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Posts posted by nogray

  1. Since this is based on JS, I'd recomment creating the spans using JS as well, this way you'll have full control over position, etc..

    You'll need to create an array foreach span to hold the span top left corner x and y, the width and the height in an array (IE and Firefox will add the padding to the width, while Opera won't)

    When you let the mouse go, you can go through that array (not all the spans because you may use other spans for something else) and check if the x and y position withen which span

    Here is a sample code, just to show how to get the element position
    <script language="javascript">
    var spans = new Array();

    var is_Opera = (window.navigator.userAgent.search("Opera") != -1);
    var is_IE = ((window.navigator.userAgent.search("MSIE") != -1) && !is_Opera);

    function createSpans(){
    var widths = new Array(100,100,50,125);
    var heights = new Array(50,100,50,150);
    var bgs = new Array("#ffffcc","#cceecc","#33ffcc","#000000");
    var x = new Array(25,150,250,400);
    var y = new Array(10,125,300,500);

    var sp = "";

    for(i=0; i<widths.length; i++){
    sp = document.createElement("SPAN");
    sp.className = "floating";
    sp.style.backgroundColor = bgs[i];
    sp.style.width = widths[i]+"px";
    sp.style.height = heights[i]+"px";
    sp.style.top = y[i]+"px";
    sp.style.left = x[i]+"px";

    sp.id = "clr_"+i;


    spans.push(new Array(sp.id,widths[i],heights[i],y[i],x[i],bgs[i]));

    function w_span(evt){
    var right_x = 0;
    var right_y = 0;
    var id= "";

    if(is_IE) evt=event;

    for(i=0; i<spans.length; i++){
    right_x = spans[i][1]+spans[i][4];
    right_y = spans[i][2]+spans[i][3];

    if ((evt.clientX >= spans[i][4]) && (evt.clientX <= right_x) && (evt.clientY >= spans[i][3]) && (evt.clientY <= right_y)){
    id = spans[i][0];

    if (id != ""){
    alert(id+ " "+document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor);
    .floating {display:block;
    border:solid #000000 1px;}

    <body onload="createSpans();" onclick="w_span(event);">


    P.S. If you download the NoGray JS Lib there are a lot of functions you can use (such as the drag and drop lib)
  2. You have to declare the webSafeColor as a global array outside the  colorDraw() function (so all functions can access it)

    var webSafeColor = new Array();

    function colorDraw(){ .....


    If you want, I wrote an artical a while back regarding color swatches at http://www.nogray.com/new_site/color_picker_javascript.php (notice I am not the best writer :D)

    Also, if you want an advance color picker, you can download a copy at http://www.nogray.com/new_site/download.php which is a Photoshop style color picker, you can try it at http://www.nogray.com/new_site/nogray_app/color_picker/usage_example.html
  3. try to fix the TR> tag (make it <TR> with the <) in this code chunk.
    <IMG SRC="images/30.jpg" WIDTH=43 HEIGHT=32 ALT=""></TD>

    it may fix it, but I am not sure.
  4. The image will swap when you click on it, if you want the image to change when the link is clicked, you gotta add the onclick even to the link instead of the image.
    <a href="#" class="faq_a" onclick="return swapImage(document.getElementById('IMG1'));"><img src="../images/plus.gif" align=left border=0 id="IMG1" name="IMG1">What Is ROM?<br></a>
    <a href="#" class="faq_a" onclick="return swapImage(document.getElementById('IMG2'));"><img src="../images/plus.gif" align=left border=0 id="IMG2" name="IMG2">Is ROM FREE?<br></a>
  5. what you need is offsetX and offsetY (you can read more about it in http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties/offsetx.asp)

    but since firefox doesn't support it, you'll need to add a few function to emulate the results.

    I did this after some research for a drag and drop library, and the function were from http://davidlevitt.com/2006/04/04/how-to-implement-offsetx-and-offsety-in-firefox.aspx

    for IE and Opera, you can use
    if (is_IE) e = event;
    X = e.offsetX;
    Y = e.offsetY;

    for firefox
    X = window.pageXOffset + e.clientX - GetLocation(__getNonTextNode(e.explicitOriginalTarget)).x;
    Y = window.pageYOffset + e.clientY - GetLocation(__getNonTextNode(e.explicitOriginalTarget)).y;

    function __getNonTextNode(node) {
        try {
            while (node && node.nodeType != 1) {
                node = node.parentNode;
        catch (ex) {
            node = null;
        return node;

    function GetLocation(el) {
          var c = { x : 0, y : 0 };
          while (el) {
                c.x += el.offsetLeft;
                c.y += el.offsetTop;
                el = el.offsetParent;
          return c;

  6. you don't need to use setAttribute, just assign the values to the object properties directery
    childdiv.id = divIdNameBtn;
    childdiv.className = 'fenMaxBtn';
    childdiv.title = 'Click to Maximize/Restore';

    and don't forget the ; after each line of code
    childdiv.setAttribute('title','Click to Maximize/Restore')  <--- missing a ;
  7. This is pretty odd, but I think opera doesn't load the image for unknown reason. You can fix it by omitting the display:inline; all togather in the print style.
    .print_only {}
    Let me know if this works.
  8. you'll need to change the image ids and names so each is uniqe (IMG1, IMG2, IMG3, etc..) then pass it to the function

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>
    intImage = 2;
    function swapImage(img) {
    switch (intImage) {
    case 1:
      img.src = "http://www.microsoft.com/library/toolbar/images/mslogo.gif"
      intImage = 2
    case 2:
      img.src = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdn-online/start/images/msdn-logo.gif"
      intImage = 1
    and your onclick event will look like
    <IMG id="IMG1" name="IMG1" src="http://www.microsoft.com/library/toolbar/images/mslogo.gif"
  9. If you go to my website http://www.nogray.com and download the JS library. You can access all the URL variables by including the base.js file.

    after you downloading the zip file, you'll need to include this in the header
    <script language="javascript" src="nogray_lib/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script language="javascript" defer src="nogray_lib/IE_loader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    and your script will access the id by

    Here is a link to all the base.js functions

    Here is where you can download it.
  10. You need to clear your floated divs,

    whenever you have a div floated right or left, you need to add a div to clear the float
    .clear_float{clear:both; overflow:hidden; font-size:1px;}
    <div id="main">
        <div style="float:left;">text</div>
        <div style="float:left;">more text</div>
        <div class="clear_float">&nbsp;</div>
  11. IE does support png but by using a filter

    You can visit this page for more details http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/filter/reference/filters/AlphaImageLoader.asp

    Basiclly, you gonna need to replace your images with divs and set the images as backgrounds. and for IE you can use _background:none; and add the filter.

    There are tons of javascripts out there that can handle the whole process as well.
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