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Everything posted by corbin
3 seconds is just annoyingly slow though.
Yeah, don't question the quality of your code or database design or anything. Then again, it wasn't until a little while back that the PHP team seemed to really care about Windows. As for the NTFS file system... At least it's not FAT32 anymore x.x.
http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,280698.msg1329656.html#msg1329656 Please don't double post. (Not technically double posting, but you could have elaborated in your other thread.) Have you tried reading the MySQL manual? All of the character set stuff is extremely well documented if you search for it. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/charset.html That should cover your questions provided you find the right links.
Pug, the first thing that comes to mind is some kind of configuration change. Like maybe the MySQL query cache is enabled on the linux box and not Windows.
Chances are, even if you can track him down, you won't be able to do anything about it.
No problem . You could also look at using mod_deflate on an Apache level so all text content is compressed (HTML, JS, CSS, so on).
Typically MySQLi is seen as better. Slightly better performance, better API, so on. As for OOP or procedural, I personally prefer OOP, but it depends a lot on the style of what ever application you're using MySQLi in.
You might want to look into ob_gzhandler. It handles the dirty details automatically. As for needing to flush at the end, you shouldn't need to as PHP should do so automatically.
unset($_SESSION['pic']); unset($_SESSION['setform']); After you do that, have you tried doing a print_r($_SESSION) call to see if the $_SESSION array contains what you would expect?
Do you mean session values when you say sessions? Assuming so. Anyway, you could just unset() like so: unset($_SESSION['blah']); Then $_SESSION['blah'] would no longer be set. Or do you mean something else?
To set the connection to use UTF8, you can simply do a query like: SET NAMES utf8; If you want to set UTF8 as the default, you'll have to do some tinkering in my.conf (or my.ini or whatever it's called). I'm sure you can find the variable name by googling. As for setting a table character set: CREATE TABLE sometable ( field1 varchar(255) CHARSET=UTF8 ); (You might have to do "CHARACTER SET UTF8" instead of CHARSET....) Or: CREATE TABLE sometable ( field1 varchar(255) ) CHARSET=UTF8; As for the default on that, I'm sure it's another my.cnf option.
<Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all </Directory> Later on you're never allowing access to the folders you set as the vhost roots. <Directory "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/docs/dummy-host.localhost"> Allow from all </Directory> By the way, why are you using PHP in CGI mode? Any reason, or just like to?
Oooo didn't think about truly remote drives. I wonder if disabling the option to browse for printers and what not would help. I don't remember what the option is called, but from what I understand, Windows has a weird habit of caching information about network drives and you can disable that.
Errr... What is this wonderful mysterious Incognito Mode of which you speak? lol
The statement $a = $b returns the value of b. Example: $x = 5; var_dump($y = $x); Will say 5. But, as thorpe said, empty() only checks variables. It does not return a variable to do $x = $y, but rather a temporary value.
Hrmmm.... Mapped network drives should not slow down a computer x.x. Then again, nothing makes sense in Windows. The reason I found the WNet functions was because the other day I was looking for a way to write a program that would connect a disconnected network drive since I have a mapped drive to a backup USB drive on a networked computer, so I wrote a program that activates a mapped drive. That was my latest little C++ project haha. I fail at GUI stuff though.
NumberFormatException: For input string: "2 "
corbin replied to riceje7's topic in Other Programming Languages
Integer.parseInt(tempnum); Is I'm sure what's causing the problem. You can change that to: Integer.parseInt(tempnum.trim()); To fix the problem with "2 " (notice the following space). But, if you want to detect errors without it failing, you can wrap the code in a try catch block: try { Integer.parseInt(tempnum); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { //do something } -
"I guess I should have just followed that. Now I can move on to more fun stuff and having people being able to add their own networks / edit and modify them! Then make it a GUI interface. " Oooo sounds like a nifty little project. I could never think of anything to do whenever I tried to get into C++ lol. If you wanted to get really C++ with it, you could look do the drive mapping in C++ . http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385391(VS.85).aspx. "C++ is turning out to be fun now that I remember the little bits that you have to do, as PHP is way more lenient" Sometimes I love the strictness in C++/C/Java, so on, then other times I hate it with a passion. Anyway, I don't think I helped much, but no problem haha.
Ooo..... I didn't think about modifying the source of the error instead of trying to catch it differently. Nice. As for C++ not being able to do it, capturing a spawned process's stdin/stdout/errout shouldn't be impossible by any means. Seems to be a lot more difficult than I ever would have expected though haha.
"Good boy! You didn't watch porn." Yeah... errr..... Yeah! Of course!
A rather ghetto way to do it would be: system("command > tempfile.txt"); Then read the tempfile.txt contents. It's horrendously ugly, but you're already writing a temporary VB file. Ideally you want to grab a reference to the output and error stream of the program running, but apparently popen does not allow that. It's actually kind of weird that popen just spits out the content if it's an error. (I think what's going on is that the VB script is exiting with a code != 0, so popen is doing that... Not sure though.) This is the closest thing to useful I found while googling: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=440874&whichpage=1 Ohhh! Perhaps this would be a way to go: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/windowssdk/thread/39144ece-dc37-4d5b-8c2c-a384034ffdc6 I would be worried about using a Windows API call, but if you're using VB script, you're already stuck on Windows, so I guess no problem with that. The idea behind it is the same as popen except using CreateProcess and passing it pipes. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682425(VS.85).aspx The LPSTARTUPINFO structure has properties called hStdInput and hStdOutput that are HANDLEs that I would assume can be used as stdin/stdout. Well.... Not sure how useful this post has been or not haha. Was just kind of curious since I tried to do this a few weeks ago, realized it wasn't as straight forward as I thought it would be, and gave up.
Errrr.... Have you read your HTML and the PHP code? $_GET but your form method is POST.
That's like saying a break from cocaine can be a good thing. Nonsense! Anyway, welcome back ;p.
http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,125105.0.html (In particular the last post) http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/tutorial.html http://www.w3schools.com/SQl/default.asp http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/
Have you googled things like "Free icon sets"? I'm sure there are some decent quality ones out there. You could try checking out of Gnome or GTK of any of the open source graphics things have released their icon sets.