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Posts posted by nogray

  1. There is no pause in JS, but there is a time out function


    use this in the onload event

    <body onload="setTimeout('Function_Name()', 30000);" ....


    This will run the Function_Name() function in 30 seconds.

  2. Just use the "parent" window and it should work if both pages on the same domain

    <a href="#" onclick="parent.document.getElementById('message').value = 'hello world'; return false;">Click here</a>

    Change the "hello world" to anything you need, the return false will stop the page from jumping up.

  3. you can do something like this


    the did_load variable will stop the page from reloading once the page first load (so the user doesn't get unlimited loop)

    <script language="javascript">
    var did_load = 0;
    <iframe onload="if(did_load > 0) window.location.reload(); did_load++;" ....

  4. Not sure how will the newsgator output the HTML, but if the script prints out HTML code, you can load the output into a div, and fill a form field with the div innerHTML and submit the form to a php file.


    <script language="javascript">
    function submit_form(){
    	document.getElementById('html_output').value = document.getElementById('HTML_code').innerHTML;
    <body onload="submit_form();">
    <div id="HTML_code">
    <script src="http://services.newsgator.com/ngws/headlines.aspx?uid=XXXXXX&mid=XX"></script>
    <form method="post" action="SOME_PAGE.php" id="html_form" name="html_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="html_output" id="html_output" />

  5. I tried this line in a simple loop and it worked fine




    check if your loop and number variables are working through out the loop, or if there is anything else that's generating an error (you can use firefox error councel)


    Here is the function I tried

    function loadit(){
    var count=0;
    for(var number=0;number<5;number++)
    var theText = "Hello World " + number;
    var theValue ="Hello World " + number;
    var newop= new Option(theText,theValue);
    <form name="myform" id="myform">
    <select name="subcat" id="subcat">
    <button onClick="loadit()">Click</button>

  6. add ids to your input fields

    <input name="price" id="price" type="text" value="<? echo $price; ?>" readonly="readonly">
    <input name="quantity" id="quantity" type="text" value="1" onChange="setTotal()">
    <input name="total" id="total" type="text" readonly="readonly" value="">

    and this should do it

  7. add an id to the input field

    <input type=text name=message id=message>

    in the iframe, add an onload event

    <iframe onload="document.getElementById('message').value=''; document.getElementById('message').focus();" .....

    This should clear the input field and put the focus on it.

  8. The issue is the with the scroll bar in Firefox


    the bottom scroll bar appread because the div have the same width as the screen (wider than the page). In line 15 I changed it to this

    myOverlay.style.width = pageWidth + 'px';


    The easy way to fix this is the add 15 to the height if it's firefox and the scrolling is more than the page height. This will solve the issue.

  9. on this line


    <area shape="rect" coords="17,133,59,180" alt="Southern California" title="Southern California" href="http://search.stores.ebay.com/MOD-ELEMENTS_southern-california_W0QQfcdZ2QQfciZQ2d1QQfclZ4QQfromZR10QQfsnZMODQ20ELEMENTSQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQftsZ2QQsaselZ239020879QQsatitleZQ22southernQ20californiaQ22QQsofpZ0"onMouseOver="document.getElementById('testtext').innerHTML='Southern California <br> <div class=smalltext>Featured Designers<br>Charles and Ray Eames <br>Click to view item<br><br></div>' ">




    Ray Eames


    to <a href='link here'>Ray Eames</a>


  10. Here is a small code to check which browser the user uses (from the NoGray Javascript Library)

    // checking if the browser is Opera
    var is_Opera = (window.navigator.userAgent.search("Opera") != -1);
    // checking if the browser is IE
    var is_IE = ((window.navigator.userAgent.search("MSIE") != -1) && !is_Opera);

  11. The template you are using looks pretty simple and can be controled using javascript easily without overwriting the style.


    Since you have a few elements (Header, navigation, side navigation, body, right side, footer) you can make the javascript to change these sections attributes. If you have a lot of links inside (like the navigation), just use the getElementsByTagName and loop through the objects the overwrite their style.


    You still can overwrite the style tag (I never done that) or access it's childer (classes, definitions, etc)


    You can view this for more details on the styleSheet



    For colors, you can use the NoGray color picker


    Good luck

  12. There is very much "doable", just will take some JavaScript, naming structure and some logic.


    What I did is each row of radio buttons will have the same name (option group) so when you select one, the rest will be unchecked.


    I added some javascript to disable the radio buttons that are unchecked in the column, this way only one participant can have that placement.


    If the use change their mind, the script will enable the other radio buttons. Also, I added a reset button to enable the radio buttons in case the user wants that.


