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Reinstatement of post based ranking system

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We are looking at bringing the post based ranks back in action again. The reason why they were removed in the first place was because they could be seen (and sometimes was actually seen) as skill indicators or as staff endorsements, which wasn't really the point. As I said, you can now have them back, so we need your help making up some good rank titles.


Post your suggestions here and then we, the staff, will decide which ones that should be used, and for which post count intervals they should be used. Remember though, anything that may imply skill will be rejected (this rules out stuff like wizard, guru, master, genius, etc.) It seemed that a forum addiction theme was pretty popular among the staff, but I'm sure the staff members who already gave suggestions will post them here as well.


You will have until next year, i.e. Jan 01, 2009, to post your suggestions in this topic. This topic will be closed sometime on that date.

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0-499        "You don't know me, but I rock"

500-1499    "Before this, I collected twinky wrappers"

1500-2999  "The disclaimer doesn't say you'll be hooked for life"

3000-4999  "My boss didn't appreciate being told to read the stickies"

5000+        "Deleting my posts causes a rift in the space/time continuum"

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The following is from the topic in "staff cafe" with the discussion about whether we should actually do this or not stripped:


I'm for putting them back in place.  But I'd say let's stick to "active, addict, I quit my job to post here" type titles.


But I'd say let's stick to "active, addict, I quit my job to post here" type titles.


That's the kind of theme I was thinking about actually. Something witty and funny. My imagination isn't so good though, so that's why I suggested that the regular users could suggest titles as well.


Hmm I guess I could live with something humorous that implies solely activity. I like "I quit my job to post here", good find. Also that's much more a tagline than any sort of title, which I guess is also a reason why I like it. If we could come up with more of that, I'm for it.


0-49 irregular

50-499 devotee

500-1499 enthusiast

1500-2999 addict

3000-4999 fanatic

5000+ freak!


Those are good, IMO. The 10k club could then get the "I quit my job to post here" title :D


thorpe, barand and fenway are the only ones even in that group.  maybe they should get to pick 10k+, if any.  Hell, thorpe and barand are 15k+ lol.


"$myPostCount > $yourPostCount"


10k-15k 'Insane'

15k+ 'ipwnj00'


0-49 irregular

50-499 devotee

500-1499 enthusiast

1500-2999 addict

3000-4999 fanatic

5000+ freak!



I would really prefer if we used "bylines" rather than titles.


0-499 "You don't know me, but I rock"

500-1499 "Yeah, me again"

1500-2999 "I was gonna write a book..."

3000-4999 "I had to quit my job..."

5000+ "deleting my posts causes a rift in the space/time continuum"


Hell, thorpe and barand are 15k+ lol.


And we could have 'I lost my job because I post here' :)

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My suggestion:


0+ Irregular

50+ Enthusiast

500+ Devotee

1500+ Addict

3k+ Fanatic

5k+ Freak!

10k+ 'Insane!'

15k+ 'Mind Boggling!'


I like CV's suggestion.  The one liners are too long, IMO.

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A bit different idea. On my site I use slightly different numbers for post based ranks

They go something along these lines

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ... I think you get the idea :P (and if you're not, you're not a freak! ;) )


Since at the beginning of this sequence (let's call it F's sequence) the numbers go up pretty slowly, I combined them into groups of 6, with varying number of 'star icons' So my list looks something like that


posts, rank, stars
0, lurker, 
1, irregular, *
2, irregular, **
3, irregular, ***
5, irregular, ****
8, irregular, *****
13, enthusiast,
21, enthusiast, #
34, enthusiast, ##
55, enthusiast, ###
89, enthusiast, ####
144, enthusiast, #####
233, devotee,
377, devotee, x
610, devotee, xx
987, addict, xxx    //here numbers are growing more slowly, so we can introduce new titles faster
1597, addict, xxxx
2584, addict, xxxxx
4181, fanatic,


*,# and x are representing different 'star' icons.

Just an idea. I used it and it worked fine for me.


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Titles are better than sentences IMO.

Sentences should really be left to our Personal Text fields..


As for suggestions..

I think ranks should be in powers of 2...  originally I was going to suggest using the PHP Error notices.. but they aren't very catchy..

Possible titles (for any rank):





Problem Solver


PHP Freak

Good Potential

Pretty Helpful

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