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  1. Hi I have been putting together a CMS system for users that have no idea how to use HMTL, at this time I have managed to build a basic CMS and now I am looking to extend the functionality of its use, right now the user can view the public pages with links, login to the Admin area to manage the subjects or pages and visibility of all and delete any of all or add an admin member, that's a nut shell to a ot of work already done; moving forwards I want to take away the need for any user ever needing to type any code, so if they wish to change the font colour, weight, type o back ground colour or image etc..... so how would anyone recommend working this, I was thinking maybe add buttons and selection boxes that save the correct data into a separate table and retrieve both and concatenate it back together
  2. Hi all ! This works fine and returns a row of the result SELECT fd.fname, fd.lname, fd.role, fd.city, fd.cell, fd.email, fd.fid From fd WHERE fd.recruiter = 118 GROUP by fd.role and if I add Limit 1, 10 to this like this :- SELECT fd.fname, fd.lname, fd.role, fd.city, fd.cell, fd.email, fd.fid From fd WHERE fd.recruiter = 118 GROUP by fd.role LIMIT 1, 10 I get 0 rows. . What's going wrong here or is this like normal ?? Thanks all !
  3. Below I have "Input" where it shows the original string. Basically I want to remove everything before " - ". I would like to know how can I get the "Output" results using PHP? Input $variable_1 = Lulu-free - Swimsuit swimwear red $variable_2 = Pap & Jones - Bard Mini Dress Output $variable_1 = Swimsuit swimwear red $Variable_2 = Bard Mini Dress
  4. I have a Mysql table where I store prices of a product. I have the values in "varchar" format because I needed to include "decimals" in the prices(for eg. 15.30) and "int" doesn't allow that. Having done that, when ever I filter the products by prices in Ascending or Descending order, they don't show up in proper order. It seems like the decimal in the prices is messing up the order. Is there a way to fix this so that the php query can filter the prices in proper order despite the decimals? Here's the eg of the query. $get_records = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM records ORDER BY records.price DESC");
  5. Hi, I have been reading up on ajax using jquery, and theres something I can't seem to find, i have a form that gets the field values from mysql when the page loads, what is the best way to use ajax to edit this form? Obv the ajax request will execute the mysql update statement but how do i get the edited data back into the form, ready to be worked with again. thanks, hope i made sense, just looking for a little direction. MsKazza
  6. Hi all ! while this query (with table names shortened for clarity) works great and returns a result set just fine, SELECT mr.st_id as st_id from mr,ar where mr.mid = ar.st_id and ar.aid = 1 UNION SELECT ar.st_id as st_id from ar WHERE ar.aid = 1 && ar.role <> 'master' this following one executes and returns a zero result set. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_result SELECT st_id from (( SELECT mr.st_id as st_id from mr,ar where mr.mid = ar.st_id and ar.aid = 1) UNION (SELECT ar.st_id as st_id from ar WHERE ar.aid = 1 && ar.role <> 'master')) tt I wish to use the result set obtained from the first query to join with another query a few lines away. Please suggest what is going wrong here & if this approach is fine and workable. Thanks all !
  7. <?php $database = array(); $database['host'] = "localhost"; $database['port'] = '3306'; $database['name'] = "forumtest"; $database['username'] = "root"; $database['password' = "Password"; $link = mysql_connect($database['host], $database['username'], $database['password']); if ($link) { echo "Connected to a database".$database['name']; }else{ echo connect to a database"$database['name'] . "failed<br/>"; echo "Error: ".mysql_error(); } ?> This is my code for a test to connect to a database however, there seems to be a problem with the code as when I try to connect it just gives me a error 500. I would appreciate any help.
  8. Say I have 2 tables. Table 1: Type(type_id, type_name) Table 2: Records(record_id, record_name, record_type) Under the "record_type" column, is it better to use type_id(eg. 10) or type_name(eg. Clothing & Watches)? If the answer is use the name, is it better to use the original name(Clothing & Watches) or a slug name(clothing-watches)?