    You'll need to change the number of participants and the number of radio buttons in this script (I only made it for 5 participant and 5 placements), and keep the same structure


    <script language="javascript">
    // variable to set the number of participants (change this to the number of participants on the page)
    var par_num = 5;
    // variable to set the number of radio buttons (change this to 10 for your project)
    var rad_num = 5;
    function reset_radio(row){
    	// loop through the radio buttons on the row to see which 
    	// radio button is selected
    	for (i=1; i<=rad_num; i++){
    		// if the radio button is selected,
    		// uncheck it and enable the other radio buttons
    		if (document.getElementById('par_'+row+'_'+i).checked){
    			// unchecking the button
    			document.getElementById('par_'+row+'_'+i).checked = false;
    			// turning the other radion buttons on
    			change_disable_status(i, false);
    // this function will change the status of the radio buttons
    function change_disable_status(ra, st){
    	for (i=1; i<=par_num; i++){
    		if (!document.getElementById('par_'+i+'_'+ra).checked){
    			document.getElementById('par_'+i+'_'+ra).disabled = st;
    <tr><td> </td>
    <tr><td>Participant 1</td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_1" id="par_1_1" onmousedown="reset_radio('1');" onclick="change_disable_status('1', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_1" id="par_1_2" onmousedown="reset_radio('1');" onclick="change_disable_status('2', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_1" id="par_1_3" onmousedown="reset_radio('1');" onclick="change_disable_status('3', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_1" id="par_1_4" onmousedown="reset_radio('1');" onclick="change_disable_status('4', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_1" id="par_1_5" onmousedown="reset_radio('1');" onclick="change_disable_status('5', true);" /></td>
    	<td><a href="#" onclick="reset_radio('1'); return false;">Reset</a></td>
    <tr><td>Participant 2</td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_2" id="par_2_1" onmousedown="reset_radio('2');" onclick="change_disable_status('1', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_2" id="par_2_2" onmousedown="reset_radio('2');" onclick="change_disable_status('2', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_2" id="par_2_3" onmousedown="reset_radio('2');" onclick="change_disable_status('3', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_2" id="par_2_4" onmousedown="reset_radio('2');" onclick="change_disable_status('4', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_2" id="par_2_5" onmousedown="reset_radio('2');" onclick="change_disable_status('5', true);" /></td>
    	<td><a href="#" onclick="reset_radio('2'); return false;">Reset</a></td>
    <tr><td>Participant 3</td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_3" id="par_3_1" onmousedown="reset_radio('3');" onclick="change_disable_status('1', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_3" id="par_3_2" onmousedown="reset_radio('3');" onclick="change_disable_status('2', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_3" id="par_3_3" onmousedown="reset_radio('3');" onclick="change_disable_status('3', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_3" id="par_3_4" onmousedown="reset_radio('3');" onclick="change_disable_status('4', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_3" id="par_3_5" onmousedown="reset_radio('3');" onclick="change_disable_status('5', true);" /></td>
    	<td><a href="#" onclick="reset_radio('3'); return false;">Reset</a></td>
    <tr><td>Participant 4</td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_4" id="par_4_1" onmousedown="reset_radio('4');" onclick="change_disable_status('1', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_4" id="par_4_2" onmousedown="reset_radio('4');" onclick="change_disable_status('2', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_4" id="par_4_3" onmousedown="reset_radio('4');" onclick="change_disable_status('3', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_4" id="par_4_4" onmousedown="reset_radio('4');" onclick="change_disable_status('4', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_4" id="par_4_5" onmousedown="reset_radio('4');" onclick="change_disable_status('5', true);" /></td>
    	<td><a href="#" onclick="reset_radio('4'); return false;">Reset</a></td>
    	<tr><td>Participant 5</td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_5" id="par_5_1" onmousedown="reset_radio('5');" onclick="change_disable_status('1', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_5" id="par_5_2" onmousedown="reset_radio('5');" onclick="change_disable_status('2', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_5" id="par_5_3" onmousedown="reset_radio('5');" onclick="change_disable_status('3', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_5" id="par_5_4" onmousedown="reset_radio('5');" onclick="change_disable_status('4', true);" /></td>
    	<td><input type="radio" name="par_5" id="par_5_5" onmousedown="reset_radio('5');" onclick="change_disable_status('5', true);" /></td>
    	<td><a href="#" onclick="reset_radio('5'); return false;">Reset</a></td>

  13. IE won't show the entier text in the select menu width is smaller than the option, you need to use a script to resize the width to "auto" when the menu is open using onclick events. It's a bit complicated since you'll need to track if the user clicked on the menu to open it or to close it.


    Something like this


    When the user click on the menu, a click counter will recorde the click to 1 which means the menu is open.


    If the counter is 1 set the width to auto


    the user make a selection, set the counter to 0


    if the counter is 0 set the width to 150


    Things you need to worry about is if the user click outside the menu to close (you'll need an onclick event on the body)



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