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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. See the post in my signature.
  3. I agree 100%. But saying that using trim will make the site not work isn't true - as long as you trim it every time. Not to mention, that a simple phrase is way more secure than just "random" characters. You can make a much more secure password using only a-z than using special chars - what matters is the length. You said "I click "Register" and the form goes through successfully. Now, in the backend you've just trimmed that trailing <SPACE> without my knowing. The next time I go to login my trailing space is no longer valid and I will have no idea why." That is not true, as long as they trim it each time. That was all.
  4. If in your model you fix your code to actually do something with "$row->first_name;" like maybe $this->first_name = $row->first_name; Then in your controller you can do: $this->account_model->user()->first_name;
  5. As long as you mess with it the same way each time who cares.
  6. Stop opening new PHP tags when you're already writing PHP.
  7. We've been telling him this for a year.
  8. NO.
  9. $query = sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `password` = '%s' WHERE email = 'email'", Obvious troll is still obvious.
  10. The freelance forum is a few down.
  11. You need to normalize your data.
  12. $arr = array('item1', 'item2', 'item3'); $newarr = array(); foreach($arr AS $a){ $newarr[] = array('value'=>$a); } Why?
  13. Instead of phpmyadmin excuse me.
  14. You can either run the query in the SQL tab, or just use the command line instead of MySQL.
  15. Desc is a reserved word. Surround it with back ticks or change to a better name.
  16. Change it in your PHP.ini http://php.net/manual/en/mail.configuration.php
  17. What is a hook sign? Are you talking about the favicon?
  18. Did you try looking for the number 3, and changing it to 4 or 5?
  19. You will have to use an IDE meant for development.
  20. He's got 99 users but a hacker ain't one!!
  21. No. Whatever you're doing you are going about it in the wrong way.
  22. If you don't have it set to zerofill it won't show.
  23. "What code have you written and what error, symptom, or problem did you have when you ran it?" You did one of these things. It sounds like all you need to do is add an if(). Time is easy to do math with. What have you tried??
  24. As for the why: its just wrong to use tables. It might work, but its bad practice. It makes it harder for people using screen readers. An analogy might be using "txt spek" to write a term paper. Can you be understood? Yes. Is it correct? No.
  25. If you don't want people to be able to browse to the file, put it outside of the document root.
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