  9. I would like to simplify my request... here is my query SELECT emp_id, ROUND(SUM((Invoice.invoiceTotal-NewQuote.total)*.30),2) AS thirtypercent, ROUND(SUM(NewQuote.total*.20),2) AS twentypercent FROM `NewQuote` INNER JOIN Invoice ON Invoice.quoteID=NewQuote.quoteID INNER JOIN schedules ON schedules.quoteId=NewQuote.quoteID WHERE (rem=1 OR rem=2) AND (schedules.redo IS NULL) AND invoiceTotal!=0 AND (DATE_FORMAT(date_start, '%m/%d/%Y') >= '07/01/2016') AND ((DATE_FORMAT(date_start, '%m/%d/%Y')<='07/31/2016')) GROUP BY emp_id What im aiming here is this line "AND invoiceTotal!=0" should only be used in getting the thirtypercent and should not be applied in getting the twentypercent. Can you help me on how i can do this? Thank you
  10. hi there, can i ask some help please. i need to get the addon percentage on my database... add on is being computed based on the difference between an invoice and estimate. my query goes like this: SELECT COUNT(estimate) as est, SUM(invoice-estimate) as addons, SUM(addons / est) * 100 as Percentage FROM tblestimates What is the best way to do this? i know that i cant use aliases on the computation i made. Thank you
  11. Hi all, thank you for taking time to browse my thread. I have had some code written for me a while back which fetches either 1 or 2 rows from a database depending on if there are one or two rows based on the date. What it does is simply keep track of lotto results for each of the 2 daily draws along with the booster ball. Now, here's what I'm trying to do. Each row should really have it's own header such as Lunchtime or Teatime based on the draw number fetched from the database. I'm struggling a little. I understand how the code works and that I should have some kind of if/else (I think) in there, but I can't understand where or how to place it. Here is the current code <?php $color_mapping=array('0'=>'BLUE','1'=>'GREEN','2'=>'RED','3'=>'ORANGE','4'=>'YELLOW','5'=>'BROWN','6'=>'VIOLET', '7'=>'BLUE'); for($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { $res = explode(",", $rows[$i]['result']); $rRows = array(); //echo "<tr><td><p style='float:left;'>".$rows[$i]["draw_nr"].".</p></td>"; for($j = 0; $j < count($res); $j++) echo "<img class='ball' src='http://www.number49s.co.uk/images/fortyninesballs/".$res[$j].".gif'>"; echo "<td><img class='ball booster img-responsive' src='http://www.number49s.co.uk/images/fortyninesballs/".$rows[$i]["booster_ball"].".gif'></td><p style='clear:both;'></p>"; } From what I understand it fetches the results, turns them into an array and pulls each ball separately, from the rows and then appends the booster ball result for the current row. I'm thinking that it should have an if statement around $rRows array which reads if there is only a single row (based on draw number and date) and if it is outputs the code for the single row, then the else statement outputs the code for both. With a different header for each row I know I look like an idiot to you guys (and gals) who know this stuff inside out, but I am trying to learn although sadly this is WAY out of my ability at the moment. Any help as to where to place the if statement and how to get the results based on row number would be very gratefully accepted, but please don't be rude, I know I'm asking a lot, and I also know I know very little compared to the rest of you, but it doesn't give you warrant to be nasty. Thank you in advance to anybody who may be able to help me get this working, it's been driving me nuts for over 3 hours now
  12. Hello, I am doing my best to learn mysql but I still have a lot to learn when queries involve loops or complex syntax. Here's what I would like to achieve: Table 1 includes games played since the beginning of the season (where homeTeamScore or awayTeamScore > 0): Table 2 includes predictions made by users as to which team will win each game (gameId in T2 = id in T1): The following query lets me know how many games have been played since the beginning of the season: $query = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM " . SPORTS_BOL_GameDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " WHERE SeasonID = " . $seasonId . " AND (homeTeamScore > 0 OR awayTeamScore > 0) ORDER BY gametime DESC"; $totalGames = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query); And this one how many predictions each user has registered: $query = "SELECT COUNT(`g`.`id`) FROM " . SPORTS_BOL_GameDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " g INNER JOIN " . SPORTS_BOL_PredictionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " p ON g.id = p.gameId WHERE g.SeasonID = " . $seasonId . " AND (g.homeTeamScore > 0 OR g.awayTeamScore > 0) AND p.userId = " . $point['userId'] . " ORDER BY g.gametime DESC"; $totalPreds = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query); First question: how could I combine these two queries into one and get the total number of missing predictions for each user? As an example, if 89 games have been played and user has registered 70 predictions, I would like to get "19" out of the query. Second question, more complex (at least to me!): what would the query look like if I wanted to know how many consecutive games has each user missed since their last prediction? As an example, if my last prediction was registered on gameId "460" and 4 more games have been played since then (id 468, 469, 470 and 471), I would like to get "4" out of the query. Hope this makes sense and is easy to understand! Thank you very much for your support!
  13. Hi all, Hoping someone might have an insight as to why this isn't working for me. The post is working as everything echo's ok, and there are no error messages, however it doesn't update at all. The db connection must be working as the text boxes on forms have an echo of the current content which displays ok. $recordID = $_GET["recordID"]; $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM news WHERE news_id = '$recordID'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $news_id = $_POST['recordID']; $news_title = $_POST['news_title']; $news_content = $_POST['news_content']; $publish = $_POST['publish']; $facebook = $_POST['facebook']; echo $news_id; echo $news_title; echo $news_content; echo $publish; echo $facebook; // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // Perform queries mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE news SET news_title='$news_title', news_content='$news_content', publish='$publish', facebook='$facebook' WHERE news_id='$news_id'"); mysqli_close($con);
  14. Hello there, my name is Ryan. I am a Web Developer from England that specialises in creating mobile-responsive websites. Whether you need a website that takes monthly payments, one-off purchases or runs ads I will take your idea and craft an elegant solution. Skills - PHP HTML5 CSS Javascript I have built user-interfaces and backend database systems, in my 10 years of web development there is little I haven't touched upon. If you are interested in my services you can contact me at: Email ryansocratous@gmail.com Skype ryanify Thank you.
