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Everything posted by chmpdog

  1. I couldnt get this to work
  2. also I would remove the frames
  3. it was blue no red no blue! and do your php.ini files match sounds like you may have some fetured turned off on your shared host make a page with phpinfo(); called on it run it on both servers and see how it differs yeah double check that your host supports everything the localhost does. Otherwise could you have a snippet of code that only runs on the localhost.
  4. you dont need a career if you were bribed 20 Million
  5. it appears I have just been schooled.
  6. you could do a foreach loop, then do a str_replace () which would work
  7. Haha wonderful violet, anti-wonderful on micheal's death... we were tight when I was a kid
  8. yep I would just learn the works if you are going to learn php
  9. oh ok. then it is a really cool script
  10. I dont think all the variables are being echoed inside the mysql_query. try echoing prior to the function to see if all the variables are there
  11. but be warned it does not record anything after the ? (but there is another function that does it[i just cant remember])
  12. I agree I always store my time as unix
  13. just set the id to a variable then do something like this: $to = "d@gmail.com"; $subject = '[instant Email Contact Form] : ' . $subject; // the mail message ( add any additional information if you want ) $msg = "message ".$id." rest of message"; if(mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: $email\r\nReply-To: $email\r\nReturn-Path: $email\r\n")) { ?>
  14. I dont think php could do this because it cant communicate with the fingerprint scanner / software
  15. in my browser I keep needing to scroll down to see the changes I would recommend having the text in an easy to see location
  16. If you arnt interested in learning html/css you might want to learn a more logic based language, such as java
  17. what would their page output? you could do a mod_rewrite and make it a dynamic page if the output allows it
  18. haha... Oops Im thinking about too many things
  19. A show / hide menu could be helpful: http://woork.blogspot.com/2008/03/two-css-vertical-menu-with-showhide.html
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