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Everything posted by sKunKbad

  1. What are your feelings regarding Linux desktop distros, and their ability to break through to mainstream usage? I started using Ubuntu about 6 or 7 years ago, and have fooled around with some other distros, but at least for me Ubuntu always seemed the best. I've got my 65 year old mom using it, and my 11 year old son playing with Kubuntu (and learning python!). I don't really consider us normal though; normal being almost too dumb to do more than check email and get on the internet. I've managed to fully switch over to Ubuntu on all of my computers, with the exception of running Windows in a VM for Photoshop and Illustrator. Since I don't use those programs every day, there are a lot of days where I don't see Windows. I never really had a problem with Windows, except for Windows 3.1 was kind of a drag. Getting on the internet on a 56K modem on Windows 95 wasn't any fun either, but that wasn't Windows' fault. I never had the crashes and bad experiences people like to claim makes Windows suck. My main reason for abandoning Windows is just to be more involved with Linux, and hopefully reach Linux guru status someday. I really never liked Macs. I bought one 3 or 4 years ago, and it just felt like I was paying a lot of money for a glorified (and over-hyped) linux distro. I really never liked the feel of the Finder. At the time there was no awesome text editor, and I bought a couple just to test out what I could find. Unlike Windows and Linux, it seemed like nothing is free in the Mac world. I eventually gave the Mac away. We couldn't be friends. I'd really like to see Linux become the dominant OS. It's exciting to see how far Ubuntu has come in the years that I've used it, and I evangelize for Linux/Ubuntu quite a bit. Even still, it can sometimes seem that I am a stranger in a strange world. Do you think we can count on Linux being a bigger part of mainstream computing? One of the problems I see is that there are so many distros that a person investigating Linux may be a little overwhelmed. What do you think is keeping the masses from using Linux desktops?
  2. Is it possible that your server does not have a valid security certificate, like a self signed one? It's just a thought, but that could be the problem if outlook mail servers require that.
  3. First, you have a constants config file for a reason. You shouldn't have to load a helper just to define a constant. Define your constants in config/constants.php. Secondly, CI makes it easy for you to have constants.php files that match the environment. So for development you would have a file config/development/constants.php, and for production you would have config/production/constants.php. Last, instead of wasting your energy always using your constants as you have shown above, why not just create a new or modified function in MY_html_helper.php? The HTML helper already has an img() function, so either tweak that one to use your constants, or create a new one. That way, all you do is call your function, which is a lot easier.
  4. Your comment makes it appear that you are not sure if the port is correct. Perhaps the documentation for outlook would let you know. I'm seeing online that it is 587. Take a look at this: http://subinsb.com/send-mails-via-smtp-server-gmail-outlook-php
  5. Should probably be: If( isset( $_REQUEST['submit'] ) && $_REQUEST['submit'] != '' )
  6. Dang ... 12 cars. If that was my daughter, I don't even know what punishment would be good enough. I think I would have asked the cops to put her in juvenile detention.
  7. Yeah, I called the cops. They came, took a report, looked for the guys that ran off, and towed away their vehicle. I assume that at least the passenger was hurt, because there was blood on the seat. I don't really know though. The good news is that it looks like I will for sure get some money for the van, because I had some coverage that I wasn't aware of.
  8. Actually, I was wrong about being able to drive it. It now smokes and overheats after about 15 minutes.
  9. Somebody hit and run my mini-van that was parked on the street last night. I can still drive it, but the car that hit it looks totaled. They got out and ran away before we were able to get a look at them. This was at about 2 in the morning. They were probably drunk or on drugs and wanted to avoid getting a DUI. Sucks. The van wasn't worth much, but I had just filled the gas tank ($80.00). I drove it today but the left front wheel rubs when I turn.
  10. A few years ago I bought PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guidehttp://www.amazon.com/PHP-Advanced-Visual-QuickPro-Guide/dp/0321376013 Not only did it have a great intro to OOP, but it also presented some really useful stuff that helped me learn other things.
  11. As trq suggested, you can use curl. Check out this little example, it's super easy: http://davidwalsh.name/curl-post
  12. No, because the new file name is already a concatenation of the user ID and the file name, so you would simply set the new session variable like this: $_SESSION['newfilename'] = $newfilename;
  13. Barand, I have a question about the subquery. In another instance I need a count of the rows that the subquery returns. Is this my best option: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM (SELECT DATE(time) AS call_day, COUNT(*) AS totcalls FROM calls WHERE user_id = 256457173 AND TIME >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR GROUP BY call_day HAVING totcalls >= 100) AS whatever It works, but I figured you would have a better way, yes?
  14. For the benefit of all (as well as my future reference), I wanted to show the query that I ended up using: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(DATE(TIME))) AS COUNT FROM appointments a INNER JOIN ( SELECT DATE(TIME) AS call_day , COUNT(*) AS totcalls FROM calls WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY call_day HAVING totcalls >= 150 ) AS tot ON tot.call_day = DATE(a.time) WHERE a.user_id = ? Again, this is just counting the number of days in the last year where there were more than 150 calls and at least one appointment was made. I guess what I didn't know, which made the query work, was that a selected field alias could be used as a condition, and also that the ON part of the join could use the alias as well. My logic on how to retrieve the count was flawed too. I guess I need more experience. In the past I would have just done simple queries and processed everything in PHP, but I've been trying to make MySQL do as much work as possible (aka doing things the right way), hence the stupid questions in the last few weeks/months. Thanks again Barand!
  15. Barand, It turns out that I actually needed the query to be slightly different, but with your help I was able to do what I needed to do. THANKS!
  16. I need help with a query. I've got a table that stores references to calls that come in to our office. It has a datetime field, and for the purposes of the query, it's the only thing in this table that is important. I've got another table that stores appointment information. The appointment start time is also a datetime field. For this query, this start time is the only thing in this table that is important. I need to know how many times in the last year there was a day when we had at least 150 calls come in and made at least 1 appointment. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM appointments a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DATE(time) FROM calls WHERE <there are at least 150 calls on a day> ) c ON DATE(a.start_time) = c.time WHERE a.start_time >= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR To make things difficult, I guess the time would have to be converted to a day, because I'm looking for all days where there was an appointment, and the datetime field is too specific. I've been looking online for 30 mins or so, and was hoping somebody here could point me in the right direction. I'm not making much progress by myself.
  17. Without any procedural coding experience, it's doubtful that you could learn PHP enough to make anything useful. Evidence pointing to this fact are the super simple questions that beginners are asking in the framework forums. The frameworks being primarily OOP, they offer lots of shortcuts, but they don't teach somebody PHP. The way that functions are used compared to methods needs to be learned. The global nature of variables compared to class properties with certain visibility needs to be learned. There are too many things to list when comparing the differences between procedural and OOP coding. You really can't just learn procedural or OOP, you need to learn both to really know your PHP. For now, just investigate all of the things you don't understand, and then over time you will realize that the learning process never stopped. I've got about 8 years PHP experience and still learning. When you're comfortable with PHP, then you'll realize you need to know more about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Apache, MySQL, SQLite, XML, Python, Ruby, Bash, Sass, etc, etc, etc.
  18. Here is your code: var formatNav = function() { //replacing nav code sale link for mall $('.sf-menu li a').last().html('Visit the mall'); $('.sf-menu li a').last().attr('href', 'http://mall.myflashtrash.com/'); $('.sf-menu li a').last().attr('target', '_blank'); This looks like jQuery code (JavaScript). Your question isn't very clear. Do you want to use JavaScript to create a simple link?
  19. It's too hot to work. Wish I had a pool.