  15. Hello. I have a problem in displaying the user data form database which associated with the user. Maybe i'm messing up the _SESSION part. Im stucked at this part when im changing the add_parcel send_to attribute from (student_username) to (student_name). Since i wanted to display the name of student not the username. <?php session_start(); if(!($_SESSION['username'])){ header("location:index.php?login_first"); } ?> <!-- end navbar top --> <?php include("sidemenu.php"); ?> <!-- page-wrapper --> <div id="page-wrapper"> <div class="row"> <!-- Page Header --> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h1 class="page-header">Dashboard</h1> </div> <!--End Page Header --> </div> <div class="row"> <!-- Welcome --> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="alert alert-info"> <?php include("connection.php"); $username=$_SESSION['username']; $sql=mysql_query("SELECT student_name FROM register WHERE student_username='$username'"); $ee=mysql_fetch_array($sql); ?> <i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i><b> Hello ! </b>Welcome Back <b><?php echo $ee['student_name']; ?> </b> </div> </div> <!--end Welcome --> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="table table-responsive"> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>S.no</th> <th>Parcel Number</th> <th>Date Recieved</th> <th>Date of Collected</th> <th>Recieved Time</th> <th>Collect Time</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Sent By</th> <th>Sent To</th> </tr> </thead> <?php include("connection.php"); $sql1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM add_parcel WHERE send_to='$username'"); $i=1; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql1)){ echo '<tr class="record"><td>'.$i++.'</td><td>'.$row['parcel_num'].'</td><td>'.$row['date_recieve'].'</td><td>'.$row['date_collect'].'</td><td>'.$row['recieve_time'].'</td><td>'.$row['collect_time'].'</td><td>'.$row['status'].'</td><td>'.$row['sender_name'].'</td><td>'.$row['send_to'].'</td></tr>'; } ?> </html> I tried to change the below code $sql1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM add_parcel WHERE send_to='$username'"); to $sql1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM add_parcel"); it displayed all the data of table. I will attach together with some screenshot as well to make it easier. below is image of the Dashboard of user (Screenshot_1 (1).png). Add parcel panel (Screenshot_1 (2).png) Table add_parcel (Screenshot_1 (3).png) Table register (Screenshot_1 (4).png)
  16. Hi all, I have some data in a table to do with 20 users appointments every day for a month. I am trying to organise the appointments in to a large table so the clients can see all the appointments of every colleague by date (in columns) and by user name (in rows). for example: 20th May | 21st May | 22nd May | 23rd May Mike Jones London, Paris | Paris, Rome | Rome, London | London, New York 06:15 - 10:15 | 08:20 - 14:00 | 03:30-05:30 | 05:25-09:30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bethan Cray OFF | Belfast, Madrid | Madrid, Fez | Fez, Athens 11:15 - 16:35 | 08:45 - 12:10 | 13:55-15:30 | 09:25-13:20 The data is currently stored in the mysql table such as below, and has over 40 users with over 30 rows each in the same format. SectorDate Code BeginTime Dep Arr EndTime 2016-05-20 Mike Jones 06:15 London Paris 10:15 2016-05-21 Mike Jones 08:20 Paris Rome 14:00 2016-05-20 Bethan Cray 11:15 OFF 16:35 Please can someone show how best to arrange the mysql database to give the output above! Thanks
  17. Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out with something, whilst trying to implement pagination I keep getting the following error : Catchable fatal error: Object of class mysqli could not be converted to string in I know that this is because of a mix of mysqli and mysql however I cannot figure out for the life of me where the mysql is. As far as I know the whole thing is in mysqli. Was hoping someone could help me figure out why i'm getting this error. Thanks, MsKazza $recordID = $_GET["recordID"]; $rs_result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(product_id) FROM products WHERE category=$recordID") or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $con - Error: ".mysqli_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $row = mysqli_fetch_row($rs_result); $numrows = $r[0]; // number of rows to show per page $rowsperpage = 18; // find out total pages $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); // get the current page or set a default if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) { // cast var as int $currentpage = (int) $_GET['currentpage']; } else { // default page num $currentpage = 1; } // end if // if current page is greater than total pages... if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { // set current page to last page $currentpage = $totalpages; } // end if // if current page is less than first page... if ($currentpage < 1) { // set current page to first page $currentpage = 1; } // end if // the offset of the list, based on current page $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; $rs_result = mysqli_query ($con, "SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN images ON products.product_code=images.product_code WHERE sub_category=$recordID ORDER BY product_id ASC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage") or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $con - Error: ".mysqli_error(), E_USER_ERROR); ?