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Everything posted by corbin

  1. I like method 1. if() { } Just looks disconnected to me.
  2. Do movies ever make sense?
  3. "I searched on web, and came to know that I need to do following 2 things to enable gzip compression:" Do 1 or the other. Doing it twice means that the content might be double gzipped. Also, what version of Apache is it? If it's 2, then you probably need mod_deflate, not mod_gzip.
  4. So.... What's your question? Have you tried anything?
  5. Short answer: no. Long answer: no. Other answer: Maybe. I'm guessing you don't have a backup of any kind (.sql file containing the DB, or a binary log). I'm sure if you did you wouldn't be asking this question. Your only other hope would be recovering the delete MySQL files from your harddrive which would be very complicated and probably would not work.
  6. Unless you have a script that will run for a long time and then won't use the database connection after a certain point in the script, you need not bother closing it. At the end of the script, PHP will automatically close any open resources.
  7. If something is installed using MSI, chances are it will have to be uninstalled in the same way. You should be able to accomplish a quiet uninstall with MSI actually. Have you looked at the msiexec docs? (Just running msiexec with no params shows flags.) As for programs that are not installed with an MSI installer, for those you will have to magically know where the uninstaller is.
  8. The situation in which I most often find my self going for Java is when I need something to have multiple threads. Threads in C++ still scare me . I think the weirdest part of going from PHP to Java is that almost everything is an object in Java.
  9. 1 request takes 15MB? What in the world kind of config do you have going?! Why not just use mod_deflate instead of doing it at a PHP level? Anyway, I don't typically minify my JS. Basically 'cause I'm lazy .
  10. You'll need to compile the MSSQL extension (or PDO::MSSQL or whatever) with FreeTDS. FreeTDS has some problems, but it will probably work for you. (By the way, might be worth looking on yum/apt to see if the extension is in there.)
  11. I'm sure the techo-babble article explains this, but I will too. With 32 bits, you address 2^32-1 bits of memory. So, 4GB of RAM. But! That means that the process can address only 4GB of memory, and not just RAM. All memory. (It's not quite as simple as a processor "addressing memory", but oh well.) So, the amount of RAM addressable is 4GB - other memory. For example, in my computer I have a memory card with 512MB memory, so that would bump me down to just under 3.5MB right away, then all the other stuff.
  12. It sounds to me like Apache is running as www-data. As such, you'll either need to change the user Apache runs under or grant permissions to www-data.
  13. If you stick with just the HTTP protocol, your only option is AJAX. If you're willing to use Java or Flash, you could open a socket to the server on both clients and handle information exchange that way.
  14. Hrmmm.... I think it depends on the situation a bit. I think an ugly face could be bearable short term if the body was worth it, but long term, you're right.
  15. Odd thread for a PHP forum.... Anyway, I'm going to be the indecisive guy that says that both of them are important. As CV said though (well sort of said), a ugly face can ruin anything though.
  16. Well, a Zend Cert doesn't exactly equate to professional experience. (I should probably state that I have very limited work experience.) From what I've gathered from similar threads, no one cares about Zend Certs. I've never taken the exam, but from some sample questions and what I've heard it's too easy to mean anything.
  17. I think it's something just built into Apache. Something basically like (pretend filePath contains the part after the URL... For example http://somesite.com/folder/something would be folder/something): if filePath exists { if filePath is a file { handle it as a file (what ever the default for a file with no extension is) } if filePath is a directory { if any index type file exists for filePath/, serve that else serve either a directory index or a 403 } } else { 404 error }
  18. My $0.02: Wow, not sure how I'll like this in the long run, but Synergy is quite nifty at first use. Easy to setup. Mouse transitions smoothly, so on. (Set it up on this box and my laptop.)
  19. Wow... Never heard of Synergy before. I might have to try that out later. And by later I mean now. lol.
  20. I've never understood cloning screens unless it's something like a presentation onto a projector (or a similar situation just with screens). So much wasted space.
  21. If it's cheap or free web hosting, fsockopen might be disabled.
  22. Hehe.... Anyway, 2. [Primary][secondary] When coding, I typically keep the code on the left screen in an IDE (Netbeans usually) and the result on the right screen (webpage, CLI app, whatever).
  23. If both nameservers are going to be hosted on the same server anyway, there's no point in having 2.
  24. Or they'll just click the "blue E" aka "The Internet". Hahahhaa.... Oh man... The joys of "Ok everyone, open the Internet." "Teacher! I don't see it." Even before I was into heavy computers that used to amuse me. I imagine it will be something like this: Or did MS already try that? I remember reading on slashdot something about that. (P.S. Yeah, I really took the time to make that in paint.... That's how you know when I have finals.)
  25. Whenever I switched over to a 2 monitor setup (if I weren't so lazy, I would make a poll to see how many people have > 1 monitor since it seems quite common on here), it wasn't so much getting used to it as remembering that the second screen is there lol.
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