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Everything posted by corbin

  1. Hrmmm, I don't think it's possible since system() returns all of the information at the same time. I don't think output buffering will make it real time, although it will make it be done right after the system() call (unless the webserver buffers, or the browser buffers).
  2. I don't consider myself an expect, but I just either don't indent HTML (I'm lazy like that), or I put tabs in the HTML.... Like actual tabs, not \t. echo "<actual tab>blah";
  3. You'll need to use an image manipulation library, most likely gd2. gd The functions that you'll want to look into: imagecreatefrom* (fromjpeg, png...) imagecreatetruecolor imagecopyresized
  4. Personally I can't stand coding the GUI part in lower level languages. Takes forever! Then again, I'm not familiar with the WinAPI (especially not the graphics stuff), and as for the other GUI libraries I'm horribly unfamiliar. As for the future of PHP, just as it has sort of replaced Perl, I think it will one day be replaced too. PHP has a really low learning curve, is easy to setup with Apache (not always easy to setup well, but easy to setup), easy to get going with MySQL and really just all around easy while still being a good language. (Note that when I say easy I mean that it's easy to do stuff with it, not always do stuff correctly with it.) So what happens when something better comes along? Something that is just as easy to get going with, but faster or something? Then again, it would have to do a lot of catching up on PHP. Perhaps I'm just being negative.
  5. Hrmmm, yeah I should read about it again lol.
  6. corbin


    You just came across that in random code? If so, that's quite awesome.
  7. Ooo! Once you noted that it would go to -1 I got why. I did not, however, ever realize why there was negative/positive 0. Seems so duh now, but never thought about it lol. So I guess it would also hold true that: x << y will always = 0 if y > 31? Oh, that's odd. I see that: x << y = x * 2^((y%31)-1) What in the world? Does it take the digits from the front and add them to the end when things start to overflow? For example, in your 4 digit example, would 0010 << 5 turn into 0100? Blerh, I need to go read up on bitwise operators lol.
  8. Have you tried checking mysql_error to see why MySQL is saying it's not working?
  9. My guess is that $mysql->select('jays_users', '*') Is returning a new resource every time it's executed.
  10. Oh... I didn't think about that. ;p
  11. Errr.... What's not to get? You're shifting 4 left two times. 1002 << 210 = 10002 << 110 = 100002 << 010 In other words, for x << y, x is the number and y is how many times to shift. By the way, it's worth noting that x << y is the same as x * 2^y. (Example: 4 << 2 = 16 = 4 * 2^2.) Likewise, x >> y is the same as floor(x / 2^y). Also worth noting is that: I think he meant to think about the data as represented in binary instead of decimal. Technically the datatype stays the same, just the way we think about it is different. $x = 15; and $x = 0xF; are both integers for example, but one is base 10 and the other is base 16.
  12. Where did you get that version of ffmpeg? It appears to be very old. You'll need to find a newer version, use a command line version, or possibly compile the php-ffmpeg project from source.
  13. Well, you basically need to have a many (multiple places) to many (multiple types of food) relationship. That typically involves a intermediary table: CREATE TABLE restaurant_foods ( restaurant_id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL, restaurant_food_types_id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL ); (And you would want index(es) on which ever field(s) you plan on searching the table by.) Then, you would use a JOIN to get it all together for each restaurant.
  14. Oh, no, Zanus, it's still unusually loud, but I believe that once I get some compressed air that it should be back to normal (hoping so anyway). Thus I guess I will mark it as solved for now ;p. You must have used a different version than I did. I had no problems whatsoever. It just feels clunky to me. That could of course be my computer though. I guess really calling it a piece of shit is a little strong, but I do prefer XP or 7 over Vista.
  15. Well you can use nslookup with a nameserver specified. Example: nslookup google.com ns2.domain.com Then that would do the lookup using ns2.domain.com.
  16. There's functions in the Windows API for reading INI files. *Googles* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724353(VS.85).aspx (The example is in C++, but it should exist in C# too since it's a Win API function.)
  17. Sounds like you might be looking for a JOIN.
  18. There are actually multiple new looks. For example, on the google main page, I get a plain page with just the logo and search box. Then, when ever I move my mouse over the page, everything else appears. From what I read after googling, Google is constantly running experiments (200 or so at a time sometimes). Usually we don't notice them since they're small, but in the case of the one I was apparently randomly in, it was on the homepage haha.
  19. Why didn't you just try it? By the way, count is a reserved word, so don't use it. Then, if you rename that column, drop the ` since they're only in MySQL dialect.
  20. Most of y'all probably know, but in case anyone is curious, the whole 32 bit thing is why there's a 4GB maximum. (2^32 = 4GB) Then from that any addressed memory is subtracted. 512MB in the video card? Subtract that. 32MB in the audio card? Subtract that. So on.
  21. Oh that's odd. So I guess I should update the BIOS on my computer if an update is available? (Well on my mobo.) Also, I have not been to a store with compressed air lately, so I haven't tried that yet, but I do plan to. I blew out some dust myself earlier, and that helped with the noise a little, so perhaps that is it. The inside of the case is quite disgusting. As for Vista: I think Vista's gotten a much worse wrap than it deserves. I mean, don't get me wrong; it is a piece of shit, but not as much so as people think.
  22. Hrmm, I used to have weird issues with desktop icons refusing to update if I renamed them or anything, but other than the fan thing, I haven't had any issues in a month or so. (Also, I usually leave my comp on for weeks at a time.) Perhaps I'll boot into Vista (eww!) later and see if the card still goes crazy. If it doesn't, I guess I'll be going back to Vista. lol.
  23. Well, the fan has always had random pops during games and what not, but now it's like it's stuck on high. I'll check the card physically tomorrow. Something on the chip would be possible since it started quite abruptly. Then again, I don't think the temperature sensor is wrong since Speedfan can detect what seem to be reasonable temperatures.
  24. They're already working on IE 9? Man, they've been pumping out IE versions lately.
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