> <?php if ($rs_result == NULL) { echo "There are no products to display in this category"; } else { ?> <table align="center" border=0 width="550px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"><tr> <?php $count1 = 0; $max1 = 3; while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs_result)) { $prod_name = $row1['product_name']; if(strlen($prod_name)>24){ $prod_name=substr($prod_name,0,24).' ...'; } if (['$rs_result'] > 0){ $count1++; echo '<td align="center" valign="top">'; echo '<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="160"><tr><td height="5" align="center">'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td align="center">'; echo '<a href="product.php?name='; echo $row1['slug']; echo '" class="topbar">'; echo '<img src="eCommerceAssets/images/products/'; echo $row1['product_image_big1']; echo '" width="150" height="200">'; echo '</a>'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td align="center">'; echo '<strong><a href="product.php?name='; echo $row1['slug']; echo '" class="prod-name">'; echo $prod_name; echo '</a></strong><br />'; echo '<a href="product.php?name='; echo $row1['slug']; echo '" class="button">More Info</a><br />'; echo '</td></tr></table><br /><br />'; echo '</td>'; if($count1 >= $max1){ //reset counter $count1 = 0; //end and restart echo '</tr><tr>'; } } elseif ($rs_result = 0) { echo 'There are no products available.'; } } ?> </tr></table> <?php } // close while loop echo "<br />"; /****** build the pagination links ******/ echo "<div class='pagination'>"; // range of num links to show $range = 3; // if not on page 1, don't show back links if ($currentpage > 1) { // show << link to go back to page 1 echo "<span class='rest'> <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=1'><<</a> </span>"; // get previous page num $prevpage = $currentpage - 1; // show < link to go back to 1 page echo "<span class='rest'> <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$prevpage'><</a></span> "; } // end if // loop to show links to range of pages around current page for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) { // if it's a valid page number... if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) { // if we're on current page... if ($x == $currentpage) { // 'highlight' it but don't make a link echo "<span class='active'> <b>$x</b> </span>"; // if not current page... } else { // make it a link echo "<span class='rest'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$x'>$x</a> </span>"; } // end else } // end if } // end for // if not on last page, show forward and last page links if ($currentpage != $totalpages) { // get next page $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; // echo forward link for next page echo "<span class='rest'> <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$nextpage'>></a></span>"; // echo forward link for lastpage echo "<span class='rest'> <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$totalpages'>>></a></span>"; } // end if echo "</div>"; /****** end build pagination links ******/ // close if ?> </div>
  18. hi, guys i managed to load contents from database dynamically using ajax (JQUERY) but the problem is i'm not able to make them work properly, as i have jquery events to hide classes that are not hiding and links that wont do their normal behaviour when clicked. dont know where i'm going wrong. Any help would be appreciated. here is the jquery code that loads data dynamically: //logic for infinite scroll var load=0; var sess_uname="<?php echo $session_uname;?>"; var f_uname="<?php echo $f_uname;?>"; var sess_count="<?php echo $total_sess_count;?>"; var f_count="<?php echo $total_friend_count;?>"; if(sess_uname==f_uname){ $(window).scroll(function(){ if($(window).scrollTop()==$(document).height()-$(window).height()){ load++; if(load *2 >sess_count){ $(".message").text("no more posts to show"); }else{ $.post("st&com.php", {load:load},function(data){ $("#status_area").append(data); }); } } }); } here is the code for dynamically loaded elements in php: <?php include "includes/dbconfig.inc.php"; $status_replies=""; $status_list=""; $statusui_edit=""; $isowner=""; $is_friend=""; $statusdeletebutton=''; $reply_delete_button=""; $load= (int)($_POST['load'])*2; function hashtags($dat) { $regex="/#+([a-zA-z0-9._-]+)/"; $dat1= preg_replace($regex, '<a href="hash_sys.php?tag=$1">$0</a>', $dat); return $dat1; } function taggingsys($dat) { $regex="/@+([a-zA-z0-9!._-]+)/"; $dat1= preg_replace($regex, '<a href="home.php?u=$1">$0</a>', $dat); return $dat1; } $sess_id=(int)$_SESSION['id']; $friends = array(); $stmt= $conn->prepare("select