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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Try foreach(mysql_fetch_array($result) as $row)echo$row['STDNTID'];
  2. Oh okay thanks. Well if anyone knows of like a third party program or something that can benchmark how long it takes for PHP to startup I'd really appreciate that ^^ I think maybe PHP can benchmark itself on this since it can't do anything until it has started up.. and can't measure itself as it is shutting down..
  3. Hello I know there are tutorials for making really simple captchas, but I think that most spambots today can probally crack them easily. How can I make an advanced one like the ones rapidshare uses?
  4. How about if(!$_POST['login']{1})die('Please enter a username!'); Or something like that?
  5. Thanks! I think maybe something is different in my PHP installation though. If, say, I move one of the extension DLLs away, then on PHP startup, PHP gives an error and crashes. If I start up my server without the DLL there, it starts fine. I put it back before opening a PHP page, and it works fine. So I'm pretty sure that the extensions are loaded by PHP on every page load for me for some reason..
  6. Maybe turn the newlines into <br/> and the spaces into nsbp;? Works in XHTML, not sure if it works in pure XML but it should..
  7. Azu

    Site attack

    Chances are the DDoS attack zombies are spewing random packets at his server, and telling your server not to send a webpage back won't do anything. If they ARE attacking the http service itself, they will probably say they are IE or firefox or something. That thing is for blocking robots that are unwanted (E.G. spambots) but are nice enough to send real headers. Won't do much against a DDoS.
  8. They serve a very different purpose in MySql as well. backticks are for escaping reserved words, quotes are for creating string values. In MySQL I surround all my database/table/row names with backticks.. is this bad practice?
  9. Just to clarify I want to kill the process spawned by exec that sends the query. Not the mysql process itself. Oh and I think I found the programming term for what I am trying to do. I think it's called "Non blocking behavior" or something like that.
  10. Eh.. I thought that's what I was trying to say.. =S
  11. Do you understand how MySQL works? When something sends a query to MySQL, it is ran in the MySQL process, and should run until completion even if the program that made the query dies.
  12. If there is one e-mail per line instead of seperators Then maybe instead of $addresses = explode("|",$addresshandle) You should use $addresses = explode("\n",$addresshandle) ?
  13. Javascript/activex aren't part of the HTTP protocol, and lots of people have them disabled for obvious security reasons. They are gradually being phased out and replaced.
  14. Sorry, but that makes little sense. All that is going to do is kill the process you want to run. No I mean kill the cmd.exe or whatever that the exec spawns. MySQL won't stop executing the query unless I explicitly tell it to stop it, or if there is an error, right?
  15. Doesn't PHP have a built in debugger that is enabled by default?
  16. Having an external javascript file is much better/faster then printing the javascript into the source code and having the client redownload it all on every request.
  17. No, you get 404 page not found if you succesfully connect to the server without any problems, but it doesn't have the file you put in the URL. E.G. http://www.phpfreaks.com/asdf Omg why did you post goatse on here!?
  18. ROFL! Good one! Almost busted a lung.
  19. Azu

    Site attack

    Edit: Nevermind I thought you meant he was attacking your own computer
  20. Oh you can salt an md5 that has already been generated? Cool.
  21. Oo so I can have PHP kill the cmd prompt or whatever and then it will move on instead of waiting for the query? Okay sweet I'm gonna try that thanks
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