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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. You only have to check Monday, Wednesday and Friday because that's when the new ones are released.
  2. Right, but there is the important distinction that isset() works on undefined variables.
  3. It means that it has been defined somewhere. For instance, if the following is a complete script, the variable $foo is not set, but the variable $var is: <?php $bar = 'foo'; var_dump(isset($foo), isset($bar));
  4. The language construct isset() checks if a variable is set while a null comparison checks if some sort of value equals the special value "null". empty() checks if the value of something can be considered empty (the manual tells what values those would be).
  5. You could use the name of the submit button or you could add a hidden field. By the way, check out the manual's section on arrays. Particularly, I'm thinking on the part where it tells how to access indices in arrays.
  6. Did you check out the source code? <HTML WEB="2.0"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="QBASIC">IF $BROWSER = "IE" THEN GOTO 50</SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE='SCHEME'>(define (eval exp env) (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp) ((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env)) ((quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp)) ((assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env)) ((definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env)) ((if? exp) (eval-if exp env)) ((lambda? exp) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp) (lambda-body exp) env)) ((begin? exp) (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env)) ((cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env)) ((application? exp) (apply (eval (operator exp) env) (list-of-values (operands exp) env))) (else (error "Common Lisp or Netscape Navigator 4.0+ Required" exp))))</SCRIPT>
  7. Is it always of length 10 (or at least of length 5)? In that case you can do this: $num = substr($n, 0, 4) . ' ' . substr($n, 4); See substr in the manual.
  8. do you ever stop to read what you post, or do you just sorta "go for it?" tell me what your quarrel is ? I think he is referring to the unintelligibility of many of your posts.
  9. Assuming there are 30 days in all months and an 10 Mbps connection, you can theoretically upload just about 10 TB/month. Many ISPs would probably not let you make money off a residential line, so you would have to upgrade.
  10. I would think you would care. When you fix/solve someones problem, don't you want to see your name displayed to all who are viewing the PHP help board? You can feel like a celebrity! When you view the PHP Help Board you will be like "Woah, I'm famous! My name is everywhere! Who would like an autograph? " Link for those who can access it: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,115125.0.html [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. I wouldn't call using all the CPU time on a shared server a minor offense. It has a detrimental effect on all the other sites on that server.
  12. curl can also download in parallel, which is useful if you are going to download multiple files.
  13. Didn't Thorpe just say they have the same access as a Guru? Or does a Guru have the same access as a generic? Or am I not understanding something? You lose your superpowers when you leave the team.
  14. That's because Exception::$trace is a private property.
  15. I suppose you can just ask in the board that belongs to that subject. There is just the distinction that app design typically is more theoretical and "PHP Coding Help" is for help with specific code. Is there any particular thing you're thinking of?
  16. That was a mistake. It was supposed to have been [^<], i.e. this instead: $str = 'foo <a href="foo bar" title="test">bar</a> baz'; echo preg_replace('#<a.*?>([^<]*)</a>#i', '$1', $str);
  17. What are you trying to do? Extract the number?
  18. Something like this should suffice: $str = 'foo <a href="foo bar" title="test">bar</a> baz'; echo preg_replace('#<a.*?>([^>]*)</a>#i', '$1', $str);
  19. Yes, it's called encapsulation.
  20. It's called a ternary operator. Edit: Nevermind, you spoke about line 2. Yes, an assignment returns the assigned value, so that will work. That entire line just looks like someone thought they were clever because they could cram a lot into a long, unreadable line.
  21. Err...Could you give me a few examples? Sure Windows Vista you just press a button to install everything, but besides things just turning simplistic, I don't know what you mean. Uh... if you install Ubuntu it'll flash a notification saying that there are drivers available. Then you click install and enter your password. Of course if you do something like Gentoo, Arch Linux or even Linux From Scratch then these kind of niceties won't happen, but they're not targeting new users anyways. Stop the FUD and try it out yourself. Installing Ubuntu is really easy. If you can install something like Win7 then you can also install Ubuntu. You can even buy computers with Ubuntu installed. It's different and that means you have to adapt, but it's not difficult. That's because people take their time making sure it follows the standards... and then IE. IE is getting much better, but it's still technologically way behind its competitors. Try viewing an SVG file, or how about an XHTML page? Try opening Google Wave. The reason why many web developers dislike IE is because they're too slow at adopting the new standards, which hinders progression and the new things we can do with the web.
  22. Officially they're not higher. They may get more respect from people than regular members, but that's an entirely different thing.
  23. If you just want to give the group all permissions do you can do chmod -R g+rwx /var/www In that way you don't have to figure out what the permissions for owner and group already are as well.
  24. An alternate way of doing that would be list(, $title) = explode(': ', $str);
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