friend_one, friend_two from friends where (friend_one=:session OR friend_two=:session) and accepted='1'"); $stmt->bindparam(":session",$_SESSION['uname']); $stmt->execute(); $fetch=$stmt->fetchAll(); $count=count($fetch); if($count==0){ $totalids=$project->totalUpdates1($sess_id,$load); /* foreach ($totalids as $v) { print_r($v); $id=$v['user_id']; //fetch update_id from update table in db and inject it to the feed query. //$totalUpdates=$project->totalUpdates1($id); */ foreach ($totalids as $row1){ $updateid=$row1['update_id']; $account_name=$row1['account_name']; $u_id=$row1['user_id_u']; $author=$row1['author']; $post_date=$row1['time']; $title= stripslashes($row1['title']); $data= stripslashes($row1['update_body']); $data1= hashtags($data); // $data1= taggingsys($data0); $pic=$project->viewByUname($author); $uid=$pic['user_id']; $datemade = strftime("%B %d", strtotime($post_date)); $avatar=$pic['avatar']; if ($avatar!=""){ $feed_pic='user/'.$uid.'/'.$avatar; } else { $feed_pic='img/avatardefault.png'; } include 'ratings/vote_count.php'; $like='<a type="like" class="btn status_like_'.$updateid.' like" attr="'.$updateid.'">Like</a>('.$num_likes[0].')'; $unlike='<a type="unlike" class="btn status_unlike_'.$updateid.' unlike" attr="'.$updateid.'">Dislike</a>('.$num_unlikes[0].')'; $share_button=""; $hidden_text= '<textarea class="hidden_textarea hidden_value'.$updateid.'" type="hidden" disabled>'.$data1.'</textarea>'; $share_button="<a class='btn share_btn share_".$updateid."' title='".$title."' type='share' id='".$updateid."'>Share</a>"; if ($author==$_SESSION['uname'] || $account_name==$_SESSION['uname']) { $statusdeletebutton='<li>' . '<a type="'.$updateid.'" class="btn delete_4_session hidden_text_delete_'.$updateid.' glyphicon glyphicon-trash delete_status_btn" title="Delete this status and its replies">Remove</a></li>'; $edit_btn='<li>' . '<a attr="'.$updateid.'" type="'.$updateid.'" class="btn edit_4_session hidden_text_edit glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" title="Edit this status" >Edit</a></li>'; $statusui_edit="<div type='".$updateid."' class='hidden_edit_4_session session_editor".$updateid." jumbotron'>" . "<a type='".$updateid."' class='btn pull-right close_edit' title='Close without editing'>Close X</a>" . "<input type='text' class='form-control title_s_edit title_s_".$updateid."' name='status_title' value='".html_entity_decode($title)."' placeholder='Title' >" . "<span> </span>" . "<textarea id='wall_edit_1' type='".$updateid."' rows='5' cols='50' class='session_edit text_value_".$updateid."' wrap='hard' placeholder='whats up ".$session_uname."'> ".html_entity_decode($data1)."</textarea><br>" . "<button style='float:right;' value='".$updateid."' type='a' class='btn btn-warning btn btn-large btn-lg post-s-edit'>Update</button></div>" ; }else{ $statusdeletebutton=""; $edit_btn="<li class='posted'>You are not the owner of this Post</li>"; $statusui_edit=""; } echo $statusui_edit.''. $hidden_text.'<div attr="'.$updateid.'" type="'.$updateid.'" class="statusboxes status_'.$updateid.' jumbotron">' . '<h3 class="pull-left title">' . '<div id="'.$updateid.'" class="title_s_2copy posted" value="'.html_entity_decode($title).'">'.html_entity_decode($title).'</div></h3>' . '<span class="pull-right">' . '<div class="dropdown">' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" >' . '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></button>' . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' .$edit_btn .' '. $statusdeletebutton .'</ul></div></span><br><hr>' . '<legend><span style="font-size: 13.5px;" class=" data_s_2copy" type="'.$updateid.'" >' . html_entity_decode($data1).'</span></legend><b class="posted"><small>Posted by:- <a href="home.php?u='.$author.'"><img src="'.$feed_pic.'" height="20px" width="20px"> '.$author. '</a> '.$datemade.'</small></b>' . '<br><legend>'.$like.' | '.$unlike. ' | '.$share_button.'<h4><a id="'.$updateid.'" class="btn collap-btn">Comments</a></h4></legend>'; ?> <!-- Collapsible Element HTML --> <?php // Fetch Comments of update echo '<div id="toggle'.$updateid.'" class="collapse">'; $totalComments=$project->totalComments($_SESSION['uname'],$friend,$updateid); foreach($totalComments as $row1){ $status_reply_id=$row1['comment_id']; $reply_d=htmlentities($row1['comment_body']); $reply_data= stripslashes($reply_d); $reply_osid=$row1['os_id']; $reply_date=$row1['time_c']; $reply_author=$row1['author_c']; $reply_data1= hashtags($reply_data); // $reply_data1= taggingsys($reply_data0); $datemade_r = strftime("%B %d", strtotime($reply_date)); include 'ratings/vote_count4comments.php'; $like_r='<a type="like" class="btn status_liker_'.$status_reply_id.' like_r" attr="'.$status_reply_id.'">Like</a>('.$num_likes_r.')'; $unlike_r='<a type="unlike" class="btn status_unliker_'.$status_reply_id.' unlike_r" attr="'.$status_reply_id.'">Dislike</a>('.$num_unlikes_r.')'; $pic=$project->viewByUname($reply_author); $uid=$pic['user_id']; $avatar=$pic['avatar']; if ($avatar!=""){ $feed_r_pic='user/'.$uid.'/'.