    1. davidannis


      Just move to Michigan.

  20. I've never seen rewrite rules like this. What kind of server is this used on?
  21. Everything you need to know is in CodeIgniter's Form Helper documentation, and CodeIgniter's Form Validation documentation. By the way, have you bothered reading the User Guide?
  22. You've got index.php in your URL. What happens if you remove it?
  23. Email address? I'm working on a project right now that allows a person to create their own account, but they must start by entering an email address, which then gets checked for an existing record, since email address is a unique field in the user table. If it's a parent's email address, they may have multiple kids, but doubtful that the parent will have more than one kid with the same name. I think it's safe to assume that every adult on the internet has an email address, so perhaps that can be your key. Students who sign up should be asked for their parent's email address, which would be a required field. It's just an idea...
  24. It would be hard not to hear about this news. The story is everywhere. Now exploits in the wild. I can imagine some serious problems in the next few days.
  25. You could eliminate the free typing of school names by providing a dropdown. If there are too many schools for a dropdown, then perhaps dynamically populate the school dropdown by the value of another dropdown, such as city. Most students will have a home phone number, and while possible, it would be extremely rare that a family would have two kids with the same first name. Formatting of the telephone number ensures that it can be matched against the database, so a phone number is something you could use to identify a student. SSN numbers are obviously very unique, and searching for them in the database is not difficult, even when you have encrypted the numbers. I know people can change their phone number, but phone number combined with first name is a good indicator that you are dealing with the same student. Phone number alone can usually identify a home location.
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