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Posts posted by nogray

  1. Actually, live search (with the result showing under the search field) is not usually a good feature. It's resource hog and no one really use it. If you want that feature, I would recommend you set a php file to put the top couple of hundreds search queries in an javascript array, and use that array to show the top searches on key press. This will speed up the list update and won't use a lot of resources.
  2. Hey there,

    I notice this problem happens in Firefox, so here is how you can fix it.

    add this to the top of the function
    var div = document.createElement("DIV");

    replace this
    document.getElementById('prot').innerHTML += txt;

    div.innerHTML = txt;

    Let me know if this works
  3. Height and CSS are not very friendly, and I think your task is almost impossible using divs but I am not sure.

    You can use some javascript to postion the box div when the page load, something like this will work
    <script language="javascript">
    function process_box(align){
    var white_height = document.body.scrollHeight - document.getElementById('container-foot').scrollHeight - document.getElementById('container-head').scrollHeight;

    if (align=='middle') var h = parseInt((white_height/2) - (document.getElementById('box').scrollHeight / 2));
    else if (align=='bottom') var h = white_height - document.getElementById('box').scrollHeight;
    else h = -1;

    if (h > 0) document.getElementById('box').style.marginTop = h+"px";


    You can change the 'middle' to bottom if you want to align the box to the bottom.
  4. try this, may work

    if ($row->new_window == "1") {
    echo '<b class="linkhead"><a href="'.$row->url.' target=\"_blank\">'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row->link_text)).'</a></b>';
    } else {
    echo '<b class="linkhead"><a href="'.$row->url.'">'.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row->link_text)).'</a></b>';

    Also, check the data in your database and check if it's the correct value.
  5. ok, let's say you generated the key (encrypt your string and save the output), and saved it in a config file (enc_config.php)

    You'll need to put the file below the public_html folder (so it's not accessible via a browser), set the permissions to the file so only php files from you server can access it, and finally encrypt that file using a php encryption program (you can google for that). This way you have an encrypted key in an encrypted file which make it almost impossible for someone to steel your data.
  6. The key and iv you generate are different in every page, so the encryption will be different. You should generate the key and iv and store them in an include file (or something similar) then use them when you need.

    Or you can use the encryption class from the tutorial and it'll do all the work for you.
  7. this should solve your problem
    <script language="javascript">
    function show(){
    document.getElementById('extra_content').style.display = "";
    function hide(){
    document.getElementById('extra_content').style.display = "none";

    <input type="radio" onclick="show();" id="radio1" name="radio" /> <label for="radio1">Yes</label><br />
    <input type="radio" onclick="hide();" id="radio2" name="radio" /> <label for="radio2">No</label>

    <div id="extra_content" style="display:none;">
    This text is hidden
  8. You can use the indexOf() method
    <script language="javascript">
    function check_field(){
    val = document.getElementById('tst').value;

    if (val.indexOf(".") < val.length - 3){
    else {
    <input type="text" id="tst" name="tst" />
  9. media player (or flash object) is a plug in object which means it'll always render on top of everything else (regardless of the z-index).

    You may need to hide it while the images are shown and show it when they are hidden.
  10. try this
    <body onload="show_time();">
    <script language="javascript">
    var seconds = 15
    function show_time(){
    if (seconds > 0){
    if (seconds == 1) var s="";
    else var s="s";

    document.getElementById('url_msg').innerHTML = "Please wait "+seconds+" second"+s+" for download";
    setTimeout("show_time()", 1000);
    else {
    document.getElementById('url_msg').innerHTML = "Please click here to download";
    <div id="url_msg">

  11. I don't see any errors in the code you posted. If you are getting an error, please post it here. You can see the actual JS errors in FireFox by clicking on "Tools"->"JavaScript Council"

    for the bigpoppa

    AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" and by definition from domscripting.webstandards.org it means
    A scripting technique for silently loading new data from the server. Although AJAX scripts commonly use the soon to be standardized XMLHttpRequest object, they could also use a hidden iframe or frame. An AJAX script is useless by itself. It also requires a DOM Scripting component to embed the received data in the document.
  12. something like this will help
    <body onload="show_time();">
    <script language="javascript">
    function show_time(){
    var today = new Date();
    var time_dif = "";

    if (today.getHours() > 8) var odt = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate()+1, 9, 0, 0);
    else var odt = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), 9, 0, 0);

    var d_time = odt.getTime() - today.getTime();

    var f_minutes = (d_time/1000)/60;
    var i_minutes = Math.floor(f_minutes);
    var seconds = parseInt((f_minutes - i_minutes) * 60);

    var f_hours = i_minutes / 60;
    var i_hours = Math.floor(f_hours);
    var minutes = parseInt((f_hours - i_hours) * 60);

    if (i_hours > 0) time_dif = i_hours + " hours, ";
    if (minutes > 0) time_dif += minutes + " minutes ";
    if (seconds > 0) time_dif += "and " + seconds + " seconds ";

    time_dif += "until " + odt;

    document.getElementById('time_div').innerHTML = time_dif;

    setInterval("show_time()", 1000);
    <div id="time_div">

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