$avatar; } else { $feed_r_pic='img/avatardefault.png'; } if ($reply_author==$_SESSION['uname'] ) { $reply_delete_button='<li><a type="'.$status_reply_id.'" class="btn delete_reply_btn glyphicon glyphicon-trash delete_reply_"'.$status_reply_id.'" title="Delete this comment"> Remove</a></span></li>'; } else{ $reply_delete_button=""; } echo ' <div class="replyboxes pull-left reply_' .$status_reply_id.'">' . 'Reply by:- ' . '<a href="home.php?u='.$reply_author. '"><img src="'.$feed_r_pic.'" height="20px" width="20px">'.$reply_author.'</a>' . '<span class="pull-right">'.$datemade_r . '<b class="dropdown"> <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-danger dropdown-toggle pull-right" data-toggle="dropdown" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></span> <ul class="dropdown-menu">'.$reply_delete_button . '</ul></span>' . '</small></b><br><legend>'. html_entity_decode($reply_data1).'<br>'.$like_r.'|'.$unlike_r.'</legend></div>'; } echo '<textarea id="reply_textarea_'.$updateid.'" class="status_reply_'.$updateid.' input-custom2" placeholder="comment\'s"></textarea>' . '<button id="reply_butn_'.$updateid.'" attr="'.$updateid.'" type="b" class="btn btn-warning pull-right btn-sm reply_butn reply_'.$updateid.'">Reply</button></div></div>'; } } //} else{ $friends = array(); $stmt= $conn->prepare("select friend_one, friend_two from friends where (friend_one=:session OR friend_two=:session) and accepted='1'"); $stmt->bindparam(":session",$_SESSION['uname']); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $i=> $r ) { $r["friend_one"] == $_SESSION['uname'] ? $friends[]= $r["friend_two"] : $friends[] = $r["friend_one"]; $friend=$friends[$i]; $friend_count=count($friends); $totalids=$project->totalids($_SESSION['uname'],$friend); foreach ($totalids as $v) { $id=$v['user_id']; //fetch user_id from update table in db and inject it to the feed query. $totalUpdates=$project->totalUpdates1($id,$load); $total_sess_count=$project->totalupdatescount($id); foreach ($totalUpdates as $j=>$row1){ $updateid=$row1['update_id']; $account_name=$row1['account_name']; $u_id=$row1['user_id_u']; $author=$row1['author']; $post_date=$row1['time']; $title= stripslashes($row1['title']); $data= stripslashes($row1['update_body']); $data1= hashtags($data); //$data1= taggingsys($data0); $pic=$project->viewByUname($author); $uid=$pic['user_id']; $datemade = strftime("%B %d", strtotime($post_date)); $avatar=$pic['avatar']; if ($avatar!=""){ $feed_pic='user/'.$uid.'/'.$avatar; } else { $feed_pic='img/avatardefault.png'; } include 'ratings/vote_count.php'; $like='<a type="like" class="btn status_like_'.$updateid.' like" attr="'.$updateid.'">Like</a>('.$num_likes[0].')'; $unlike='<a type="unlike" class="btn status_unlike_'.$updateid.' unlike" attr="'.$updateid.'">Dislike</a>('.$num_unlikes[0].')'; $share_button=""; $hidden_text= '<textarea class="hidden_textarea hidden_value'.$updateid.'" disabled>'.$data.'</textarea>'; $share_button="<a class='btn share_btn share_".$updateid."' title='".$title."' type='share' id='".$updateid."'>Share</a>"; if ($author==$_SESSION['uname'] || $account_name==$_SESSION['uname']) { $statusdeletebutton='<li>' . '<a type="'.$updateid.'" class="btn delete_4_session hidden_text_delete_'.$updateid.' glyphicon glyphicon-trash delete_status_btn" title="Delete this status and its replies">Remove</a></li>'; $edit_btn='<li>' . '<a attr="'.$updateid.'" type="'.$updateid.'" class="btn edit_4_session hidden_text_edit glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" title="Edit this status" >Edit</a></li>'; $statusui_edit="<div type='".$updateid."' class='hidden_edit_4_session session_editor".$updateid." jumbotron'>" . "<a type='".$updateid."' class='btn pull-right close_edit' title='Close without editing'>Close X</a>" . "<input type='text' class='form-control title_s_edit title_s_".$updateid."' name='status_title' value='".html_entity_decode($title)."' placeholder='Title' >" . "<span> </span>" . "<textarea id='wall_edit_1' type='".$updateid."' rows='5' cols='50' class='session_edit text_value_".$updateid."' wrap='hard' placeholder='whats up ".$_SESSION['uname']."'> ".html_entity_decode($data1)."</textarea><br>" . "<button style='float:right;' value='".$updateid."' type='a' class='btn btn-warning btn btn-large btn-lg post-s-edit'>Update</button></div>" ; }else{ $statusdeletebutton=""; $edit_btn="<li class='posted'>You are not the owner of this Post</li>"; $statusui_edit=""; } echo $statusui_edit.''. $hidden_text.'<div attr="'.$updateid.'" type="'.$updateid.'" class="statusboxes status_'.$updateid.' jumbotron">' . '<h3 class="pull-left title">' . '<div id="'.$updateid.'" class="title_s_2copy posted" value="'.html_entity_decode($title).'">'.html_entity_decode($title).'</div></h3>' . '<span class="pull-right">' . '<div class="dropdown">' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" >' . '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></button>' . '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' .$edit_btn .' '. $statusdeletebutton .'