily English.
  18. OMG then use your own language. Also, it's not just Americans who speak English. The UK, Canada, Australia and NZ, the nordic countries speak it well, South Africa, etc.
  19. Read it and rephrase it in English. What do those two lines say? Look at my example: $foo = 'bar'; echo $myArr['foo']; In english this says. Assign the string 'bar' to a variable $foo. Echo the value of the array $myArr at the key of string 'foo'. Will that do anything useful?
  20. It's telling you exactly what is wrong. In the $_POST array, there is NO index called 'mail_from'. This is your code: $mail_from=$_POST['customer_mail']; $header=$_POST['mail_from']; Do you understand how variables work? What an array is? How forms work? The problem you have right now is basic logic. Would you expect this to work? $foo = 'bar'; echo $myArr['foo']; Cause that's what you're doing.
  21. Uhm.... == is comparison.
  22. I'd have one table for ads holding title, user, dates etc. then add details which holds rows of many to one relationship with ads.
  23. See the link in my signature on debugging SQL
  24. What is the structure of the potions table? And why aren't you updating based on a primary key?
  25. You haven't given us enough information.
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