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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Google is this way: http://google.com
  2. Is your table actually named table? Please post the error and your actual code.
  3. Did you notice that the title of this page is different than all the others? Clearly it's possible.
  4. So, exactly what TOA said.
  5. Well, what I think you're asking for - that's not possible, so kicken gave you ways to accomplish the concept of what you showed us. The phrase "search bar inside the input field" doesn't even make any sense. What are you trying to do?
  6. You really don't see the link between what we are telling you and your code? Do you actually have a learning disability? I think Kevin hit the nail on the head there. If not, then I go back to my previous conclusion that you are a troll. A weak one at best, but either you are a troll or you have a learning disability.
  7. What of it DO you understand?
  8. Why do you smoke crack?
  9. Why do you have an obsession with wrapping things in parenthesis? Do you really not know by now the difference between these three lines of code? $a = $b; $a = '$b'; $a = "$b"; Because your code consistently shows that you don't, even after being told dozens of times.
  10. I don't believe that you even tried searching google. "image as form submit button" turns up plenty of useful results.
  11. I don't believe that you even tried searching google. "image as form submit button" turns up plenty of useful results.
  12. If you're having errors you need to post them. If you don't see errors, enable error_reporting and set to E_ALL. If you still don't see errors then you need to describe what your script does that you don't expect or doesn't do that you do expect. Asking someone to find the errors in your code without you taking any steps to debug it yourself is rude. Also, wrap your code in code tags next time.
  13. I've never seen anything that says Smarty can use those tags. Where did you see that? If you need to enable something to use those tags maybe check on that. Edit: http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/language.escaping.tpl Did you set them in your PHP?
  14. When using js in a smarty template you often have to make liberal use of the {literal} tag. You could save a lot of effort by not looping over your elements but instead using a class.
  15. Really? nl2br
  16. Yeah unless your code says echo 'Array', then you are actually trying to print an array. Do you know what an array is?
  17. nl2br()
  18. Just remember, doctors used to recommend smoking - especially during pregnancy. Good luck and have a good day as well.
  19. Please do some research, because your pediatrician is 100% wrong. It's very easy to find accurate information on this topic. That doctor clearly doesn't understand the difference between breastmilk and formula, something you don't need a medical career to know about, and something which doctors are notorious for being ill-informed on. The only semi-accurate way to know how much breastmilk a baby gets when nursing is by weighing it before and after a feed. Pumping is not a reliable indicator of how much milk a woman produces. The amount of breastmilk a baby needs is not related to their body weight. It's very easy to find that out, you can look online or in print, and talk to people who actually know what they're talking about like La Leche League, or an IBCLC. But a Ped is usually the least informed person on breastfeeding. There are easy signs to see if a doctor actually knows about breastfeeding, and telling someone something like the amount of milk is related to the baby's weight is a BIG red flag. If you care about the baby and mom having a successful breastfeeding relationship, you will do some actual research on the topic, rather than taking his word or my word for it. The reason I am concerned is you said this was a script for a "user". Most people don't create web based scripts for a simple calculation they could do in excel for themselves. They create them to publish them. If you're not going to publish it then fine, but I hope for your own families sake that you do look into the inaccurate comments your doctor is making.
  20. LOL yeah it's so funny isn't it? You aren't looking for medical advice, you're just creating a tool to dispense medical advice based on invalid assumptions. "I just created a little script that asks the user for the current weight of their baby". To ignore the harmful implications of this would be as if I ignored you saying you were creating a tool that asked users for the color of their baby's hair and told them how much food to feed them. It's irresponsible. If you don't want criticism of your ideas, don't post them on the internet. If you want to actually do something useful, there is plenty you can do besides this "tool". You have an opportunity to learn more about a subject, and instead you respond with "LOL" and dismiss it. Shame on you.
  21. The amount of breastmilk a baby needs to consume has literally NOTHING to do with their weight. It has everything to do with their age and other undeterminable variables. From birth to 6 months all babies regardless of weight need 24-30 oz of breastmilk per day. The general rule is 1-1.5 oz per hour. It is not dependent on their weight. After 6 months (when solids are introduced) babies will slowly drop their breastmilk consumption in favor of food, but it can take until 12 months or longer for babies to be eating a lot of food. Regardless of what age they are, the amount of milk they need to consume stays relatively the same. The milk changes in composition as baby grows. A mom of a 1 year old actually produces different milk than when the baby was 1 week old. Baby will probably drink about the same on average. Premature babies will need less breastmilk as well, dependent on just how premature they were. In addition, the primary reason someone would need this information is if they are pumping and leaving the baby with a caregiver. Once the baby is a few months old they can reliably reverse cycle and choose to sleep more during the day and nurse more at night. This means they'd be consuming less milk during the day and more at night. Pumping is usually fairly ineffective, so it's actually easier on the moms if the baby does this. If they read something that says their baby should be getting X oz per hour, and the mom can't pump that much, and/or the baby refuses to take that much milk in favor of waiting for mom to return, it undermines mom's confidence in her ability to feed her baby. Then the baby hits a growth spurt and needs to nurse more, and mom thinks either she can't make enough milk, or the baby shouldn't have so much milk, or something is wrong, when it's really the natural pattern of a baby growing. The "tool" you are attempting to create is at best, inaccurate, and at worst, hurting breastfeeding moms.
  22. Not if you can't even remember it, and write it down.
  23. If it's always going to be just those 5, just stick them in an array and use shuffle.
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