</ul></div></span><br><hr>' . '<legend><span style="font-size: 13.5px;" class=" data_s_2copy" type="'.$updateid.'" >' . html_entity_decode($data1).'</span></legend><b class="posted"><small>Posted by:- <a href="home.php?u='.$author.'"><img src="'.$feed_pic.'" height="20px" width="20px"> '.$author. '</a> on '.$datemade.'</b>' . '<br><legend>'.$like.' | '.$unlike. ' | '.$share_button.'</legend></small>'; ?> <h4><a id="<?php echo $updateid;?>" class="btn collap-btn">Comments</a></h4> <!-- Collapsible Element HTML --> <div id="toggle<?php echo $updateid;?>" class="collapse scroll-comments"> <?php // Fetch Comments of update $totalComments=$project->totalComments($_SESSION['uname'],$friend,$updateid); foreach($totalComments as $row1){ $status_reply_id=$row1['comment_id']; $reply_d=htmlentities($row1['comment_body']); $reply_data= stripslashes($reply_d); $reply_osid=$row1['os_id']; $reply_date=$row1['time_c']; $reply_author=$row1['author_c']; $reply_data1= hashtags($reply_data); //$reply_data1= taggingsys($reply_data0); $datemade_r = strftime("%B %d", strtotime($reply_date)); include 'ratings/vote_count4comments.php'; $like_r='<a type="like" class="btn status_liker_'.$status_reply_id.' like_r" attr="'.$status_reply_id.'">Like</a>('.$num_likes_r[0].')'; $unlike_r='<a type="unlike" class="btn status_unliker_'.$status_reply_id.' unlike_r" attr="'.$status_reply_id.'">Dislike</a>('.$num_unlikes_r[0].')'; $pic=$project->viewByUname($reply_author); $uid=$pic['user_id']; $avatar=$pic['avatar']; if ($avatar!=""){ $feed_r_pic='user/'.$uid.'/'.$avatar; } else { $feed_r_pic='img/avatardefault.png'; } if ($reply_author==$_SESSION['uname'] ) { $reply_delete_button='<li><a type="'.$status_reply_id.'" class="btn delete_reply_btn glyphicon glyphicon-trash delete_reply_"'.$status_reply_id.'" title="Delete this comment"> Remove</a></span></li>'; } else{ $reply_delete_button=""; } echo ' <div class="replyboxes pull-left reply_' .$status_reply_id.'">' . 'Reply by:- ' . '<a href="home.php?u='.$reply_author. '"><img src="'.$feed_r_pic.'" height="20px" width="20px"> '.$reply_author.'</a>' . '<span class="pull-right">'.$datemade_r . '<b class="dropdown"> <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-danger dropdown-toggle pull-right" data-toggle="dropdown" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></span> <ul class="dropdown-menu">'.$reply_delete_button . '<li><a class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign" href="report.php?u='.$reply_author.'"> Report</a><li></ul></span>' . '</small></b><br><legend>'. html_entity_decode($reply_data1).'<br>'.$like_r.'|'.$unlike_r.'</legend></div>'; } echo '<textarea id="reply_textarea_'.$updateid.'" class="status_reply_'.$updateid.' input-custom2" placeholder="comment\'s"></textarea>' . '<button id="reply_butn_'.$updateid.'" attr="'.$updateid.'" type="b" class="btn btn-warning pull-right btn-sm reply_butn reply_'.$updateid.'">Reply</button></div></div>'; } }} }?> Thanks in advance.
  19. Guys i'm trying to create a infinite scroll feature for a project of mine and i couldn't make it work in the infinite scroll fashion any inputs would be appreciated. Jquery code: $(document).ready(function(){ var load=0; var sess_uname="<?php echo $session_uname;?>"; var f_uname="<?php echo $f_uname;?>"; var sess_count="<?php echo $total_sess_count;?>"; var f_count="<?php echo $total_friend_count;?>"; if(sess_uname==f_uname){ $(window).scroll(function(){ if($(window).scrollTop()==$(document).height()-$(window).height()){ load++; alert('hai1'); if(load *5 >sess_count){ $(".message").text("no more posts to show"); }else{ $.post("st&com.php", {load:load},function(data){ // $(".status_area").append(data); alert('hai'); }); } } }); } }); here is the php code: $load= (int)($_POST['load'])*2; $sess_id=(int)$_SESSION['id']; $friends = array(); $stmt= $conn->prepare("select friend_one, friend_two from friends where (friend_one=:session OR friend_two=:session) and accepted='1'"); $stmt->bindparam(":session",$_SESSION['uname']); $stmt->execute(); $fetch=$stmt->fetchAll(); $count=count($fetch); if($count==0){ $totalids=$project->totalUpdates1($sess_id,$load); here is the class: public function totalUpdates1($id, $load) { $sql2="SELECT * FROM updates WHERE user_id_u=:id order by time desc limit $load,5"; $stmth= $this->_db->prepare($sql2);//Check here syntax of $db $stmth->bindValue(":id",$id); //$stmth->bindValue(":load",$load); $stmth->execute(); return $stmth->fetchAll(); }
  20. I am trying to insert multiple rows to a column in mysql like this: INSERT INTO `sportsapp`.`exercises` (`id`, `image_path`, `name`, `category`) VALUES ('3', 'exercises/biceps/barbell_curls_lying_against_an_incline.jpg', 'Barbell Curls Lying Against An Incline', 'Biceps'), ('4','exercises/biceps/cable_hammer_curls_-_rope_attachment','Cable hammer Curls - Rope Attachment','Biceps'); I am getting an error in return: I tried to google and understand what's the reason for it, but I dont get it. I do have already a primary key, and I don't know why it generates another primary key, Could you please try to help with this?
