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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You didn't ask a question.
  2. Your login function will need arguments, especially since its going to do something besides just wrap check login.
  3. This topic has been discussed many times on here. Encrypting code is mostly useless. Selling software as a service is a good option, if you're willing to host it.
  4. It's good practice. If you turn on error reporting to show all errors including notices, you'll get an error when you try to load the page without having set that session var
  5. Use jquery, it'll be easy to do all of that.
  6. Look it up in the manual and if you're still stuck post the new code
  7. Actually also before echo you need to check isset(), and use unset instead of = ""
  8. I would use a key like "msg" or message, makes it more flexible in the future otherwise good!
  9. Put the message into the session before the redirect, then echo it and unset it.
  10. Still wrong. I know you know how to use and and or in a query, you've done it before. And those are columns, not rows.
  11. Jessica


  12. Jessica


    PhpMyAdmin will only show a certain amount unless you export it. Or your column is too small.
  13. This has nothing to do with cURL. It depends what you're searching for. You'd either use a DOM Parser, or just simple strpos type functions.
  14. Jessica


    Hit the return key or type a <br>, depends if you want br or \r\n
  15. So now you have ':post'. Still not right.
  16. In your SQL you are doing ':$post', when it should be :post You NEED to turn on error reporting.
  17. Then you need to turn on error reporting to E_ALL. And PFMaBiSmAd is 100% right.
  18. When you echo the SQL what does it say? Check out the link in my signature on debugging SQL
  19. 21 days is three weeks. We aren't psychic. You need to post your code. It sounds like you haven't actually written any Javascript yet for this task. I suggest looking at jQuery.
  20. A textarea does not have a value attribute. <textarea name="test">Text here</textarea>.
  21. You want it to take a while, not be quick. If it only takes them 1 second, that's a bot.
  22. You'll want to use a Dom parser
  23. 1. Use code tags 2. You're missing a closing }.
  24. Except when it shouldn't be
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