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IE9 Buggered


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Around a month ago I got a new laptop and downloaded IE9 which worked perfectly.  However, any flash, animation or videos appear in the very top left and flickers like crazy.


This happens on every site from BBC through to YouTube.


Can anyone advise what I can do.  Someone at work suggested it maybe a Windows update.



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i would first try reinstalling...then if that fails I would do what nightslyr said....any one of the other suggested browsers are much faster and compatible than ie


I wish it was IE that was more compatible from the word go, probably what allot of the actual designers think too I would have thought.


Really beginning to dislike Microsoft even more now when going through some CSS tutorials, why do they have to make it such a pain?

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I would do a system restore from a point prior to when you had an issue. You could have malware, a virus, or some kind of trojan. My laptop got infected recently with some crap that posed as windows security center, basically screwing up all web browsers on the machine. This happened even with anti-virus, internet security in place.


Are you required to use IE or you just want to, and why?

I am not an IE user, however I will say that 9 is a massive improvement over the last bunch. If I had to use it I don't think I would be begrudged.


The IE argument is old & lame now!

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