  21. Hi everyone, I'm new here and i'm also new with coding in PHP. I have written one Restful Api based on one tutorial and i need Restful Api for connecting my Android application to server. I need some help with making this to work. I need to update user details. This is the code i'm using: class DbHandler { public function updateUser($id, $name) { $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param("is", $id, $name); $stmt->execute(); $num_affected_rows = $stmt->affected_rows; $stmt->close(); return $num_affected_rows > 0; } } This is preparation statement for updating a existing user. Now here is a fragment of code from index.php where i'm calling all methods: $app->put('/user/:id', 'authenticate', function($id) use($app) { verifyRequiredParams(array('name')); global $id; $name = $app->request->put('name'); $db = new DbHandler(); $response = array(); $result = $db->updateUser($id, $name); if ($result) { $response["error"] = false; $response["message"] = "User updated successfully"; } else { $response["error"] = true; $resopnse["message"] = "User failed to update. Please try again"; } echoRespnse(200, $response); }); When i try to send request, i'm getting only this: { "error": true } Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  22. Can some one help to generate a unique Doctor Appointment ID when some one save the registration form, I am trying to make online doctor appoint booking system, I want something like for each doctor, each date, it will generate a unique id, that may be something like following Dr_ID-Date-Auto increment number( DR001-03-23-2016-0001 ) If any one have better idea to generate a short and unique id, please suggest me. I am a beginner in PHP, please help me guys
  23. I feel like this should be easy but I am stuck. I am attempting to create a form that will dynamically update rows using radiobuttons selected by the user. It is a questionnaire. Next will be figuring out the best way to use pagination and update only the records displayed on that page. Thanks in advanced Assessment.php <form action="Process/Process.php" method="post"> <?php do { ?> <label><?php echo $row_Questions['Questions']; ?></label> <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Questions['Value'],"1"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="radio" name="Value[<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>]" class="icheck" data-radio="iradio_square-blue" value="1"> Strongly Disagree </label> <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Questions['Value'],"2"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="radio" name="Value[<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>]" class="icheck" data-radio="iradio_square-blue" value="2"> Disagree </label> <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Questions['Value'],"3"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="radio" name="Value[<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>]" class="icheck" data-radio="iradio_square-blue" value="3"> Neutral </label> <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Questions['Value'],"4"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="radio" name="Value[<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>]" class="icheck" data-radio="iradio_square-blue" value="4"> Agree </label> <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Questions['Value'],"5"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="radio" name="Value[<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>]" class="icheck" data-radio="iradio_square-blue" value="5"> Strongly Agree </label> <input type="hidden" name="AnswerID[]" value="<?php echo $row_Questions['AnswerID']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="QuestionID[]" value="<?php echo $row_Questions['QuestionID']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="UserID[]" value="User"> <?php } while ($row_Questions = mysql_fetch_assoc($Questions)); ?> <input type="submit" name="ValueAssessmen" value="Submit"> </form> Process.php if(isset($_POST['ValueAssessment'])) { $AnswerID = count($_POST['AnswerID']); $i = 0; while ($i < $AnswerID) { $AnswerID= $_POST['AnswerID'][$i]; $Value= $_POST['Value'][$i]; $QuestionID= $_POST['QuestionID'][$i]; $UserID= $_POST['UserID'][$i]; $query = "UPDATE answer SET Value = '$Value', QuestionID = '$QuestionID', UserID = '$UserID' WHERE AnswerID = '$AnswerID'"; mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in update query: $query"); ++$i; } }
  24. Hi Mate, i need help with my mysql query.. SELECT * FROM `schedules` WHERE `clientID`=''; it doesn't select any values having an empty clientID... there are rows on my database that i need to select that has an empty clientID and using this statement does not return any value... but if i use `clientID`!='' it works fine, it returns all the data having clientID. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Neil
  25. I am building a website about Doctor who, and I want to post various quotes from a database, when I wrote the select-query, I got the following error: Quotes Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /customers/e/a/c/doctorwhofans.be/httpd.www/test/Content/Quotes.php on line 106 (which is the one with the while expression). <?php //verbinding met de database require("./connect.php"); //select-query schrijven en uitvoeren $sql = " select * from QuotesTabel"; $result = mysql_query($sql); //alle records weergeven (terwijl er rijen gevonden worden. while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //toon foto met info require("./ToonFoto.php"); } ?> Can someone help me please?
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